Graduate Students and Emerging ProfessionalsThe Graduate Student and Emerging Professionals (GSEP) committee is tasked with keeping our up-and-coming professionals engaged and connected. From the exams you need to take, the ways you need to get licensed, and all the way until you get to put the esteemed "L" in front of those credentials, we endeavor to help you stay on track. |
HonorsGraduate with your peers, but stand out above the rest by showing you are a part of your professional organization. Maintain a membership for more than a year and then apply for your graduation cords before your big day! | LicensureKeep up-to-date with the things you are required to know. Many of these documents are housed with the Division of Public Licensing, who is the regulating body in the State of Utah. | ExamsPart of our path to full licensure is the required exams to demonstrate competency. Learn when to take them, where to take them, and how to get registered to get them completed. |
Year 1 |
Apply and be accepted into an accredited CMHC Program | Cost: depends on application fee of college |
Begin classwork |
Consider joining UMHCA as a student member | Cost: FREE for first year if using coupon code |
Consider joining an UMHCA committee |
Year 2 |
Continue classwork |
Near the end of coursework, begin considering placement for internships |
Begin Internships |
Apply for UMHCA Honors a few months before graduation | Cost: FREE for the application, see UMHCA store for the cost of the cords |
Year 3 |
| Cost: See DOPL's website to determine latest fees |
Cost: See CCE's website to determine latest fees (Approximately $300 each)
Begin accruing hours as a W-2 employee (NOT 1099) with a supervisor who has held their license for over 2 years. |
Begin accruing continuing education hours
| Cost: depends on the workshop you attend. Some are FREE! Note: to gauge how much you are paying, workshops generally cost around $20-$30 per credit offered. |
Consider becoming a committee chair for an UMHCA committee |
Year 4 |
Continue logging direct and indirect hours for licensure. Ensure your supervisor is keeping notes on your work (see DOPL requirements). |
Begin paneling with insurances if you are planning to go the private practice route. Note: some insurances will not accept Associate level licenses (considered "intern" level). |
| Cost: See CCE's website to determine latest fees (Approximately $300) You may expedite the exam results reporting to DOPL for a fee (approximately $100) |
Year > |
Cost: See DOPL's website to determine latest fees (Approximately $120)
Consider leadership positions on UMHCA Board |
Consider presenting at UMHCA Conferences |