February 2019

17 Jan 2019 6:51 PM | Deleted user

February 9th 2019 Agenda


  I.          Call to Order by Secretary

II.          Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary.

  1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
  2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
Governing Officers
  • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
  • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, NCC Secretary & EXEC Chair
  • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Treasurer & GBAB Chair
Board Members
  • Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., Education & Conference Chair
  • Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, NCC EXEC Chair
  • Sandi William, LMFT, PPAC Chair
  • Julie Tucker, LCMHC PRMM Chair
  • Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair
  • Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor
  • Paul Callister, Past President, Graduate Student Chair
List of Voting Members who are Absent.
  • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, PRMM Chair, President
  • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, GBAB Chair, Treasurer
  • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, NCC EXEC Chair,* Secretary
  • Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor 
  • Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair 
  • Paul Callister, LCHMC, Past President, Graduate Student Chair
  • Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., Education & Conference Chair
  • Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair
Do we have a Quorum, 5 voting members in attendance? YES/NO

III.          Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from November

  1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month.
  2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
  3. Meeting Called to Order
IV.  Unfinished Business from Last Month.
  1. None

V. Committee Updates & Votes
  1. Executive Committee
    1. New Projects or Concerns
      1. Report on Initial Meeting
    2. Update on Current Projects
      1. D & O Insurance: 1st quote $856/annually
      2. Inurements
        1. IRS document available for those interested
        2. Checking with AMHCA on the acceptability of UMHCA to pay the national membership fee for its president

        3. Banner advertising pilot

        4. Being explored: limited attorney services, monthly Peer Staffing events (hosted by GBAB/CEUs to be explored)

        5. inurements already ratified by the board, including waiving membership and conference fees for board members and committee chairs.

    3. Items for Vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board.
  2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress.
    3. Items for vote.
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board.
  3.  Education & Conference Committee (EACC)
    1. New Projects.  None
    2. Update of progress. 
      1. Annual Conference registration and conference marketing update from Jim.  Our goal, over the next month, is a social media blast and email blast promoting the conference.  
      2. We have 5 rooms booked in the Marriott Library.  The total cost is $550 (may need to add $50 for parking, waiting word from the U of U).  (Thanks to Dr. Uma Dorn for her help)
      3.  We have 25 sessions confirmed, delivered by 38 mental health therapists.  We have 7 CE hours for Ethics, 4 CE hours for suicide, and 7 CE hours for Marriage/Family, the remainder of CE hours are in the General Clinical track. 
      4. Jim has been working on the Program, which is largely complete.
      5. Ellen will file the CE application with UT-NASW this week, pending a check for $140.00 (board approved).  We will not apply to NBCC because the cost is prohibitive ($650) this year. (Note:  next year we can get ongoing provider status for $800, for which we need to have 2 prior years of documented conferences.)  Sandi is exploring CE application processes for UAMFT, but has not received responses to her inquires.  
      6. Please sign up to "host" some sessions.  Add your name to the google doc schedule in open time slots.  
      7. Jordan will coordinate with volunteers to provide snacks and beverages, as per the schedule, posted in a google doc.  
      8. Bek will coordinate lunches.  
      9. University sponsors:  We have invited the Univ of Phoenix and U of U.  Awaiting replies.   Westminster has agreed to sponsor the programs.  
      10. Reminder about the "Conference Dress Rehearsal",  for all committee members, Julie, and the PRMM on Wednesday, March 13 at 8:30 PM.  At that time we will review the procedures, roles, and schedule.  
      11. The committee asked the Grad student committee to consider coordinating the Grad Student poster sessions, held during lunch.  (Non-CE granting time slot).  We forwarded them a flyer they can use, if they chose.  
    3. Items for vote.  None
    4. Budget Changes  None
    5. Suggestions from Board
  4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
    1. New Projects
      1. Conference Program 
      2. Name Tags
    2. Update of progress
      1. Financial Update for Annual conference
      2. Marketing for Annual Conference
        1. Email updates
        2. Facebook
        3. Membership Drive
    3. Items for vote (none)
    4. Budget Changes (none)
    5. Suggestions from Board.
  5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)
    1. New Projects.
    2. Update of progress.
    3. Items for vote.
    4. Budget Changes.
    5. Suggestions from Board.
  6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB)
    1. New Projects
      1. March 1st updated "Welcome Letter" . 
      2. Peer review groups
        1. How often? Monthly
        2. How to get started?
        3. How to advertise? Conference
      3. GBAB blog submission: when? 
    2. Update of progress
      1. 'Hot Topics' keep coming. 
    3. Items for vote.
      1. Peer review guidelines to be presented for UMHCA support next time? Motion put forth to empower GBAB to so do. Vote was unanimous. 
    4. Budget Changes.
    5. Suggestions from Board.
      1. Ellen said wait till after insurance is obtained. Disclaimer required. UMHCA sanctioned. Ethics followed. guide lines to set. 
  7. Graduate Student Committee (GSC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote.
    4. Budget Changes.
    5. Suggestions from Board.
VI.    Business of Governing Officers.
    1. President
    2. Vice President
    3. Secretary
      1. Mailing address and mail box: UMHCA, #305, 5442 S 900 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84117
      2. Voice number: (385) 240-1813

      3. Document management/Archiving history

      4. Policies & Procedures 
    4. Treasurer Report on Income and Expense
      1. Monthly 45-minute meetings set up
      2. Essential access being worked on: bank account access, Quickbooks access,  merchant account, essential information access via google drive with permissions and passwords.
      3. Plan is to use Bryce P. for balancing of the books, etc. 
  1. Changes done to By-laws.
  2. Nomination for Committee Chairs
  3. Volunteer Updates

VII. Other Potential UMHCA Issues

  1. Open to floor for discussion
  2. Any issues not already discussed above.
VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting.

Utah Mental Health Counselors Association is Utah's hub for enhancing the profession of mental health counselors.
UMHCA is a 501(c)6 organization.

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