September 14 Agenda

10 Aug 2019 10:27 AM | Deleted user

September 14th 2019 Agenda

 I.  Call to Order by Secretary

II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary.

  1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
  2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
    Governing Officers
  • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
  • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary 
  • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Treasurer 

    Board Members

  1. Ellen Behrens, Phd, EACC Chair
  2. Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Dual Chair 
  3. Paul Callister, Past President
  4. Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair
  5. Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair
  6. Anna Lieber, Graduate Student Chair
  7. Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, EXEC Chair
  8. Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor
  9. Dennis Tucker, LCSW, GBAB Chair
  10. Julie Tucker, LCMHC, PRMM Chair
  11. Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair
   List of Voting Members who are Absent. 

Do we have a Quorum, six (6) voting members in attendance? YES

III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from November

  1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month.
  2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
  3. Meeting Called to Order
IV.  Unfinished Business from Last Month.
  1. None
V. Committee Updates & Votes
  1. Executive Committee
    1. New Projects or Concerns
      1. Behavioral Healthcare Workforce Work Group (BHWW): October 4, 2019- The Social Work Summit. This is a new major initiative funded by U of U Dean of Social Work  advocating for funding for social work students, programs, and loan forgiveness. UMHCA must be engaged in this process to ensure these same provisions for CMHCs, MFTs and other mental health professions in order to meet the needs of Utah public.

        2. Conversion therapy ban action: WATCH: After the legislature failed to prohibit conversion therapy for minors, the governor has asked the Psychological Association to develop rules for professional associations regarding conversion therapy-- that it is "not helpful, can be harmful, and should be prohibited."

        3. Internet Services, Email provider: Xmission needs a letter requesting continuation of donated services, screen shot of recognition, example of newsletter recognition HOLD

        4. Internet marketing/Business sponsorships/partnerships (discussion) What more can UMHCA do to make members aware of partnerships with CPH & Associates insurance for liability?

        5. AMHCA Membership: Should UMHCA take a lead role on the national front to promote a "top down- no choice" approach to national membership?

  2. Update on Current Projects
    1. Open board positions/nominees
      1. President-elect position - Dennis Tucker has accepted nomination; Anna Lieber is considering nomination; Ellen Behrens declined nomination - HOLD
      2. Vice President-No update on  Scott Carter's decision
      3. Board - Nominee: Terri reported that she spoke with Jenn Zeuchner. Jenn is willing serve on the board in whatever capacity needed. She is particularly interested in PRMM and GBAB
    2. Internship List: Focused on the needs of local online students (Walden and Capella). Per Gray, Online programs are CACREP accreditted; list and coordination of sites and vetting in process by Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP) 
    3. Strategic Planning - HOLD
    4. Attorney subscription - (On deck to work with Joseph Jardine)
    5. Attorney to "sue for parity" (Update) - Attorney Eric Johnson will be consulted to assist with this,  possibly on a retainer, perhaps starting with the VA psychologist with bias against hiring CMHCs.
  3. Items for Vote
  4. Budget Changes
  5. Suggestions from Board.
2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
  1. New Projects
  2. Update of progress.
  3. Items for vote.
  4. Budget Changes
  5. Suggestions from Board.
3. Education & Conference Committee (EACC)
  1. New Projects
  2. Update of progress
    1. Fall Conference registration online, October 18 noon-5 at Westminster on the Draw
    2. Purchased the dopl email lists for lmfts, lcsws and cmhcs. Sent conference PR emails out to thousands of therapists in Utah.
    3.  Westminster is providing snacks and drinks for the afternoon.  Janine Wanlass  (Ethics) and Anna Lieber (Suicide)  are presenting.
    4. Currently finalizing the CE application online.  We've made some changes to promote ease of use and clarity, but it is essentially what we presented to the board earlier this summer.  Once its ready to post publicly, we will have a nice revenue stream from that. 
  3. Items for vote.
  4. Budget Changes
  5. Suggestions from Board

4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)

  1. New Projects
  2. Update of progress
  3. Items for vote.
  4. Budget Changes
  5. Suggestions from Board.

5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)

  1. New Projects
  2. Update of progress
  3. Items for vote.
  4. Budget Changes
  5. Suggestions from Board.

6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB)

  1. New Projects
    1. Observation: No room in mini-conference for Peer consultation, therefore save it for larger conference.
    2. Continual recruitment email for peer consultation group, every three months. 
    3. Continual recruitment email for GBAB committee.
    4. Continual retention of members who have expressed interest in the committee.
    5. Need for one to two confederate volunteers to buffer the ranks and ease tension for new attendees.
  2. Update of progress: 
    1. Peer consultation meeting.
      1. GBAB Statement/Student participation: Statement will be revised and will include a statement advising students that they are responsible for notifying their supervisor of their involvement in the Peer Consult Groups. UMHCA will have no oversight responsibility. For example: "Students participating the UMHCA Peer Consultation Group are solely responsible for notifying their clinical supervisor."
      2. Ethics and professionalism of participants: A statement will be added to the Indemnification agreement that states (for example): "Clinicians will personally ensure ethical content and professional expression and safeguard the professional decorum of the peer process with self-restraint and mutual accountability."
      3. Additional statement to be added to indemnification: "The views expressed by individual participants in the Peer Consultation Group are not representative the views of Utah Mental Health Counselors Association."
  3. Peer consultation group 'live session' in conference, do we need to fill a proposal?
  4. Items for vote.
  5. Budget Changes.
  6. Suggestions from Board.
     7. Graduate Student Committee (GSC)
  1. New Projects
    1. Student specific training opportunties - How to apply for licensing & UT requirements tentatively planning for Feb 2020 open to UMHCA members & public - will promote at school visits and via UMHCA website. 
    2. GSC Committe would like an UMHCA email address - this will be important as we develop contacts with online schools and partnerships with internship sites and for the UMHCA Honors. It will also ensure that each time there is a chair change all the community contacts will not be lost. 
  1. Update of progress
    1. UMHCA vetted internships is in progress and the GSC is actively working on a system to vet potential internship sites - this will be a partnership and benefit to our student members. 
    2. Reaching out to online Master's of Counseling schools via email next week. 
    3. Will complete live presentation with students at UofU, Westminster and UoP in mid-October 2019
  2. Items for vote. - 
    1. The GSC proposes that the GSC have 1 UMHCA email address that can be used for UMHCA honors and GSC specific partnerships with academic insitutions and internship sites. 
  1. Budget Changes - None 
  2. Suggestions from Board.

VI. Business of Governing Officers.

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer Report
    1. Paypal: $4,720.93
    2. Checking: $15,136.90
    3. Savings: $1,622.64
    4. Total: $21,480.47
    5. August Income: $655.52
    6. August Expenses: $655.61

VII.  Changes done to By-laws.

VIII. Nomination for Committee Chairs

IX.  Volunteer Updates

X. Other Potential UMHCA Issues

  1. Open to floor for discussion
  2. Any issues not already discussed above.
XII. Secretary to Close the meeting.

Utah Mental Health Counselors Association is Utah's hub for enhancing the profession of mental health counselors.
UMHCA is a 501(c)6 organization.

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