26 Oct 2020 1:07 PM | Anne Farley (Administrator)

Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

November 14, 2020

Board Meeting





 I.  Call to Order by Secretary

II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

1.      Welcome to those in attendance through Webinar.

2.      Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance

Governing Officers

·         Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President

·         Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary

·         Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President

Board Members PRESENT are underlined+ These should be in alphabetical order

1.      Ellen Behrens, LCMHC, EACC Chair                                                                

2.      Jordan Briggs, LCMHC, LPPC Chair      

3.      Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair                                                

4.      Anna Lieber, President-Elect, Graduate Student Chair                             

5.      Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, EXEC Chair                                                          

6.      Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor

7.      Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer

8.      Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President   

9.      Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President 

10.  Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair 

11. Jim Macedone, ACMHC, PRMM Chair

List of Voting Members who are Absent

Quorum Present

III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Minutes

1.      Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting Minutes from October 2020: –

2.      Secretary to give the floor to the President.

3.      Meeting Called to Order

IV.  Special Announcements by the President  

V. Committee Updates & Votes

1.      Executive Committee (EXEC)

1.     Presidential Adviser's Report

1.     Benefits of joining UMHCA Gray has recommended that there be a tab on the UMHCA website outlining the benefits of joining UMHCA

2.   Julie requested that we incorporate possible attorney services

3.    Business partnerships:

  1.  UMHCA received a request from Wake Forest University to share information with our membership regarding a timely research study. The EXEC agreed that this request should be considered as sponsorship opportunities are structured. Anna will continue to communicate with Wake Forest on this issue.
  2. Upcoming stakeholder meetings were discussed including:
    1. AMHCA Leadership Conference Nov 18th and Fall Conference Nov 19th & 20th
    2. DOPL Meeting 11/04/2020 at 9:00AM
    3. BHWW Group – next meeting 10/22/20 10:30 via zoom
    4.  Loan forgiveness – More information is needed for discussion
  1. Update of Progress
    1. President Elect's Report

1.     Kristal James, of Rocky Mtn University, a new UT counselor educator program, that now employs Kristal, and several University of Phoenix personnel reach out to ask about a partnership with UMHCA. Anna states she invited them to the next EXEC meeting.

2.     The committee discussed that UMHCA needs to outline what in our view, it means to partner with UMHCA.

3.     The committee brain-stormed some ideas UMHCA can offer such as: link on website, table at conferences, and student internship support.

4.     The committee also discussed benefits UMHCA would appreciate such as involvement of program leadership with UMHCA board and introduction to students

5.     Diversity & Inclusion Statement: The committee review the item added to the website at Terri reminded the EXEC that a thorough statement of inclusion, including procedure for harassment of any type was written and approved by the board. The document was shared with the committee.

1.     The EXEC agreed to include the following tag line at the bottom of each UMHCA website page: “Differences are our greatest strength.”

2.     The EXEC also agreed that the additional text posted by the PRM should be added to the existing board-approved statement, not stand alone.

6.     Email management: There continue to be questions about email management for UMHCA.  

1.     The email is now working. 

2. Presidential Adviser's Report

1.     Benefits of joining UMHCA Gray has recommended that there be a tab on the UMHCA website outlining the benefits of joining UMHCA. 

2. Julie requested that we incorporate possible attorney services

3. Business partnerships: PPAC will report.

4. Other Business: Please EXEC minutes as the entry would have exceeded allowable limit.

  1. Items for vote: None
  2. Budget Changes: None
  3. Suggestions from Board:

2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)

  1. New Projects
    1. Multicultural CEU's
    2. Anna will be attending the AMHCA Leadership Conference where she will be able to meet with the Western state chapters. We would like to make connections and meet quarterly/on a regular schedule with state chapters from the states around us. 
  2. Update of Progress
    1. Letters to legislators are being put on hold until January due to the election and holidays. 
    2. Discussed strategic plan for LPP committee for the next year - lobbyist, more education and outreach on committee, community, and legislative levels, and connections with legislators.
    3. We are heading into the 2021 Legislative session in late January - please forward any information on bills relating to mental health counseling or client services to
    4. DOPL meeting update: The CMHC DOPL board is still attempting to sort out which states they will accept licensure by endorsement from.
    5. Updates on AMHCA PPL Committee - Gray?
  3. Items for vote:
    1. The LPP committee, with the support of the board, would like to approach DOPL at the January 2021 meeting about requiring 2 CEU's specific to multicultural/diversity training each renewal cycle for CMHC's. 
  4. Budget Changes: None.
  5. Suggestions from Board:

3  Education & Conference Committee (EACC) Update of progress  in board

  1. New Projects.  The EACC met on 11/11/20 to discuss the spring Annual Conference.  We decided to offer an 8 hour online conference, due to COVID-19.  We intend to invite presenters whose proposals were accepted for last year's cancelled conference.  We are exploring online conference platforms such as HopIn, which allow for fluid networking and movement among "rooms".  We hope to subsequently post conference recordings on our website for 'on demand' CE credits.  To power that, we are exploring software/services that automate the administration of exam and CE certificates.  We will purchase a DOPL email list in January to promote the event. We would like to pay the person/s who administer the conference  (e.g. registration, certificates) and will build a budget for that by February.  
  2. Update of Progress
  3. Items for vote:
  4. Budget Changes:
  5. Suggestions from Board:

4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)

  1. New Projects
    1. Diversity is our Greatest Strength footer
    2. Benefits/Join page
  2. Update of Progress
    1. Partners tier
    2. Online forums
  3. Online forums
  4. Items for vote:
    1. In honor of Julie's last Board meeting as president, I propose that Julie and all past presidents be placed in the past presidents tier.
  5. Budget Changes:
  6. Suggestions from Board:

5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)

1.      New Projects

2.      Update of Progress

3.      Items for vote:

4.      Budget Changes:

5.      Suggestions from Board:

6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) - HOLD

7. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

1.      New Projects

2.      Update of Progress

3.      Items for vote:

4.      Budget Changes:

5.      Suggestions from Board:


8. Business of Governing Officers

1.      President  -

2.      President-elect – 

3.      Vice President  -

4.      Secretary –

5.      Presidential Advisor’s Report:

6.      Treasurer Report:

Checking $15,182.79
Savings $1,623.65
PayPal $1,508.57
Total $18,315.01
Income $544.00
Expense $443.98
Net $100.02

VII. Other Issues

1.      Open to floor for discussion

2.      Any issues not already discussed above

VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting:


Utah Mental Health Counselors Association is Utah's hub for enhancing the profession of mental health counselors.
UMHCA is a 501(c)6 organization.

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