EACC Minutes

  • 6 Aug 2024 9:00 AM | Kaitlin Longfellow (Administrator)

    Attendance: Jim M., Mai B., Adriana Z., Carlie H., Kaitlin L.

    Discussion Points: 

    • Fall Conference
    1. Need someone to help with registration day of. 
    2. Setting up support for an ADA request. Discussed requirement the paid interpreter is outside of UMHCA. Discussed Jim moving forward with meeting this request. 
    • Multicultural Symposium 
    1. Need presenters for the symposium. 
    2. The mode of presentation will determine how many presenters that can be in attendance. 
    3. Discussing financial options for the symposium. Proposed bringing these financial ideas to the board. Discussed concerns related to 5063c, possibly board and community concerns. 
    Symposium Call for Presenters Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/120ZdF8JKMD6vXlQnoO8p14oqQ_V7pPlNVEYAyQuroAo/edit
    • Action Items 
    1. Jim: Obtaining quotes for an interpreter for the ADA request, Jim will set up an interpreter. 
    2. JEDI: Will bring proposals to the board meeting regarding financial options for the multicultural symposium. 

    Next Meeting: September 3rd at 9am. 

  • 8 Jul 2024 9:00 AM | Kaitlin Longfellow (Administrator)

    Attendance: Jim M., Mai B., Adriana Z., Carlie H., Kaitlin L.

    Discussion Points: 

    • Spring Conference Planning
    1. Need to decide on a venue
    2. Need to find caterers 
    • Planning Multicultural Symposium 
    1. Need to decide on a venue, discussed options to partner with sister associations for a venue. 
    2. Call for presenters, application deadline for presenters is September 13, 2024.
    3. Number of presenters will depend on our platform options. 
    Symposium Call for Presenters Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/120ZdF8JKMD6vXlQnoO8p14oqQ_V7pPlNVEYAyQuroAo/edit
    • Fall Conference Planning 
    1. Only item left is ethics panel, will decide by Aug. 6th at next meeting. 
    2. Will ask if DOPL is willing to panel. 

    Action Items: 

    • Mai Nguyen Blanchard, LMFT is presenting at the Brown Bag Event this Thursday July 11th on "Working with BIPOC clients and Racial Healing". 
    • EACC Needs a Handbook, Carlie is working on creating one. 
    • Need to add a "Questions for DOPL" questions for the Fall Conference registration form.

    Next Meeting: August 6, 2024 at 9AM. 

  • 12 Jun 2019 9:49 PM | Anonymous

    Education and Conference Committee Meeting

    June 12, 2019

    Jordan Briggs, Jim Macedone, Bryce Poorman, Carrie Graham, Ellen Behrens

     Fall Mini-Conference (September):

    Continue 2 hours Ethics and 2 hours Suicide training

    Ask Anna Lieber to do the suicide training

    Ask  Janine Wanlass to do the ethics training

    Host at Westminster in early-mid September (allows 2 weeks to email CE certificates)

    Annual Conference (March)


    August 1-Nov1    Post Call for Proposals on Website/Social Media.  Include Save the date & booth rental Info

    Dec 1 – Dec 31  Committee selects presenters, builds schedule, and file for CE from LMFT and UT-NASW

    Early January – Post Conference flyer and schedule on website and social media and do first Dopl email blast to all 3 professional associations

    February – Second dopl email blasts to all 3 professional associations

    Venue :

    Committee members will each call a conference center and report to Ellen via email by July 8 pricing for the following:

    Dates: any time in March, Friday 9-5 and  Saturday 9-12

    Attendees:  150-200 people

    Venue Requirements:

    • 1.       FR from 8-1, Banquet Hall for opening, keynote, and lunch catered by the venue (get buffet and brown bag pricing). 
    • 2.       Friday from 1-5, 4 rooms each holding 50-60.
    • 3.       Saturday from 9-12, 3 rooms each holding 50-60
    • 4.       AV support & projectors
    • 5.        Registration space and vendor tables  (guessing up to 12 vendors)
    • 6.       Parking
    • 7.       Water, Tea, Coffee and light snacks for check-in time and breaks

    Budget:  Pens & Pads, Venue, Dopl mailings (1 in Fall and  2 in  winter for CMHC, LCSW, LMFT)

    Co-Chair for Committee

    Carrie nominated for co-chair

    CE Approval Applications

    Ellen will draft the CE Application and Fee structure and will submit to Board for approval. 

    Jim said website can support on line payments for CE applications


  • 9 Jan 2019 8:27 PM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)
    Attendance:  Ellen Behrens, Jim Macedone, Paul Callister, Jordan Briggs, Carrie Graham, Bryce Poorman, Bek Backman, Sarah Nelson
    1. Approve Conference Facilities
      1. 4 rooms (capacity 93,93,40,40) plus auditorium (capacity 175).  
      2. Fees $750 plus auditorium tbd.  Includes AV
      3. Cap attedance at 175 for now
      4. Approved Jim's map of facilities
      5. Rooms have VGA and HDMI connections.  Presenters will need to sue those.  We will have 4 available, one for each room, but its best that presenters bring their own to ensure "connections".
    2. Approve Jim”s video/slide to show during conference
      1. Viewed the slide show and approved it.
    3. Approve Conference Program:
      1. Viewed Program and approved it
      2. Westminster agreed to sponsor the conference programs ($200 donation)
      3. Agreed to recommend that we purchase colored pencils. 
        1. Ellen and Paul will invite university sponsors to pay for pencils..

    4. Tentative Schedule:


    Bryce will review it and revise if there are "bugs".

    5. Presenters:  

    22 needed (could go up to 25)

    11 confirmed presenters; 6 invited; Ellen will "invite" board members.



     Committee members agreed to invite 1-2 presenters in the next week. We want to secure invited presentations by end of January.  At that point, we will begin a social media blast announcing our presenters and conference. A sample email invitation was provided.  And an online doc to log presentations was shared.

    Ellen will email all presenters in Feb to notify them of their time slot, remind them to submit their slides by March 5 as well as to bring a laptop with connectors (or advise us if they will need a VGA or HDMI connector).  

    Jim will email all participants their certificate of CEs after the conference.  

    6. Snacks/ drinks: 

    Jordan volunteered to purchase and manage drinks and snacks for the conference.  We will ask Julie for some volunteers to help with snacks.

    7. Approve Friday lunch:  

    Terri has confirmed Apple Spice Junction will deliver.  Lunch = $8.99.  Options: Turkey, Chicken Salad, Veggie.  Badges will have a code on them noting the selection made via registration form.

    8.  Discussed use of code words for conference attendance verification.

    We noted that the beta test of the code word system was problematic at the Fall mini-conference.  Some participants became quite irritated with the process, due to operator errors, confusion over code words, variability in devices, internet connection problems. Jim needed to manage some of those issues via individual emails and manually keying hours.  Our concern is that these issues will increase 20 fold, given that we will not only have 2 sessions, but 22 sessions.  We recognize the need to keep attendance though.   We therefore agreed that instead, we will have "Hosts" in each session who will ensure all attendees sign in to the session.  During the session the Host will log onto a SurveyMonkey account to type in the attendees.  The Host will also help should issues arise with AV or the room.  

    9.  We scheduled a pre-conference GotoMeeting, for all committee members, Julie, and the PRMM on Wednesday, March 13 at 8:30 PM.  At that time we will review the procedures, roles, and schedule.  

  • 6 Nov 2018 9:54 PM | UMHCA _Administrator (Administrator)

    11/2/18  10:00 am  

    Present:  Paul Callister, Ellen Behrens, Rebekka Brochtrup, Jordan Briggs.

    We discussed and prepared the following:

    Proposal for Board Vote

    Seeking authorization for up to $600 to do 2 separate mailings: 1 mailing in November for Call for Papers/Save the Date and 1 mailing in January for Conference Registration.  We plan to do mailings to CMHCs first.  If responses are low on either CMHC mailing, we would send to LCSWs

    Conference fees (Friday lunch included)

    • $170 Member (Full Conference)
    • $115 Member (Half Conference)
    • $205 Non-Member (Full Conference)
    • $150 Non-Member (Half Conference)
    • $95 students

    Presenters Free

    Early Bird will be $30 less than each above noted fee and will expire 45 days prior to conference.

    Updates about the Annual Conference

    Date:  March 15-16

    Location:  University of Utah (specific location TBD; Dr. Dorn is helping with arrangements)

    Lunch included in fee and provided on site

    150 attendees anticipated

    A newly revised Call for Proposals is posted on the website. 

    Proposals will be due by 1/15/2019

    Plan for at least 4, preferably 5 sessions per time slot.

    Gray Otis will be our keynote speaker.  

    In addition to the proposals submitted online, the committee will invite experts to present on salient counseling topics such as professional counseling identity; counseling ethics; suicide training; clinical training sessions (e.g., EFT).

    For each session, there will be at least 1 licensed mental health therapist presenter.

    We plan to email a Call for Proposals/Save the Date announcement ASAP

    We plan to email a registration announcement in January.

  • 9 Oct 2018 8:10 PM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    1. Summarize feedback from Fall Mini-conference in terms of "lessons learned" for Annual Conference Planning


    • Limit time to people who monopolize time
    • IPI: need more involvement from the panel, less from main speaker

    2.  UMHCA annual conference Planning

    Location:  Not Argosy nor U of P.  U of U or WC?  Costs?

    • Westminster will be Fall conference
    • UofU will be Annual Conference

    Dates:  April or May?

    March 22-23, but checking on UofU availability with Uma (Ellen will check)

    Theme?:  ACA and AMHCA don't use themes

    • Want to do a theme-less conference or focusing on "clinical practice."
    • Paul suggested we do a separate conference on Emotion-focused Therapy (EFT) or emotionally-focused couples therapy. Paul has a connection for guest speakers. Possibly a pre-conference? It is a two-day presentation. We would be sharing some of the revenue with NASW if we went this direction. Ellen asked for a cost estimate. Possibly in May and promoting it at the annual conference.

    Call for Proposals posted soon?

    • Require that one presenter is a fully-licensed clinician so that every session can be available for CE Hours.
    • Deadline January 15, 2019. Sent to DOPL lists (LCSW and CMHCs)


    -Keynote?  Such as Gray or Uma?

    -Presenter Qualifications:  at least 1 fully licensed mental health therapist.

    -Proposals due 2 or 3 months prior?

    -Slides due 2 weeks prior and uploaded on website?

    Other business

    • Definite schedule for meetings: First Friday at 10:00am
  • 20 Jun 2018 7:27 PM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    Meeting called to order

    1. Approve committee's annual budget to submit for a vote at next Board meeting

    • Conference printing $300-$400 (per conference)
    • Conference Name Badges $25 (per conference)
    • Purchase of DOPL list for advertising conference $106 ($52 per conference)
    • Facebook promotions $400 ($200 per conference)
    • Plaque for the annual conference - for Special awards. Each wooden personalized plaque costs about $50.  Budget for 2 (One for an outstanding member, one for a student).
    • Swag for annual conference : pen with UMHCA logo, pad of paper, pocket folder?  Just ideas, I"m fine with anything.  Here's costs:
      • Pocket Folders:  100 = $30.00 ($90 for two conferences)
      • Pads of Paper:  100 = $85.00 
      • Pens with Logo 150 = $100 (smallest order is 150)
      • https://www.pens.com/site/products/PCT?promo=FREE&st-t=google_pla_&vt-k=%7BKeyword%7D&vt-mt=%7BBidMatchType%7D&product_id=PCT&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_campaign=**Shopping+-+Product+Listing+Ads*&utm_adgroup=**Shopping+-+Product+Listing+Ads*+ad+group&matchtype=&mkwid=sqR1yEqwe_dc|pcrid|64769492821|pkw||pmt|&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoqeov7Xh2wIVjMJkCh2OqQmDEAQYAiABEgIHsvD_BwE 
      • Printing Total: $1700
      • Snacks: $600 (x2 conferences) = $1200
      • Cups/Mugs: (Qty: 288) - $2.49 = $717.12 ($800)
      • Food can be included in registration
    TOTAL budget for YEAR: $3700 ($3670 actual)

    Do we want to do a thank you for keynote speakers? Gift bag? Acknowledgement on the website for their effort?
    Thank You budget = $100

    2. Planning for Fall conference

    Only 2 DOPL board members will be able to present (due to conflict in schedules), but we won't reschedule b/c its too late given the site and IPI presenter's schedules.  

    Lunch pre-purchased online.

    • Website Registration (Registration plus membership promotion)
    • Marketing to LCSW, MFT too? Kristin will check into the cost here.
    • Other logistics such as snacks, handouts, volunteers - Terri is delegated to follow this. Deadline is one week from now (6/27/2018)
    • Jim will register the board members
    • Add a link to the home page for the Fall Conference

    3. Planning for Annual Conference - postponed to next committee meeting

    • Need to select a theme?
    • Issue a call for presentations soon?
    • Use a keynote?

    4.  Discuss providing presenters/presenting agencies CMHC CE approval, overseen by our committee? (Long-term idea) - to be discussed next meeting

    5. Paul suggested to change the meeting time to a little earlier - He will do a google Doodle to collect data on when people are available.

  • 30 May 2018 7:59 PM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    Attending: Ellen, Kristin, Terri, Jim

    Discussed Honors society and what qualifies for being in the honors society. Ellen stated that the honors society is a designation and prerequisite for attaining that status and cords at graduation.

    Proposed changes:

    • Considering shortening the length of required membership to one year. 
    • Use the honors society as a recruitment tool.
    The tracking, awarding, signing, delivering of honors kits needs to be as streamlined as possible. The logistics involved (cords, certificates, delivery) requires many hours of preparation time.

    Recruitment would be included on the letter to the students inviting the students to join committee(s) of UMHCA. Someone on the ECGS committee would be designated to invite them to the next meeting. This is possibly delegated to Kristin.

    Conference discussion:
    • Cost will be $30 for members in early bird registration; $40 one month before the conference
    • Likewise, cost for students is $15/$20.
    • Ethics panel will be 2 hours, IPI panel will be 2 hours for a total of 4 credit hours.
    • The marketing team will present logos and accompanying artwork for the conference soon.

    • Have UMHCA members attend graduation
    Next meeting will be  June 20, 2018; the third Wednesday of every month.

Utah Mental Health Counselors Association is Utah's hub for enhancing the profession of mental health counselors.
UMHCA is a 501(c)6 organization.

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