Board Meeting Minutes - January 9, 2021

  • 7 Feb 2021 3:24 PM
    Message # 10068135
    Anne Farley (Administrator)

    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

    January 9, 2021

    Board Meeting


    Start: 9:02 AM

    End: 10:27 AM


     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1.      Welcome to those in attendance through Webinar.

    2.      Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance

    Governing Officers

    ·         Anna Lieber, LCMHC, President

    ·         Julie Tucker, LCMHC, Immediate Past-President

    ·         Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President

    ·         Terri Goldstein, LCMHC, Secretary

    ·         Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer

    Board Members PRESENT are underlined+ These should be in alphabetical order

    1.      Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., EACC Chair                                                                

    2.      Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Chair      

    3.      Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, EXEC Chair                                                          

    4.      Carrie Graham, ACMHC, GSEP Chair & EACC Dual Chair             

    5.      Anna Lieber, President

    6.      Jim Macedone, ACMHC, PRMM Dual Chair

    7.      Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor

    8.      Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer

    9.      Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President 

    10.  Julie Tucker, LCMHC, Immediate Past President, PRMM Chair 

    11.  Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair 

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    Quorum Present

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Minutes

    1.      Secretary called for motion to ratify meeting Minutes from November 2020. Carrie motioned. Gray seconded. Motion carried.

    2.      Secretary gives the floor to the president.

    3.      Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Special Announcements by the President:

    1. Anna acknowledges that we survived 2020 and discussed how much we need each other right now and expressed her gratitude to everyone. Anna recognizes visitors Kristal James, Kristen Lenth, Michelle Inauen and welcomes them all and encourages them, if they are interested in joining a committee, to feel free to reach out to anyone of us.

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1.      Executive Committee (EXEC)

    1. New Projects: None
    2. Update of Progress:
      1. Executive Director: Anna stated that a job description for the position is in the final edits and will be sent out for board members to review.
      2. We will vote for the budget for the Executive Director at the next board meeting.
      3. The reimbursement process of UMHCA dues for student UMHCA member volunteers is complete. Students will complete an application online and a committee chair will approve reimbursement of UMHCA dues.
    3. Items for vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board: None.

    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)

    1. New Projects:
      1. Physician Assistant’s (PA) Bills: We now have two bills, SB 27 & 28; the BHWW met last month and the bills are concerning.
        1. SB 27 is specific to physician assistants and is attempting to amend their scope of practice and remove their requirement for having a supervisory relationship with a health care provider. Therefore, they would be able to practice independently.
        2. SB 27, which will allow for PA’s to practice independently, will essentially create a new profession. There are no guidelines for such a profession.
        3.  SB 28 is an amendment to the Mental Health Practice act that would allow psychiatric trained physicians assistants to conduct psychotherapy.
          1. The SB 28 speakers to concerns around education and supervision requirements for PA’s looking to get that psychiatric training. Also there is concern about availability of supervisors for PA’s, due to the limited amount of psychiatrists in Utah, and a limited amount of time to supervise this new license.
          2. Gray has written a piece opposing  SB 27 & 28. He that other organizations have articulated similar concerns such as the  Nurse Practitioner Association and the Utah Medical Association.
        4.  Julie shares that the code of ethics is quite different and wonders who would govern this “new group”.
          1. Senator Bramble is proposing both of these bills. The Utah Psychological Association opposes this, and UMHCA’s position is to concur with what was noted by the UPA. This information is evolving so quickly and we want to stay on track, Having this information on our website will be key to helping members contact their Senators and address their concerns. .
      2. 2021 Legislative Session: Begins Jan 19, 2021. All meetings will be online. No public will be allowed on the grounds. Lobbying and people contacting their representatives will be through non-person contact. Liz, who is with the BHWW, put together the google doc form that highlights the mental health bills, if you are interested in getting involved, this is a good resource. Ellen asks Jim to put the link into the chat. Jordan urges everyone to contact their representatives and stay on top of the bills.
    2. Update of Progress
      1. Will re-group this month, we are hoping to meet next week. 
      2. The next DOPL board is going to be on January 13, 2021 at 9:00 am.  
      3. Changes to the ACMHC licensure has been disseminated in several ways. These are the changes:
        1. 1) Supervision – DOPL is mandating that anyone who is supervising an Associates license, for all, must have a contract that is initiated and filled out and submitted to DOPL
        2. 2) NCE and NCMHCE are now required for licensure. Gray shares that the NCE and NCMHCE used to be required and then DOPL changed their position on it. These are being reinstituted in part to support licensure portability.
    3. Items for vote: None.
    4. Budget Changes: None.
    5. Suggestions from Board: Board members discussed ways to increase support by utilizing other committees and rallying membership involvement.

    3  Education & Conference Committee (EACC)  

    1. New Projects: None.
    2. Update of Progress
      1. The EACC will meet again on January 13.
      2. Terri suggests that we include information about UMHCA, similar to live meetings so that attendees know it is their statewide organization behind the webinars.
      3. Gray adds that adding what the national organization is about and how we work as a state chapter, and what we do. Ellen wonders if our monthly board meeting could be a part of the conference, to help demystify UMCHA organization.
      4. Anna adds that she likes this idea a lot and wonders if a theme might be around the trauma from the pandemic and bring up topics of resiliency, collective trauma, & secondary trauma. She would also be interested in seeing more multiculturalism and training and legislative topics concerning law and mental health..
      5. Dennis suggested topics related to telehealth as some of changes from the pandemic may last longer than anticipated.
    3. Items for vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None.
    5. Suggestions from Board: None.

    4. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)

    1.      New Projects:

    1.      UMHCA is not quite set up to partner with the University of Utah Huntsman Institute. Sandi asks what now, what direction should we take it and what the costs are? Terri suggests another meeting, states the costs are more ballpark figure, so we should have a meeting and decide on some type of theme for these partnerships, and bring in PRMM (Jim) and get connected with what UNI is trying to do.

    2.      The committee is looking at how it can incorporate Gray’s idea for a Utah Mental Health Coalition or similar name that UMHCA could lead. However, we are not prepared to bring that to the table yet.

    3.      Jim suggested encouraging UMHCA members to enhance their profiles so it is similar to the Psychology Today website. Sandi recommends that board members take a leadership role and update their profiles.

    4.      Sandi’s hope is to boost up UMHCA and what we do and our exposure.

    1.      Benefits of being a Business Partner:

    1.      Network with leaders of organizations who are interested and concerned with mental health and wellness

    2.      Opportunities to join with others in advocating for mental health services

    3.      Increase brand visibility with a statewide audience leading to student and faculty recruitment.

    4.      Opportunity for alliance agreement-generally, to participate in each other’s initiatives-access for the business partner

    Final determination is that Sandy will arrange a meeting with UNI to include herself, Anna, and Gray

    2.      Items for vote: None

    3.      Budget Changes: None

    4.      Suggestions from Board: None.

    5. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)

    1. New Projects: None
    2. Update of Progress:
      1. PRMM has a meeting next Saturday, January 16 and will report at the next board meeting.
    3. Items for vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None.
    5. Suggestions from Board: None.

    6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) - HOLD

    7. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1.      New Project: None.

    2.      Update of Progress:

    1.      GSEP will be meeting in the next couple of weeks will be working on developing another free training for graduate level counseling students. One idea is a training about the associate license application processes, preparation for interviews, and resumes.

    3.      Items for vote: None

    4.      Budget Changes: None

    5.      Suggestions from Board: None

    8. Business of Governing Officers

    1.      President  - Anna announced that during January and February she would like to meet individually with each member of the board. She would like to discuss how each person would like to be involved moving forward.

    2.      Anna also stated that the vaccine is available for all mental health workers.

    3.      The is working.

    4.      Presidential Advisor Report: Gray stated that in light of this past year, we all need each other. He offered “ If I can be in support of anyone, I’m always available.”

    5.      There has been quite a bit of work done on licensure portability and reciprocity.

    1. Licensure Portability is a specific emphasis that has two programs, 1) sponsored by ACES, AMHCA, NBCC & American  Association of State Counseling Boards (ENCLAP 2:0)  a person coming into Utah to be licensed fairly quickly, presuming they met certain requirements.
    2. Licensure Reciprocity is quite different from portability. If two states have reciprocity, I don’t have to get licensed by the other state to practice. If we go to reciprocity, Ellen brings up Licensure by Endorsement, which Gray states is similar to portability, he clarifies endorsement still requires going through a process to be licensed. Utah is not part of the AASCB, it costs the state a membership fee to belong to, and Utah has elected not to participate.

    6.      Vice President  - Dennis questioned when the new president will selects her executive committee. . Julie clarifies that Anna has until March.

    7.      Secretary – Nothing at this time.

    8.      Treasurer Report: The fiscal year starts in July. Bryce states he will be in touch with committee chairs to work with them on committee budgets. Julie explained the process, which is that each committee must have a vote for their budget, which should be done in March.

    9.      Gray proposes that something be put out that informs members about the benefits of  unified dues.

    10.  Financial Report

    1.      Zion's checking: $19,702.14

    2.      Zion's money market: $1623.71

    3.      Zion's PayPal: $1,519.63

    4.      Total: $22,800.00

    Money In: $5,575.65

    Money Out: $960.39

    Net: $4,615.26

    VII. Other Issues

    1.      Open to floor for discussion: Gray and Jim discuss being contacted through personal emails and phone numbers and are wondering if a policy could be discussed or voted on about how best to approach this situation. Julie mentions this can be discussed in the executive committee wile Ellen adds that organizations are often put on list-serves. She suggests being intentional and thoughtful in how we disseminate  information to our readership. Julie backs Ellen up and agrees it needs to be discussed further. Anna also has some ideas that might help manage this. Dennis asks new attendees to introduce themselves. Kristen and Michelle share a little about themselves.

    2.      Any issues not already discussed above: No

    VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting: 10:27 am


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