>Community Resources will have their own break out rooms that symposium attendees can cruise through at their discretion for the lunch hour.
-Rochelle is going to reach out to Allison Shaw to present.
Members present: Kristal J., Jim M., Mai B., Adriana Z., Carlie H., Francesca S., Laurie S., Juancarlos S.
Discussion Points:
-Immigration Evaluation Certification
-Juancarlos reach out to his contact for more information, possibly for a Brown Bag?
-Multicultural Symposium
-Discussed tentative schedule
-Reach out to Trinh Mai for Keynote presentation (Juancarlos tasked on this)
-Change Sponsor panel to Lunch hour
-Make 1:00 more clinical presentations
-Make 11:00 and 1:00 clinical presentations as breakouts, emphasizing to invited presenters that they will use an allotted time to present content and majority of the time will be focused on collaboration with clinicians attending the breakout.
-Create messaging structure for when we call for speakers. (To do in next meeting)
-JEDI Chat
-Mai created JEDI workspace/chat
-Contains shared Drive files, task list, and chat space
Next meeting: 7/3 @10am via Google Meet
JED&I Meeting Minutes 5/8/24 @ 9am via Google Meet
Members present: Mai B., Adriana Z., Jim M., Kristal J., Gregory N., Juancarlos S., Carlie H., Francesca S., Marcia L., Laurie S.,
--Introductions (Mai, Adriana, Jim, Carlie, Kristal)
--Multicultural Symposium*(name subject to change) Planning:
>Going fully virtual due to financial reasons.
>Making this an annual event.
>Propose to the board as a pilot.
>Symposium* focusing more on application clinically/on a community level, rather than education (Addressing community issues together such as DV, Spanish speaking sessions/Spanish clinical terms, Participatory Action Research)
>Create sign up sheet for help with planning the Symposium* and DOPL Proposal (MAI)
--Next meeting 6/5/24 @ 10am via Google Meet
--Links shared during the meeting: Possible collaborations?
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