March 2019

9 Feb 2019 9:43 AM | Deleted user

March 9th 2019 Agenda


  I.          Call to Order by Secretary

II.          Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary.

  1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
  2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
Governing Officers
  • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
  • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary & EXEC Chair
  • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Treasurer & GBAB Chair
Board Members
  • Ellen Behrens, Phd, Education & Conference Chair
  • Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, EXEC Chair
  • Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair
  • Julie Tucker, LCMHC PRMM Chair
  • Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair
  • Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor
  • Paul Callister, Past President, Graduate Student Chair
List of Voting Members who are Absent.
  • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, PRMM Chair, President
  • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, GBAB Chair, Treasurer
  • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, EXEC Chair,* Secretary
  • Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor 
  • Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair 
  • Paul Callister, LCHMC, Past President, Graduate Student Chair
  • Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., Education & Conference Chair
  • Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair
Do we have a Quorum, 5 voting members in attendence? YES/NO

III.          Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from Feburary

  1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month.
  2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
  3. Meeting Called to Order
IV.  Unfinished Business from Last Month.
  1. None
V. Committee Updates & Votes
  1. Executive Committee
    1. New Projects or Concerns
      1. Peer Consultation (will be addressed by GBAB report)
    2. Update on Current Projects
      1. Bylaws- Paul submitted language for the bylaws change and it is being review
      2.  Directors & Officers Insurance
        1. Bryce will prepare annual numbers for D & O and Terri will submit applications with the goal to have D&O in place by the conference
        2. The Anti Harassment... Policy has been revised and is presented here.
      3. Inurements: 
        1. Gray reported that the UMHCA board should move forward with a motion to approve the payment of national dues for the president.
        2. Pended: Reimbursement to board members who renewed through AMHCA

      4. Items for Vote
        1. Anti-Harassment Policy
        2. Inurement for AMHCA national dues for president
    3. Budget Changes
    4. Suggestions from Board.
  2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress.
    3. Items for vote.
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board.
  3.  Education & Conference Committee (EACC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote.
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
  4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote.
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board.
  5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)
    1. New Projects.
    2. Update of progress.
    3. Items for vote.
    4. Budget Changes.
    5. Suggestions from Board.
  6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB)
    1. New Projects

      1. New Welcome Letter – still to be discussed by committee

      2. New slogan: General Board and Advisory Board (GBAB) gathers & disseminates mental health news, sponsors online forums for CEU credit and hosts live peer consultation groups.

      3. Online forums for CEUs to be announced.

    2. Update of progress

      1. Proposed Peer Consultation Guidelines:

        1. Starting: 8 max., originally chosen by GBAB based on submitted ‘interest profiles’ to start the group(s). Thereafter, subsequent membership by group selection. Must be members of UMHCA. Based on interest profiles sent to UMHCA.

        2. Originally facilitated by UMHCA Board member, thereafter by monthly appointment from the peer consultation group. Default facilitator is the UMHCA board member. Facilitator is to see the voted on agenda is followed.

        3. Time Frame: 90 minutes, monthly basis

        4. Process of group formation, including “interest profile”

          1. Name, copy of license, therapist specialties, short bio. What are you looking for? Days available for monthly peer consultation.

        5. Attendance policy to eliminate confusion. Something like: two unannounced successive absences and you're out

        6. When members leave, new members are to be selected from the group based on UMHCA submitted interest profiles

        7. Peer Consultation Format: 1) review of meeting’s agenda, such as cases desired to be staffed, information desired to be shared, articles to be discussed, new members to be added, facilitator of the next peer consultation group etc. 2) vote on the priorities for that session, 3) set the agenda, 4) enact the agenda in a timely and orderly manner.

        8. Interest profile could be a part of the UMHCA conference.

        9. There will need to be an open box as all are not tech savvy.

    3. Items for vote.

      1. Vote to approve peer consultation format as presented, with liberty for minor changes to be made without future vote and significant changes to be made with vote

    4. Budget Changes.

      1. None

    5. Suggestions from Board. 

  7. Graduate Student Committee (GSC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote.
    4. Budget Changes.
    5. Suggestions from Board.
VI.    Business of Governing Officers.
    1. President
    2. Vice President
    3. Secretary
    4. Treasurer Report on Income and Expense
    5. Year:  (a) Checking/ (b) Money Market/ (c) Paypal /(d) Total

      1/1/2017:  (a) $286.96/ (b) $1,616.33/ (c) $0.00/ (d) $1,903.29

      1/1/2018:  (a) $3,893.61/ (b) $1,616.96/ (c) $0.00/ (d) $ 5,510.57

      1/1/2019: (a) $10,419.79/ (b) $1,619.90/ (c) $3,959.78/ (d) $15,999.47

  1. Changes done to By-laws.
  2. Nomination for Committee Chairs
  3. Volunteer Updates

VII. Other Potential UMHCA Issues

  1. Open to floor for discussion
  2. Any issues not already discussed above.
VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting.

Utah Mental Health Counselors Association is Utah's hub for enhancing the profession of mental health counselors.
UMHCA is a 501(c)6 organization.

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