MACC Minutes

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  • 22 Jan 2025 10:24 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee Meeting Minutes
    Via google meet @9am, 1/22/25
    Members Present:Mai B., Carlie H., Adriana Z., Monique W., Rochelle M., Francesca S., Bobbi D., 
    -Board update: Moving forward with Self-Care Social (5/29 5pm-6:30pm at SLCC after the first day of Spring Conference)

    -Brain Storm: If you were to walk into a Self-Care Social, what would that look like for you?
    --Interactive, take home, applicable with clients, activity tables, connection, take off our therapy hats, space to unwind, quiet room, sensory details, Case consultation, Resources or tools for clients, casual comfortable, sign in table, peer support circles,Coffee & Dessert BarSet up a gourmet coffee station with specialty drinks and pastries.
    --Provide conversation starters focusing on self-care tips and strategies,
    --Massage & Relaxation Zone
    --Hire massage therapists for quick chair massages: Offer cozy spaces with blankets, soft lighting, and quiet music.
    --Photo Booth with Props: Create a photo booth with fun props related to mental health, like signs saying, "Therapists Need Therapy Too."
    --Plant Therapy: Provide mini succulents or small plants that participants can decorate and take home.
    --Movement Breaks: Offer a choice of low-impact movement classes like Zumba, tai chi, or gentle stretching.
    --Improv or Laughter Yoga: Hire a professional to guide a session that encourages laughter and playfulness.
    --Art activities
    --Mural with everyone's contribution

    --Self Care Social Structure: (1) Main foyer: Connection Room (Food, activities, Photo booth). (2) Energy Room: Massages, sound bath, meditation. (3) (4)

    --Peer support circles be moved to Spring Conference agenda instead of the social?

    -Budget: Extra food? 

  • 18 Dec 2024 9:47 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee Meeting Minutes
    12/18/24 @9 am via google meet
    Members Present: Jim M., Monique W., Adriana Z., Mai B., Carlie H., Juancarlos S., 

    Gala details: 
    - Perhaps a social instead on the night of the first day of Spring Conference 2025. 
    - Skip the masquerade theme?
    - How to motivate people to come to the social 
    - Minigames during the day at the conference, redemption at the social. 
    - Vendor/activity table Scavenger hunt?
    - Each committee providing an avtivity related to self care.
    - Mindfulness session during dinner? Dance?

    Next meeting: Jan. 22, @9am via google meet

  • 20 Nov 2024 10:02 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    11/20/24 @9am via Google Meet
    Members Present: Mai B., Adriana Z., Carlie H., Monique W., Hollie E., Rochelle M., Bobbi D., Francesca S., 

    Create a JED&I resource portfolio

    Propose to board a Self Care Gala. Free or pay for tickets? Silent Auction and what is that money for? To break even for hosting the gala?

    2 new JED&I positions: Member Outreach (Monique W. and Rochelle M.) and Community/Resource Outreach (Francesca S.)

    Another new position: Public Relations Designer (Bobbi D.)

    Mai- Let Jim know who has attended 6 meetings so they get CEUs for participating.

    Next meeting 12/18/24 at 9am
  • 23 Oct 2024 9:37 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee Meeting Minutes
    Members Present:Adriana Z., Mai B., Rochelle M.

    -Check in

    -Discussed ideas for Gala: Self care tables, each committee taking a table and coordinating an activity, reach out to local businesses to host activities (bookmark making, dried flower art, jewelry making, tiny tattoos, soap making, candle making, etc), ticket fees to help with cost for food and activities, mask making station.
    -Theme: Masquerade

    -Next meeting November 6, 2024 @9am
  • 2 Oct 2024 10:02 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee Meeting Minutes
    10/2/24 @9am via google meet
    Members Present: Mai B., Adriana Z., Jim M., Tage M., Hollie E., Franscesca S., Monique W., Juancarlos S., Carlie H., 
    -Introductions for new members.

    -Franscesca update on Community resources, 4 orgs need reaching out to as they have not responded. Tasked to Mai.

    -Trial run through Zoom breakout rooms.
  • 4 Sep 2024 10:43 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee Meeting Minutes
    9/4/24 @10am via google meet
    Members Present:Mai B., Jim M., Carlie H., Rochelle M., Francesca S.,

    -Francesca will create a sheet of expectations and directions for community resources and send that out to them before September 15th. 

    >Community Resources will have their own break out rooms that symposium attendees can cruise through at their discretion for the lunch hour.

    -Rochelle is going to reach out to Allison Shaw to present.

    -Adriana is our Keynote speaker for the Symposium.

    -Jim create a Zoom link for the Symposium. 

    -Next meeting: JEDI Meeting
    Wednesday, October 2 · 9:00 – 9:30am
    Time zone: America/Denver
    Google Meet joining info
    Video call link:
    Or dial: ‪(US) +1 267-553-4589‬ PIN: ‪585 420 914‬#
    More phone numbers:
  • 7 Aug 2024 11:01 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee Meeting Minutes
    8/7/2024 via google meet @10am
    Members Present: Jim M., Adriana Z., Mai B., Carlie H., Marcia L., Laurie J.
    - Only have two presenter proposals submitted so far; need to bring in more proposals for presenters and community resources.
    - DOPL update: They haven't been responsive due to the restructuring of DOPL. Jim reached out to other contacts; DOPL project still in progress. Not a good time for our proposal at the moment due to the restructuring of the boards. Pausing on this project.
    -Items to bring to the board meeting on Saturday: Proposal for paying presenters at the Multicultural Symposium. Post meetings on UMHCA calendar monthly. Discuss the cost of bringing in interpreters to the Symposium or doing closed captions. 
    -Budget proposal: $5,000 for Spring Resource Fair

    Next meeting is Aug. 7th at 10 AM
    -Link for the practice Zoom run 8/13
    -Link to the Presenter Proposal form:
  • 3 Jul 2024 12:21 PM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee Meeting Minutes
    7/3/2024 via google meet @10am
    Members Present: Jim M., Adriana Z., Mai B., Carlie H., Franscesca S. 
    - Create welcome letter for new members to include all JEDI links and resources. Create an inclusive and inviting space for all members.
    **Mai will send out Google Chat overview to help members navigate it. 

    - Clarifying the difference between Community Resources VS Sponsors. 
    > Advertise them differently.
    > Create different invitations for the both of them.
    **Jim will be creating invitations that we (members) can easily send out to invite Community Resources. Draft is posted on the chat.

    -Need to invite presentors **Next meeting we will discuss the structure for inviting presentors; i.e. what we expect of them, what kind of content we are looking for.

    Next meeting is Aug. 7th at 10 AM
  • 5 Jun 2024 11:30 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Members present: Kristal J., Jim M., Mai B., Adriana Z., Carlie H., Francesca S., Laurie S., Juancarlos S.

    Discussion Points:

    -Immigration Evaluation Certification

    -Juancarlos reach out to his contact for more information, possibly for a Brown Bag?

    -Multicultural Symposium

    -Discussed tentative schedule

    -Reach out to Trinh Mai for Keynote presentation (Juancarlos tasked on this)

    -Change Sponsor panel to Lunch hour

    -Make 1:00 more clinical presentations

    -Make 11:00 and 1:00 clinical presentations as breakouts, emphasizing to invited presenters that they will use an allotted time to present content and majority of the time will be focused on collaboration with clinicians attending the breakout.

    -Create messaging structure for when we call for speakers. (To do in next meeting)

    -JEDI Chat

    -Mai created JEDI workspace/chat

    -Contains shared Drive files, task list, and chat space

    Next meeting: 7/3 @10am via Google Meet

  • 8 May 2024 9:23 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    JED&I Meeting Minutes 5/8/24 @ 9am via Google Meet

    Members present: Mai B., Adriana Z., Jim M., Kristal J., Gregory N., Juancarlos S., Carlie H., Francesca S., Marcia L., Laurie S.,

    Discussion Points:

    --Introductions (Mai, Adriana, Jim, Carlie, Kristal)

    --Multicultural Symposium*(name subject to change) Planning:

    >Going fully virtual due to financial reasons.

    >Making this an annual event.

    >Propose to the board as a pilot.

    >Symposium* focusing more on application clinically/on a community level, rather than education (Addressing community issues together such as DV, Spanish speaking sessions/Spanish clinical terms, Participatory Action Research)

    >Create sign up sheet for help with planning the Symposium* and DOPL Proposal (MAI)

    --Next meeting 6/5/24 @ 10am via Google Meet

    --Links shared during the meeting: Possible collaborations? 

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