Jan 12 2019

17 Dec 2018 1:35 PM | Deleted user

January 12 2019 Agenda

Start: 9:17 am

  I.          Call to Order by Secretary

II.          Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary.

  1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
  2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
Governing Officers
  • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
  • Vacant, Vice President & EXEC Chair
  • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary
  • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Treasurer & GBAB Chair
Board Members
  • Ellen Behrens, Phd, Education & Conference Chair
  • Sandi William, LMFT, PPAC Chair
  • Vacant, LCMHC PRMM Chair
  • Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair
  • Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor
  • Paul Callister, Past President, Graduate Student Chair
List of Voting Members who are Absent.
  • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
  • Vice President & EXEC Chair*
  • Dennis Tucker, LCSW Tresurer & GBAB Chair
  • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary
  • Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor & PPAC Chair 
  • Paul Callister, Past President, Graduate Student Chair
  • Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., Education & Conference Chair
  • Trevor Earl, LCMHC, GBAB Chair
  • Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair
Do we have a Quorum, 5 voting members in attendence? YES/NO

III.          Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from November

  1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month.
  2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
  3. Meeting Called to Order
IV.  Unfinished Business from Last Month.

V. Committee Updates/Votes
  1. Executive Committee
    1. New Projects or Concerns
    2. Update on Current Projects
    3. Items for Vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board.
  2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress.
    3. Items for vote.
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board.
  3.  Education & Conference Committee (EACC)
    1. New Projects.  None.
    2. Update of progress.
      1. Discussed Conference Facilities
        1. 4 rooms (capacity 93,93,40,40) plus auditorium (capacity 175).
        2. Fees $750 plus auditorium tbd.  Includes AV
        3. Cap attedance at 175 for now
        4. Approved Jim's map of facilities for inclusion in program and slides
        5. Rooms have VGA and HDMI connections.  Presenters will need to use those to connect their laptops to projectors.  We will have 4 available, one for each room, but its best that presenters bring their own to ensure "connections". Ellen will do that
      2. Approved Jim”s video/slide to show during conference
        1. We will project it in a loop, in the auditorium during breaks, lunch, and open times.
      3. Approved Conference Program:
        1. Viewed Program and approved it
        2. Westminster agreed to sponsor the conference programs ($200 donation)
        3. Agreed to recommend that we purchase colored pencils to accompany the programs ($200).
          1. Ellen and Paul will invite university sponsors to pay for pencils.
      4.  Tentative Schedule 
        1.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CE3C-m2jDj5c_VtCR2lkt8JGryeLpwyXSwt-YvEl7Bg/edit?usp=sharing  
      5.  Presenters:  
        1. 22 -25 needed
    3. 11 confirmed presenters; 6 pending invitations

      Board members are asked to present twice:  Opening Session on March 15 at 9- 9:30 ( introductions and welcome) and Closing Session on Saturday March 16 at 11:00-11:50 (highlight your committees goals and projects).

       Committee members agreed to invite 1-2 presenters in the next week. We want to secure invited presentations by end of January.  At that point, we will begin a social media blast announcing our presenters and conference. A sample email invitation was provided.  And an online doc to log presentations was shared.

      Ellen will email all presenters in Feb to notify them of their time slot, remind them to submit their slides by March 5 as well as to bring a laptop with connectors (or advise us if they will need a VGA or HDMI connector).  

      Jim will email all participants their certificate of CEs after the conference.  

      6. Snacks/ drinks: 

      Jordan volunteered to purchase and manage drinks and snacks for the conference.  We will ask Julie for some volunteers to help with snacks.

      7. Approve Friday lunch:  

      Terri has confirmed Apple Spice Junction will deliver.  Lunch = $8.99.  Options: Turkey, Chicken Salad, Veggie.  Badges will have a code on them noting the selection made via registration form.

      8.  Discussed use of code words for conference attendance verification.

      We noted that the beta test of the code word system was problematic at the Fall mini-conference.  Some participants became quite irritated with the process, due to operator errors, confusion over code words, variability in devices, internet connection problems. Jim needed to manage some of those issues via individual emails and manually keying hours.  Presenters or Hosts would likely have a hard time remembering and managing codes.   Our concern is that these issues will increase 20 fold, given that we will not only have 2 sessions, but at least 22 sessions.  We recognize the need to keep attendance though.   We therefore proposed and agreed that instead, we want to have "Hosts" in each session who will ensure all attendees sign in to the session.  During the session the Host will log onto a SurveyMonkey account to type in the attendees.  The Host will also help should issues arise with AV or the room.  

      9.  We scheduled a pre-conference GotoMeeting, for all committee members, Julie, and the PRMM on Wednesday, March 13 at 8:30 PM.  At that time we will review the procedures, roles, and schedule.  

    4. Items for vote.  
      1. Do we need to vote on the attendance policy?  If so it is this:  We propose to have "Hosts" in each conference session who will ensure all attendees sign in to the session.  During the session the Host will log onto a SurveyMonkey account to type in the attendees' names.  Doing so will verify attendance and enable IT (aka Jim) to easily tabulate hours for the certificates.   
    5. Budget Changes
    6. Suggestions from Board.
  4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote.
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board.
  5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)
    1. New Projects.
    2. Update of progress.
    3. Items for vote.
    4. Budget Changes.
    5. Suggestions from Board.
  6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB)
    1. New Projects
      1. Monthly "Did you Know Points", such as: 
        1. Did you know there's a current law suit that seeks to dismantle the ACA (Texas v. United States)?
        2. Did you know House Democrats are seeking authorization to intervene in ACA lawsuits?
        3. Did you know the surgeon General has issued a rare advisory against the “Epidemic” of Youth vaping?
        4. Did you know that anxiety & depression have been found to be predictors of poor future health?
      2. Wondering about the results of the interest survey
    2. Update of progress
      1. Eye on future assignments, such as: 
        1. March 1st "Welcome Email Update"
        2. March 2019 GBAB's blog
    3. Items for vote. None. 
    4. Budget Changes. None. 
    5. Suggestions from Board.
  7. Graduate Student Committee (GSC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote.
    4. Budget Changes.
    5. Suggestions from Board.
VI.    Business of Governing Officers.
    1. President
      1. Motion to eliminate the VP position and have the secretary run the Executive Board.
      2. Trevor has resigned.
      3. Nomination of President Elect to be placed in office March 2019.
      4. Co-Chairs, I would like each committee to pick a co-chair. I would like to submit we should be able to use any person in their gradute program on up as a co-chair. The chair will be the licensed vote and the co-chair can vote under the direction of the chair. I would like to change this distinguishment in the Bylaws.
    2. Vice President.
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer Report on Income and Expense
      1. Bank accounts have been changed.
  1. Changes done to By-laws.
  2. Nomination for Committee Chairs- Terri Goldstein
  3. Volunteer Updates- Jenaveve Tucker

VII. Other Potential UMHCA Issues

  1. Open to floor for discussion
  2. Any issues not already discussed above.
VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting.

Utah Mental Health Counselors Association is Utah's hub for enhancing the profession of mental health counselors.
UMHCA is a 501(c)6 organization.

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