Board Meeting Minutes - March 12, 2022

  • 12 Mar 2022 10:13 AM
    Message # 12658628
    Anne Farley (Administrator)

    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

    March 12, 2022

    Board Meeting Minutes

    Start:  9:04 am

    End:   10:02 am


    • Explanation of Board Meeting and Protocols by President
    • Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary 
      • Welcome to those in attendance through Webinar
      • Recognition of Governing Officers and Members of the Board 
      • Excused

    Governing Officers

    • Anna Lieber, LCMHC, President
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, Immediate Past-President
    • Ellen Behrens, LP, LCMHC, Ph.D., Vice President
    • Anne Farley, ACMHC, Secretary
    • Terri Goldstein, LCMHC, Treasurer
    • Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor

    Board members 

    • Ellen Behrens, LP, LCMHC, Ph.D., Vice President
    • Jordan Briggs, LCMHC, LPPC Chair
    • Anne Farley, ACMHC, Secretary
    • Terri Goldstein, LCMHC, Treasurer
    • Anna Lieber, CMHC, President
    • Jim Macedone, ACMHC, Executive Director
    • Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor
    • Karen Tao, Ph.D, EEAC Chair
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, Immediate Past President
    1. Call to Order
    2. Recognize a Quorum
    3. Call to ratify the Minutes of the February 2022 Board Meeting. Motion was passed to accept the February 2022 Board Meeting minutes. 
    4. Special Announcements by the President
    5. Business of Governing Officers

      1. President 
      2. Executive Director Report
        1. The flyer has been completed and submitted to DOPL, we have not received the DOPL list yet. The marketing will sent to over 12,000 people. The venue is in the Gore School of Business at Westminster College with three breakout rooms. Registration is open, this will be catered. Not a lot of advertising has gone out, we will be utilizing Post Planner ($60/year) as a social media outlet for upcoming social media marketing. Please like the social media accounts for the UMHCA page. 
        2. PRMM committee to get the theme going for the conference. 
        3. Membership has been increasing due to the conference, we are now at 684. 
      3. Presidential Advisor Report
        1. We have a conference for AMHCA in June in Vegas. They are offering a discounted rate if there is a group; AMHCA will continue to promote the counseling compact and counselor testing. 
      4. Vice President
      5. Secretary: 
        1. The Board Manual is in its third draft currently. 
      6. Treasurer Report
        1. I will do conference registrations on Monday, which will include applying the credits AMHCA has on account.
        2. CLEAN-UP
          1. All payments made through Wild Apricot to Affinipay have been verified as deposited.
          2. Clean-up is going very well. Met with accountant and cleaned up transactions that were incorrectly/not categorized.
          3. Reviewed and corrected Chart of Accounts and affected transactions.
          4. Next step: (1) Finalize clean up: 3/16/2022 (2) Add tags and work with accountant to improve budget started last year (3) Work with bookkeeper for about two months to make sure no more changes are needed (4) Cancel Live Bookkeeper Service no later than 06/30/2022.  This will ensure we start the new fiscal year with a accurate and reliable financial system. 
          1.  Account Balances 
            1. 22FEBStatement of Financial Position.pdf
          2. February 2022 Performance
            1. 22FEBActivity.pdf
          3. Fiscal Year-to-Date Performance
            1. FY22-23 StatementofActivity to February 28, 2022.pdf
    1. Committee Business

    1. Executive Committee (EXEC)

    1. New Projects - None
    2.  Update of Progress 
      1. Meetings are continuing with NASW-UT and UMFT. 
      2. Executive committee continues to focus on the Spring Conference and ways to increase committee membership and participation. 
    3. Items for Vote - None
    4. Budget Changes -None
    5. Suggestions from Board -None

    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)

    1. New Projects - 
      1. Working on a final legislative blast to go to UMHCA, it should be out soon.
      2. Sending thank you letters to Sen Kennedy and Sen Bramble. 
    2.  Update of Progress - Legislative Update
      1. SB 237 Counseling Compact has passed! and UT will have a seat on the governing council. It hasn't officially be enrolled yet, the Governor is due to sign it on May 9th. Utah is the 4th state to pass this bill. 
      2. UMHCA is still evaluating how DOPL will apply the changes to the Mental Health Professional practice act but the two bills (HB 283 & SB 44) have passed. The HB 283 bill will reduce indirect hours by 1000, for an overall requirement of 3000 hours. The SB 44 extends the licensure exam time from 1-2 years to 2-4 years. This extension of time was an UMHCA initiative. 
      3. Thank you Jordan Briggs for your service to UMHCA and the LPPC committee.
      4. Christopher Austin is interested in chairing the LPPC meeting and introduced himself to the Board. 
    3. Items for Vote - 
      1. Gray set a motion to the board that Christopher Austin be the chair for the LPPC committee, the motion passed. Welcome Christopher Austin as the new chair of the LPPC committee. 
    4. Budget Changes-none
    5. Suggestions from Board - None 

    3. Education & Conference Committee (EACC)  

    1. New Projects - None
    2. Update of Progress 
      1. Presenters will be in place for the supervision track; Ellen or Anna may present more and are familiar with the content. NASW UT has one confirmed presenter, UMHCA is still looking for two more presenters. Slides and Content are prepared.
      2. Still waiting on a confirmation for one of the presenters for the conference. The Guild will be presenting on ethical issues for treatment of the LGBTQ+ population, and the other presenters have confirmed. 
      3. Joint certification from UMHCA and NASW-UT. 
    3. Items for vote  - None
    4. Budget Changes  - None
    5. Suggestions from Board - 
      1. Suggestions include recommending changes for the next legislature session, to address the standards around supervision for the CMHC licensure. 

    4. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC) (Hold)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of Progress
    3. Items for Vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board 

    5. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM) 

    1. New Projects
      1. Currently working and finishing up marketing for the upcoming conference
    2. Update of Progress
      1. PRMM continues to work on expanding membership and committee participation through identifying needs of different committee's to use an an invite to join a committee by having function/purpose. 
    3. Items for Vote -None
    4. Budget Changes -None
    5. Suggestions from Board: 
      1. Slide show with QR codes during the conference for those who would like to join the committee with specific roles. 

    6. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1. New Projects - None
    2. Update of Progress
      1. Graduate Student Poster Portal is up and running, currently there are no submissions yet, the deadline is March 23. Please reach out to any graduate students and let them know the benefits of presenting at the conference.
      2. Karen is moving into a different position at her work and has reached out to Dr. Kristal James, who has agreed to be the new chair of the GSEP committee. 
      3. Dr. James introduced herself and discussed her passion for supporting UMHCA and the GSEP committee. 
      4. GSEP committee is continuing to work on increasing student participation in this committee. 
      5. Thank you Dr. Karen Tao for your work in the GSEP committee. 
    3. Items for Vote 
      1.  Karen Tao has called a motion to bring Dr. Kristal James as the GSEP committee Chair, the motion has passed. Welcome Dr. Kristal James as the new chair of the Graduate Student and Emerging Professionals Committee. 
    4. Budget Changes - None
    5. Suggestions from Board -None

    7. Other Business and Items for Discussion

    1. AMHCA is working on increasing how they can be more diverse. Joining both the AMHCA and UMHCA through the AMHCA website allows for a 20% discount. Voting is coming up in April. 

    8.  Adjournment

    Motion for adjournment passed, the March 12, 2022 UMHCA Monthly Meeting is adjourned at 10:02 am. 

    Rosanne Farley, ACMHC, Secretary

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