July 13 2019 - Ratified

  • 13 Jul 2019 10:43 AM
    Message # 7778247
    Deleted user

    July 13th 2019 Agenda

    Start: 9:00 am

    End: 10:43 am

      I.          Call to Order by Secretary

    II.          Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary.

    1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
    2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
    Governing Officers
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
    • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary 
    • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Treasurer 

    Board Members

    1. Ellen Behrens, Phd, EACC Chair
    2. Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Dual Chair 
    3. Paul Callister, Past President
    4. Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair
    5. Anna Lieber, Graduate Student Chair
    6. Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, EXEC Chair
    7. Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor
    8. Dennis Tucker, LCSW, GBAB Chair
    9. Julie Tucker, LCMHC, PRMM Chair
    10. Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair
    List of Voting Members who are Absent. bv
    • Ellen Behrens, Phd, EACC Chair    
    •  Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Dual Chair 
    • Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Dual Chair 

    Do we have a Quorum, 5 voting members in attendance? YES

    III.          Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from June

    1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month
      1. Ratified
    2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
    3. Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Unfinished Business from Last Month & Related Votes

    1. Board nominee:  Jenn Zeuschner 
      1. Talk to Jenn Zeushner next month about position openings
    2. President-elect: Nominations/Discussion: Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., LCMHC (out until 1/2020), Dennis Tucker, LCSW 
      1. suggests that Carrie be nominated for committee chair
      2. Carrie would like to at least be dual chair for the committee

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1. Executive Committee
      1. Executive Committee did not meet in July. 
      2. New Projects or Concerns
      3. Update on Current Projects: Work on current projects continued. Tables and chairs were purchased. Internet service is in place.
        1. Went over budget by $34
      • Sandi Williams accepted award for UMHCA at AMHCA Conference
        • Picture to be placed on website
        • Tied with Michigan for the Award
      1. Items for Vote
      2. Budget Changes
      3. Suggestions from Board.
    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
      1. New Projects or Concerns
        1. Wanting to schedule committee meeting for this week
        2. BHWW meeting will be on July 31st
        3. Select Health will get back in touch to schedule another meeting
      2. Update on Current Projects: Rule 4-903 Comments
        1. No news as of yet
        2. Based off what was seen, it was generally positive
        3. No reason to believe that this will not be completed in November
        4. Waiting for final decision
      3. Items for Vote
      4. Budget Changes
      5. Suggestions from Board.
    3.  Education & Conference Committee (EACC)
      1. New Projects
      2. Update on Current Projects
        1. Fall Mini-Conference (September):
          1. Continue 2 hours Ethics and 2 hours Suicide training
          2. We want to ask Anna Lieber to do the suicide training and Janine Wanlass to do the ethics training.  Their evaluations from the Annual conference were very good!
          3. Host at Westminster in early-mid September (allows 2 weeks to email CE certificates before license renewals are due)
        2. Annual Conference (March)
    1. Timeline:

    August 1-Nov1 Post Call for Proposals on Website/Social Media. Include Save the date & booth rental Info

    Dec 1 – Dec 31 Committee selects presenters, builds schedule, and request CE from LMFT and UT-NASW

    Early January – Post Conference flyer and schedule on website and social media and do first Dopl email blast to all 3 professional associations

    February – Second dopl email blasts to all 3 professional association

    2.  Venue: Committee members agree to call a conference center and report to Ellen via email by July 8 pricing for the following:

    3.  Dates: any time in March, Friday 9-5; Saturday 9-12

    4.  Attendees: Target of 150-200 people

    5.  Venue Requirements:

    1. FR from 8-1, Banquet Hall for opening, keynote, and lunch catered by the venue (get buffet and brown bag pricing).
    2. Friday from 1-5, 4 rooms each holding 50-60.
    3. Saturday from 9-12, 3 rooms each holding 50-60
    4. AV support & projectors
    5. Registration space and vendor tables (guessing up to 12 vendors)
    6. Parking

    7. Water, Tea, Coffee and light snacks for check-in time and breaks

    6.  Budget: Pens & Pads, Venue, Dopl mailings (1 in Fall and 2 in winter for CMHC, LCSW, LMFT)

    3.  Dual-Chair for Committee: Carrie nominated for dual-chair

    4.  CE Applications for organizations that want to offer UMHCA approved CE: Ellen will draft the CE Application and Fee structure and will submit to Board for approval. Jim said website can support on line payments for CE application

    5. Items for vote.
    1. Caroline Graham for dual-chair.
      1. Discussion
        1. Can Dual-Chair be on another committee?
          1. Yes
        2. Dual-Chair will help with burnout
      2. Voted Unanimous
    2. CE Approval for Organizations (Forms provided)
      1. Waiting on a vote for Carrie or Ellen to be present
    1. Budget Changes
    2. Suggestions from Board

    5. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
      1. Budget for $1500 for room set-up, under by $400
      2. Total cost was about $1100
      3. Still looking for power-strip
      4. Gotomeetings have been scheduled up to December for board meetings
      5. When registered for meeting there will be a map for the building and a link for gotomeeting 
    3. Items for vote.
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board.
    1. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)
      1. New Projects.
        1. New member on Committee
      2. Update of progress.
        1. Leadership Conference
        2. Met with representative with Senator Romney and Lee's office about Medicare reimbursement
        3. Presented on the last day of the conference for about two and a half hours
        4. A ban on conversion therapy for individuals under the age of 18
        5. When legislation lot opens up, anything pertaining to the lot opens up to UMHCA as well
        6. Law opening up for portability
          1. allows for people coming in to Utah to be licensed if they meet the standards of the licensure
          2. other alternative if not immediately eligible to be licensed
        • Does this require you to be physically present in state or could it be something like telehealth?
        1. Essentials for Mental Health Counseling Profession has been given out by AMHCA
          • Does this include continuing education requirements?
        2. Two other nominations
          1. Ellen was nominated for counselor of the year
          2. Julie was nominated for counselor educator of the year
        3. Need a bigger presence in AMHCA
        4. Sandi Williams sent an email about how to beef up membership to the President of UMHCA to be analyzed in Executive Committee
          1. Life after graduation, Finding supervision, Testing, Exam Prep, etc. 
      3. Items for vote.
      4. Budget Changes.
      5. Suggestions from Board.
    2. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB)
      1. New Projects or Concerns
        1. PRMM's requested assignments: 
          1. Update Welcome letter - done 26Jun19
        2. GBAB blog submission
          1. How often? 
          2. Make year assignments now?
        3. Continual recruitment email for peer consultation group, 
          1. every three months
        4. Continual retention of members who have expressed interest in the committee
        5. Ideas: a) peer consultation break out session for conference? Could be an ethical CE. One model peer group vs multiple break outs, b)
        6. Of Future interest":
          1. Monthly CEU webinar on current events in mental health world
      2. Update on Current Projects
        1. Peer Consultation Group -
          1. The monthly meetings are being had
          2. The procedures are followed
          3. Areas for improvement:
            1. Dire need for better internet as we've consistently had problems seeming due to range limits.
            2. Attendance can improve, but not the focus till we get internet issue addressed
          4. Possible solutions:
            1. Better internet through: 
              1. Wifi range extender
              2. Move the group the the UMHCA office and use their wifi
            2. Attendance: improve the gotomeeting experience and they will come
              1. Then we can retain those once interested
              2. Then we can expand to others in UMHCA
      3. Items for Vote
      4. Budget Changes
      5. Suggestions from Board.
    3. Graduate Student Committee (GSC)
      1. New Projects or Concerns
      2. Update on Current Projects
        1. Last meeting on June 21st
        2. Looking at creating an UMHCA list for schools (online schools)
        3. Started a process on how to vet it
        4. Would like to extend out a scholarship for grad students, but it may be out of our purview
          1. requires more research
      3. Items for Vote
      4. Budget Changes
      5. Suggestions from Board.
    VI.    Business of Governing Officers.
      1. President
      2. Secretary: logistics and documentation
      3. Treasurer Report on Income and Expense
        1. July 13 - current balance Checking: $7,970.10. This time last month we had: $10,127.99
          1. Major monthly expenses:
            1. PRMM projector & equipment etc. -1,097.22
            2. UMHCA tables & chairs : -$739.48
          2. July 13 - current balance money market: $1,622.08
    1. Changes done to By-laws.
      1. Next step
    2. Nomination for Committee Chairs
      1. Completed in committee reports.

    VI Other Potential Issues

    1. Open to floor for discussion
    2. Any issues not already discussed above.
    VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting.

    Last modified: 10 Aug 2019 11:11 AM | Caroline Graham

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