Board Meeting Minutes - July 2021

  • 10 Jul 2021 10:10 AM
    Message # 10742397
    Anne Farley (Administrator)

    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

    July 10, 2021

    Board Meeting Minutes

    Start: 9:14 am

    End: 9:58 am


     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1.      Welcome to those in attendance through Webinar.

    2.      Recognition of ALL Governing Officers; PRESENT are underlined.

    Anna Lieber, LCMHC, President

    Julie Tucker, LCMHC, Immediate Past-President

    Ellen Behrens, LP, LCMHC, Ph.D., Vice President

    Anne Farley, ACMHC, Secretary

    Terri Goldstein, LCMHC, Treasurer

    Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor

    3.      Board members PRESENT are underlined

    i.  Jordan Briggs, LCMHC, LPPC Chair
    ii. Anne Farley, ACMHC, Secretary
    iii. Terri Goldstein, LCMHC, Treasurer
    iv. Anna Lieber, CMHC, President
    v. Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor
    vi. Karen Tao, EEAC Chair
    viii. Julie Tucker, LCMHC, Immediate Past President
    ix. Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair
    d. Jim Macedone, AMHC, Executive Director

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    • 1.      Anna Lieber, CMHC, President
    • 2.      Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair
    • 3.      Karen Tao, EEAC Chair
    • 4.      Julie Tucker, LCMHC, Immediate Past President

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Minutes

    1.      Call for motion to ratify meeting Minutes from June 2021, Motion passed.

    2.      Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Special Announcements by the President:

    1. Anna is currently on vacation and Ellen will be presiding for July 2021 Board Meeting.

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1.      Executive Committee (EXEC)

    1. New Projects: None
    2.  Update of Progress:
      1. Fall conference has been set for October 15 at Westminster College on the Draw.  

    2.  Anne is continuing to work on the board member manual.

    3. Strategic planning meeting is on the schedule following the August 14th Board Meeting. Anna would like as many people to come in person as possible and a lunch would be provided.

    4. Brown Bag Series, 25 people are currently signed up and it looks to be a successful series.

    1. Items for Vote: None
    2. Budget Changes: None
    3. Suggestions from Board:  None

    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)

    1. New Projects: None
    2.  Update of Progress:
      1. Gray presented the Counseling Compact at the BHWW meeting. They are on board and will be working to reconvene and make an official vote on how they want to move forward. Gray shared that USAFE was also on board, and Gray has been meeting with others to push this forward. They are looking for any institutions that are willing to endorse the Counseling Compact. is where you can locate the information under the toolkit option.
    3. Items for Vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board: None

    3  Education & Conference Committee (EACC)  

    1. New Projects:
    2. Update of Progress:
      1. October 15th At the Draw has been secured. They are still discussing presenters. Jim would like to send a reserve the date email, discussed 4 CE’s being offered.
    3. Items for vote:
    4. Budget Changes:
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    4. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)

    1. New Projects: None
    2. Update of Progress: 
      1. Jim shared that the Professional Partner’s page is on the website. Jim will add the logos of partners who have joined. The page will continue to be developed.
    3. Items for Vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board: None

    5. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM) 

    1. New Projects: None
    2. Update of Progress: 
      1. Membership is increasing, Gray and Jim recently presented at Rocky Mountain University which resulted in new memberships.  
    3. Items for Vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board: None 

    6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) - HOLD

    7. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1. New Projects: None
    2. Update of Progress: None
    3. Items for Vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board: None

    8. Business of Governing Officers

    1.      President  - None

    2.      Presidential Advisor Report: None

    3.      Vice President: None

    4.      Secretary: None.

    5.      Treasurer Report: Terri has updated the account balance information. The numbers are up to date. Terri discussed doing monthly, quarterly, and year-end reports. As of March, categories were put in place. Sales is a category that is currently a challenge and Terri will meet with Jim to explore this area further.

    a.     Zions Bank Accounts:

    1.     Checking: $18,197.28

    2.    Money Market: $1623.87

    3.      PayPal: $145.68

    4.    Total: $19,966.83

    b. Statement of Activity (Money In/Money Out) – Terri discussed money in/money out, and while it shows a deficit, we are currently doing well. Jim mentioned possibly exploring if we need to continue to use PayPal. Ellen requested clarification on category of legal and professional services.

    c.  Budget – Terri discussed that in terms of the budget, we are doing well. Terri has begun to form a budget and is currently in process of moving forward with this. She will reach out to each committee chair to discuss setting up committee budgets.

    6.      Executive Director: Jim is focused on the Brown Bag Series and the Fall Conference. Gray proposed that a trauma-informed care training would be invaluable.

    VII. Other Issues

    1.      Open to floor for discussion: None

    2.      Any issues not already discussed above: None

    VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting: 9:58 am.

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