MACC Minutes

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  • 3 Jul 2024 12:21 PM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee Meeting Minutes
    7/3/2024 via google meet @10am
    Members Present: Jim M., Adriana Z., Mai B., Carlie H., Franscesca S. 
    - Create welcome letter for new members to include all JEDI links and resources. Create an inclusive and inviting space for all members.
    **Mai will send out Google Chat overview to help members navigate it. 

    - Clarifying the difference between Community Resources VS Sponsors. 
    > Advertise them differently.
    > Create different invitations for the both of them.
    **Jim will be creating invitations that we (members) can easily send out to invite Community Resources. Draft is posted on the chat.

    -Need to invite presentors **Next meeting we will discuss the structure for inviting presentors; i.e. what we expect of them, what kind of content we are looking for.

    Next meeting is Aug. 7th at 10 AM
  • 5 Jun 2024 11:30 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Members present: Kristal J., Jim M., Mai B., Adriana Z., Carlie H., Francesca S., Laurie S., Juancarlos S.

    Discussion Points:

    -Immigration Evaluation Certification

    -Juancarlos reach out to his contact for more information, possibly for a Brown Bag?

    -Multicultural Symposium

    -Discussed tentative schedule

    -Reach out to Trinh Mai for Keynote presentation (Juancarlos tasked on this)

    -Change Sponsor panel to Lunch hour

    -Make 1:00 more clinical presentations

    -Make 11:00 and 1:00 clinical presentations as breakouts, emphasizing to invited presenters that they will use an allotted time to present content and majority of the time will be focused on collaboration with clinicians attending the breakout.

    -Create messaging structure for when we call for speakers. (To do in next meeting)

    -JEDI Chat

    -Mai created JEDI workspace/chat

    -Contains shared Drive files, task list, and chat space

    Next meeting: 7/3 @10am via Google Meet

  • 8 May 2024 9:23 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    JED&I Meeting Minutes 5/8/24 @ 9am via Google Meet

    Members present: Mai B., Adriana Z., Jim M., Kristal J., Gregory N., Juancarlos S., Carlie H., Francesca S., Marcia L., Laurie S.,

    Discussion Points:

    --Introductions (Mai, Adriana, Jim, Carlie, Kristal)

    --Multicultural Symposium*(name subject to change) Planning:

    >Going fully virtual due to financial reasons.

    >Making this an annual event.

    >Propose to the board as a pilot.

    >Symposium* focusing more on application clinically/on a community level, rather than education (Addressing community issues together such as DV, Spanish speaking sessions/Spanish clinical terms, Participatory Action Research)

    >Create sign up sheet for help with planning the Symposium* and DOPL Proposal (MAI)

    --Next meeting 6/5/24 @ 10am via Google Meet

    --Links shared during the meeting: Possible collaborations? 

  • 10 Apr 2024 10:02 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Met via Google Meet @ 9am

    Members Present: Jim M., Adriana Z., Carlie H., Mai B.

    Discussion Points:

    --Finalize name change to JED&I. Present final name at Board Meeting (4/13/24 @ 9am).

    --Discuss Logo change to be more inclusive.

    --Discussed revamping UMHCA clinician directory to more easily access diverse clinicians.

    --Next meeting 5/8/24 @ 9am

  • 20 Mar 2024 10:06 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Via Google Meet @9am

    Members Present: Jim M., Adriana Z., Rory H., Mai B., Rochelle M.

    Discussion Points:

    --Changing name to sJEDI for trademark purposes.

    --Approve name change at next board meeting.

    --After board meeting, set up DOPL meeting in May.

    --Lanyards purchased for representation at Coalition Conference.

    Next meeting: April 10 at 9am

  • 7 Feb 2024 9:56 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee Meeting Minutes
    2/7/24 @9am via Google Meet
    Members Present: Jim M., Adriana Z., Mai B, Rory H.,
    -- Go over changes to DEI Statement. 
    --Go over DOPL proposal (which we will present at next board meeting on Saturday). After board meeting, set up meeting with DOPL.
    --Discuss Cochair nomination. Mai being nominated and voted on in board meeting on Saturday.
    --Discuss Brown Bag topic, Mai's proposed presentation: Radical Healing Psychological Framework. Nail down a date for our next Brown Bag, 7/11/24.

    Next meeting: 3/20/24 @ 9am
  • 3 Jan 2024 10:24 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)
    Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee Meeting Minutes
    1/3/23 @10am via Google Meet
    Members Present: Adriana Z., Crystal J., Jim M., Mai B., Rory H., Jasmine M., Sandra P.,
    -Shirts, leave to Anne
    -DOPL proposal: Overview of Rory's write up. Present at next board meeting before sending off to DOPL/meet with them. Put through for Executive Committee for review. 
    -Review UMHCA DEI statement. Reflection: How does MACC define diversity?
    -Next Brown Bag: Presentation ideas, send over ideas to go over in next meeting. 
    -Discussed possibility of needing a new MACC Chair in the near future
    -Proposing Clinical Spanish course to local Universities 
    ADDITIONAL NOTES: Next meeting 2/7 @ 9am
  • 6 Dec 2023 10:59 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee Meeting Minutes
    12/6/23 via Google Meet @ 10am
    Members Present: Adriana Z., Rory H., Mai B., Jim M., Rochelle M.,

    Overview of UMHCA Commitee shirts and proposal. Adriana will present proposal on Saturday.

    Overview of Cultural Competence CEU's Proposal. Plan is to do trial presentations with UMHCA 2x, before presenting to DOPL.
    Someone has to come up with a definition of what Cultural Competence looks like (Mai).

    Created Google Drive folder for MACC
    ADDITIONAL NOTES: Next meeting 1/3/24 @10am
  • 15 Nov 2023 11:03 AM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee Meeting Minutes
    11/15/23 via Google Meet @ 10am
    Members Present: Adriana Z., Mai B., Jim M., Rory H., 

    Discussed Brown Bag feedback.

    Proposed idea: Make MACC shirts for the coalition conference for marketing. Propose this at the next board meeting.

    Brainstorm: Go to DOPL board meeting, develop a proposal for DEI ceus. 
    Rough plan: Present proposal at next UMHCA board meeting for feedback, then take final draft to DOPL meeting. Present actual proposal in Febuary to DOPL.

    Rory create a static link for MACC to put into the UMHCA Manual.
    Adriana create google slide for ceu proposal.
    Rory create static link.
    ADDITIONAL NOTES: Next meeting December 6 @10am
  • 4 Oct 2023 12:05 PM | Mai Nguyen Blanchard (Administrator)

    Multicultural Advocacy and Competency Committee Meeting Minutes
    10/4/23 via Google Meet @10am
    Members Present: Mai B., Jim M., Rory H., Sandra P., Kristal J., Adriana Z.

    Discussed recording meetings.

    DOPL meets November 8.

    California requires DEI CEUs, look into their legislation for ideas of how to implement that here. Member in LPCC has a connection for that. Their next meeting October 19, 5 or 6 PM. Mai will be out of town, need a sub.

    Went over MACC Brown Bag agenda and presentation made by Rory. Members of MACC get to attend the Brown Bag for free. 
    Coalition Conference at UVU, April 10, 11, and 12. 
    Need someone to write a blurb for Indigenous People's Day to bring awareness.
    Mai send Rory resources for DEI CEUs.

    Sandra write a blurb for Indigenous People's Day and send to Jim.
    ADDITIONAL NOTES: Next Meeting November 15 @ 10 am
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