Board Meeting Minutes - May 14, 2022

  • 16 May 2022 3:57 PM
    Message # 12782684
    Anne Farley (Administrator)

    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

    May 14, 2022

    Board Meeting Minutes

    Start:  9:02 am

    End:   10:05 am


    • Explanation of Board Meeting and Protocols by President
    • Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary 
    • Welcome to those in attendance through Webinar
    • Recognition of Governing Officers and Members of the Board 
    • Excused

    Governing Officers

    • Anna Lieber, LCMHC, President
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, Immediate Past-President
    • Ellen Behrens, LP, LCMHC, Ph.D., Vice President
    • Anne Farley, ACMHC, Secretary
    • Terri Goldstein, LCMHC, Treasurer
    • Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor

    Board members 

    • Ellen Behrens, LP, LCMHC, Ph.D., Vice President
    • Christopher Austin, ACMHC, LPPC Chair
    • Anne Farley, ACMHC, Secretary
    • Terri Goldstein, LCMHC, Treasurer
    • Anna Lieber, CMHC, President
    • Jim Macedone, ACMHC, Executive Director
    • Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor
    • Kristal James, Ph.D, EEAC Chair
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, Immediate Past President
    1. Call to Order
    2. Recognize a Quorum
    3. Call to ratify the Minutes of the March and April 2022 Board Meeting, motion has been called and passed.
    4. Special Announcements by the President
      1. Thank you everyone for your work at the UMHCA Conference. 
    5. Business of Governing Officers

    1.      President 

    1.      Acknowledgement of Julie Tucker's service to UMHCA and release from board service. 

    2.      Feedback from UAMFT

    3.      Now is the time to keep the conference momentum and reach out to members and ask them to join a committee. Ideas, thoughts, suggestions? Suggestions included possibly running a page with the theme from the annual conference, graduate student posters, and data on the page.

    2.      Executive Director Report  

    1.      Annual Conference information was presented with 223 people registered; our membership increased from 694 to 727. Overall reviews were positive with an average of 4.8 rating.

    2.      Feedback concerns focused on zoom issues/technical issues.

    3.      Certificates are going out today on 5/14/2022. Supervision certificates are separate.

    3.      Presidential Advisor Report

    1. Gray discussed supervision training and encouraged looking further into these trainings.
    2. Gray discussed his desire for UMHCA to get behind some of the behavioral issues that we can bring to Senator Kennedy or other sponsors for improving mental health and further developing our professional identity.
    3. AMHCA Conference begins on June 21 for the leadership portion and goes until June 24.
    4. Counseling Compact passed, Utah was the 6th state that signed and will have a seat on the counseling compact commission.
    5. Discussed success of the UMHCA annual conference.

    4.      Vice President

    1. Ellen expressed her gratitude for those who participated in helping and making the UMHCA Annual Conference a success.

    5.      Secretary

    6.      Treasurer Report

    1.      Due to a lack of syncing between Zion’s bank and Quick-books, the financial reports are unable to be reported, this information will be updated at the next UMHCA meeting.  

    1.       Account Balances 


    2.      Fiscal Year-to-Date Performance


    3.      March 2022/2021 Performance & Comparison


    1. Committee Business

    1. Executive Committee (EXEC)

    1. New Projects 
      1. Currently seeking a local bookkeeper or accountant for UMHCA books. Please email Terri if you have suggestions. 
    2.  Update of Progress 
      1. Best of State Award is due at the end of the month, if there is anything we need to include, please send an email to Jim at
      2. The Annual Report is also due to AMHCA.
    3. Items for Vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board: None

    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)

    1. New Projects: None 
    2.  Update of Progress: None
    3. Items for Vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board: None

    3. Education & Conference Committee (EACC)  

    1. New Projects - None 
    2. Update of Progress 
    3. Items for vote  
    4. Budget Changes  
    5. Suggestions from Board:
      1. We are still seeking a chair for this committee, any suggestions please email Anna at or Jim at

    4. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC) (Hold)

    1. New Projects: None
    2. Update of Progress: None
    3. Items for Vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board 
      1. We are still seeking a chair for this committee, any suggestions please email Anna at or Jim at

    5. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM) 

    1. New Projects: None
    2. Update of Progress:
      1. A request for the final sale from has been requested and will be submitted to Terri as soon as possible.
    3. Items for Vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board: None

    6. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1. New Projects: None
    2. Update of Progress:
      1. Monthly meeting has been established with two students who attended.
      2. Kristal discussed changes to the mission statement for the GSEP group specifically as a student has suggested and drafted a new mission statement. Board members indicated this was fine.
      3. Kristal inquired about a possible scholarship from UMHCA, board members discussed how this idea was floated around, but never approved. This would require a discussion around feasibility, sustainability, and would require a vote from the board.
      4. Gray is set to present at USU on May 20th, Kristal expressed interest in attending to shadow and learn from Gray, discussed coordinating together. Gray has not decided currently if he is doing an in-person or virtual presentation.
      5. Kristal shared feedback from students including topics for Brown Bag trainings that would focus on topics such as licensure exams, how to gain licensing, and getting the value out of belonging to a professional membership.
    3. Items for Vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board:
      1. Ellen suggested that attendance and involvement in 3 or 4 meetings should be explored in order for students to graduate with honors from UMHCA. Students would need to show investment in serving within UMHCA.
      2. Kristal discussed utilizing Jim to help her in reaching students in order to broaden the GSEP goal of expanding membership in the professional membership of UMHCA.
      3. Anna shared the value in the drive for GSEP, which has a gold mine of information.

     6.      Other Business and Items for Discussion

    • 1.  Anna shared that she will be attending the June 11th Board Meeting, and is hoping to attend the Annual Conference at the end of June.

    8.  Adjournment

    The May, 14, 2022 officially adjourned at 10:05 pm.

    Rosanne Farley, ACMHC


    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

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