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  • 7 Jan 2025 7:26 AM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    Differential diagnosis for certain symptoms related to mood, anxiety, and eating behaviors can often be challenging to determine. The Evidence Based Treatment Centers of Seattle (EBTCS) is conducting a research study exploring whether symptom characteristics influence clinicians’ diagnostic impressions and treatment recommendations for several mental health conditions. Our hope is that data collected from this study will help us learn more about the reliability of clinicians’ diagnostic impressions for certain disorders, which in turn may inform efforts for clinician training and the refinement of psychiatric diagnostic systems.

    Study participation involves completing an online survey via SurveyMonkey. Most individuals take between 10-15 minutes to complete the survey. All data is completely anonymous. Names or other unique identifiers are not collected in connection with study data.  

    The study procedures include: (1) providing demographic data and information about work settings and activities, and (2) reading two clinical vignettes and providing diagnostic impressions and treatment recommendations for each vignette.

    Risks for participating in the study are minimal. Participants can choose to enter a drawing with the chance to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards. The drawing will take place once data collection has been completed.

    Interested licensed mental health professionals can click below to be taken to the study consent form and survey, or can contact Ariel Ravid, PhD,


    Survey Password: Study2024 

    Thank you for considering participating in this study! 

    Ariel Ravid, PhD and Travis Osborne, PhD 

    Co-Directors of Research  

    Evidence Based Treatment Centers of Seattle (EBTCS)

  • 16 Dec 2024 1:05 PM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    The Utah Office of the Legislative Auditor General is conducting a performance audit of the behavioral health workforce in Utah. To document provider feedback and insights on the workforce, we have created a short survey for professional association members to complete. The survey is anonymous and asks questions about challenges and successes within the workforce. We hope you will participate in the survey and share your insights on the mental health counselor profession in Utah. Below is the link to the UMHCA survey. If you are able, please complete the survey by 12/23. Thank you!

    Please do not hesitate to reach out to McKenzie Cantlon at if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to your participation.


    McKenzie Cantlon

    Lead Performance Auditor | Utah State Legislature

    Icon Description automatically generated

    Mobile 716-698-3490

    Office 801-538-1033

    Icon Description automatically generated

    Icon Description automatically generated

    W315 State Capitol Complex

    Salt Lake City, UT 84114

  • 21 Nov 2024 7:47 AM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    My name is Kyler Lehrbach and I am a doctoral candidate at Temple University working with Philip Kendall, PhD. We are currently looking for mental health service providers to participate in a dissertation project. 

    My study is examining the decision making of mental health service providers regarding accepting health insurance. Our hope is that findings improve insurance reimbursement rates for mental health services. 

    The survey is available at this link:

    The survey will take less than 20 minutes to complete, all responses will be keptconfidential and used solely for research purposes, and participants will be compensated $5 for their time.

    Eligible participants are those who:

    • practice under a license of LCSW/LMSW/LICSW, LMFT, LPC, LMHC, or PhD/PsyD

    • work in private practice

    • see at least 50% of clients out-of-network (i.e., do not accept insurance for the majority of their caseload)

    • conduct 10 hours of client facing therapy per week

    • see individual clients for 50% or more of their caseload

    • have the ability to decide whether they accept insurance for their clinical work

    If you require any further information about the study or the survey, please do not hesitate to contact me at This study had been approved by Temple University IRB (#31833). Additionally, if you would like to receive a summary of the study findings once they are available, we would be more than happy to provide that to you.

  • 12 Nov 2024 8:59 AM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    My name is Ellen Dotas, and I am a doctoral candidate at James Madison University in Counseling and Supervision. I am currently seeking participants for a research study that focuses on crisis counselor burnout and self-efficacy. I am doing two studies. One is a quantitative study that explores these issues and also looks at whether someone had any prior training in crisis intervention before they started working in that field. The IRB Protocol number through James Madison University is IRB-FY25-309.

    Eligible participants will be counselors who:

    ·       have a master’s or doctoral degree in counseling, and

    ·       work or (have worked within the past two years) in a crisis counseling position in a hospital emergency department or on a community mental health agency crisis team.

    The second study involves an interview. I am looking for several counselors who, after completing the initial surveys, might then be willing to participate in a virtual interview that explores the lived experiences of counselors who work in hospital emergency departments. Counselors who work in this role have a very important place in mental health support for communities. They have often been underrepresented in research. This study aims to focus on their lived experiences and the challenges and rewards of that work.

    If you, or someone you know, is interested in participating in this study/studies and meet the above criteria, please follow this link:

    Follow this link to the Survey:

    You will then be redirected to the demographic page, consent form, and survey questions. It will take approximately 30 minutes or less to complete.

    For those who would then be interested in participating in the qualitative interview, at the end of the survey is a question about participating in that study. If you would like to participate in a one-time virtual interview to share your experience in this area, please complete the last question and I will then follow up to schedule a time to talk and will send appropriate consent for at that time. The interview will take approximately 45-60 minutes. You may withdraw from participation at any time in the interview without penalty. Participants who withdraw will also be allowed to ask that any recordings be deleted. I am very interested in the experiences and perspectives of those who have done this work. The IRB number for that study is: IRB-FY25-234.

    I hope you will consider participating in this research. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

    Thank you for your consideration,

    Ellen R. Dotas, LPC, MEd

  • 30 Oct 2024 2:58 PM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    My name is Kyler Lehrbach and I am a PhD student in clinical psychology at Temple University under Dr. Philip Kendall. I am currently looking for mental health service providers to participate in my dissertation project.

    My study is examining the decision making of mental health service providers regarding accepting health insurance. Our hope is that findings improve insurance reimbursement rates for mental health services.

    I have attached information about the survey (i.e., text describing the study and including the survey link). In short, I am looking for licensed mental health service providers who do not accept insurance for the majority of their caseload to fill out a survey that will take less than 20 minutes to complete. All responses will be kept confidential and used solely for research purposes. Participants will be compensated $5 for their time.

  • 27 Sep 2024 10:14 AM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    “Are you a mental health professional-in-training in the USA or a mental health professional working in the USA?

    We are looking for mental health professionals-in-training in the USA and mental health professionals working in the USA to complete a 15–20-minute online survey about their training and experiences in delivering e-therapy.

    We are interested in hearing from both those who do and do not use e-therapy.

    Be entered to win 1 of 20 $25 USD Amazon gift cards for your participation.

    Follow the link below or scan the QR code for more information or to participate!

    You can reach us at (506) 458-7924 or

    Principal Investigator: Emma Giberson (UNB)

    Supervisor: Dr. Janine Olthuis (UNB)

    REB#: 2024-070”


    Emma Giberson (She/Her) | BSc (Hons), MAPRE

    PhD Clinical Psychology Graduate Student

    University of New Brunswick | Fredericton Campus

    Room 16B, Keirstead Hall

  • 16 Feb 2024 8:56 AM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    Counselors and Cybersecurity Technology Acceptance and Use – Doctoral Dissertation Study Invitation

    You are invited to participate in my doctoral dissertation study entitled “Counselors and Cybersecurity Technology Acceptance and Use.”

    The University of the Cumberlands Institutional Review Board has provided approval for this study.

    This study aims to examine the motivational constructs that predict cybersecurity technology acceptance and use among Licensed Professional Counselors (and equivalent). Much of the healthcare industry's cybersecurity research focuses on large healthcare systems, such as hospitals or state-run healthcare organizations; almost none have focused on the cybersecurity practices of mental health professionals. It is hoped that the results of this study will help LPCs safeguard themselves, their clients, and their practices against cybersecurity threats. 

    You may participate in this study if you are:

    • At least 18 years of age. 
    • A Master’s or Ph.D.-level graduate, or current resident, of a CACREP-accredited counseling program. 
    • Currently working as a Licensed Professional Counselor (or equivalent) within the United States. 

    This study uses an anonymous survey that is expected to take 5-15 minutes to complete. No personally identifiable information will be collected by the study, your answers will not be shared with anyone, and the researcher will not contact you about your answers. Participation is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw from the study at any time.

    If you would like to participate, please click the link below:

    Jeff Yeutter

  • 1 Feb 2024 2:38 PM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    Ideas for Black History Month from Cultures Connecting:

    In addition to honoring the past, Black history month is also about the present. Here are some ideas for Black History Month:

    In Our Communities

    At Work

    At School


    Honoring the Past and Building the Future with Cultur X

    "The world started to show that this is really needed...what's happening across the country, trying to covertly just kind of remove [Black] history that happened and wash over it and it was like, no. it's our history. It's our responsibility to tell ourselves what happened, where we were at, where we're at presently, and where we can go...The mission essentially is honor the past, build the future, create legacy. "

    In celebration of Black History Month, we are bringing you an interview with Ché and Brea Davis, co-founders of Cultur X, conducted by Jerod Grant, former Cultures Connecting consultant.

    Cultur X is a social impact fashion brand pushing Black culture forward. They do this by embedding QR Codes in their designs that link people with the stories of Black cultural icons and legends, with the goal of fostering a strong sense of identity and pride among its wearers. Ché sees Cultur X as a movement, aiming to inspire action by weaving storytelling, history, and social impact into every piece.

    Watch the interview below to hear the inspiring story of Cultur X's origin.


    Final Call: Equity Leaders Workshop

    Equity leaders workshop with date, time and location.

    Our Equity Leaders workshop is next week! If you are leading DEIBelonging efforts, this workshop is an opportunity to share strategies, problem solve, and network.

    Date: February 8th & 9th

    Time: 8:30am - 12:00pm PST

    Location: Virtual

    Ticket sales end Monday. Register today!

    Learn More & Register
    List of February Diversity Dates

    It's the first of the month which means looking at the dates from our Diversity Calendar. Want your own copy of the calendar? You can download it here.

    • 01-02: Imbolc (Neo-Pagan)
    • 03: Setsubun-sai (Shinto)
    • 10: Tết (Vietnam)
    • 10: Lunar New Year (Asia)
    • 14: Valentine's Day (International)
    • 14: Ash Wednesday (Christian)
    • 14-31: Lenten Season (Christian)
    • 19: Day of Remembrance (Japanese Incarceration) (U.S.)
    Happy Lunar New Year with Wood Dragon illustration

    February 10th is Lunar New Year, which is celebrated across Asia including China, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, and Vietnam. 

    2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon which symbolizes boldness, expansion, creativity, and energy.

    Many people call this holiday Chinese New Year but it is celebrated all over Asia. "Lunar New Year" should be used in lieu of "Chinese New Year" as a more inclusive term.

    From the Margins art images and dates.

    Judy Lee, our Support & Projects Manager, is curating an art exhibition in February on the theme "From the Margins" at the Fishbowl, a QTBIPOC artists gallery and studios in Seattle.

    The show features 19 artists and is centered on marginalized voices to make conscious and visible their experiences.

    The Opening Reception is on Friday, 2/2 at 5-8pm at 323 2nd Ave W. in Uptown. The Closing + Artist Talk (moderated by Judy) will be on 2/23 at 6-8pm.

    social justice deib calendar with clock

    Upcoming DEIB/Social Justice Events

    For details on these and other events, workshops and conferences, visit our Events Calendar. If you have an event you would like us to share, please reach out to us!

    • 2/01: Alianza Americas: Contextualizing the Migrant Narrative
    • 2/01: Leadership for Democracy and Social Justice Lecture Series
    • 2/01: Have You Eaten AANHPI Group Art Show Opening
    • 2/01: Always Prepared-Building the Road for Equality
    • 2/01: Black History Month Film "Agents of Change"*
    • 2/01: NAMI LGBTQ+ Support Group (Weekly)
    • 2/02: From the Margins Group Art Show
    • 2/03: Wing Luke Museum Lunar New Year
    • 2/04: Nice Racism Online Book Group
    • 2/04: Breaking White Silence: Working for White Literacy
    • 2/05: The Sum of Us: How Racism Hurts Everyone
    • 2/07: Tamara Payne: The Life and Legacy of Malcom X
    • 2/06: Untold APIDA Joy: Celebrating Lunar New Year in K-12
    • 2/08: Cultures Connecting Equity Leaders Workshop
    • 2/08: White Women in Nonprofits Cohort
    • 2/08: CARW Monthly Connection Circle
    • 2/09: Ijeoma Oluo with Michele Storms
    • 2/10: A Black History Month Poetry Slam
    • 2/10: Have You Eaten Lunar New Year Festival
    • 2/11: Aware-LA: Unmasking Whiteness
    • 2/13: NAMI BIPOC Support Group
    • 2/15: SURJ Abolition Action Hour
    • 2/15: Community-Driven Planning in Action-Voices from the Field
    • 2/15: The Tender Work: Acknowledging White Responsibility
    • 2/15: Peace Peloton Columbia City Gras Night Market
    • 2/15: Black History Month Keynote with Dr. Doretha Williams

    ...and more!

  • 27 Sep 2023 10:43 AM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    We are thrilled to announce the release of three new valuable resources to enhance mental health support for Spanish-speaking communities:

    • Culture, Community, and Connection: 2023 BIPOC Mental Health Toolkit - The BIPOC Mental Health Month campaign and toolkit were designed to provide culturally responsive mental health information to highlight three core pillars of culture, community, and connection and how integral they are to BIPOC communities. The toolkit includes factsheets, worksheets, shareable images, and more that can aid community discussion and guide individuals to helpful resources.
    • New Mental Health Resources Hub in Spanish: Our Spanish-language resources hub provides a comprehensive collection of mental health materials to assist individuals, families, and others in accessing valuable mental health resources for the Spanish-speaking community.

    We invite you to download our campaign materials, explore the resources on our website, and share them within your communities. Together, we can foster mental health awareness and support for all.

    -Posted from Mental Health America

  • 10 Jun 2023 9:23 AM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    Something historic just happened.

    In a groundbreaking development, UMHCA proudly announces the formation of its Multicultural Team, a dynamic and dedicated group committed to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the organization and beyond. This bold step reflects UMHCA's unwavering commitment to embracing and celebrating a multicultural presence, recognizing the immense value that multiculturalism brings to innovation, collaboration, and our overall organizational success.

    Led by visionary Adriana C. Zarate, the Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee will spearhead transformative efforts across UMHCA's efforts. Their primary focus will be to ensure equitable representation, amplify underrepresented voices, and implement inclusive policies that create an environment where all employees thrive and feel empowered to contribute their unique perspectives.

    Our significant investment in DEI reaffirms UMHCA's dedication to creating an environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds can flourish, leveraging their varied experiences to drive innovation, creativity, and competence. With the formation of this new committee, UMHCA boldly stands at the forefront of embracing the transformative power of diversity and leading the way towards a more equitable and inclusive future for all.

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