Utah Mental Health Counselors Association
September 10, 2022
Board Meeting Minutes
Start: 9:03am
End: 10:15 am
Governing Officers
Board members
1. President
1. Thank you to everyone who assisted at the Fall Conference.
2. Tri-Therapy monthly meeting will be held on 09/16/2022.
1. Supervision Requirements (SW & MHC)
2. Executive Director Report
1. Fall Conference Report, 206 attendee’s with 90% participation. Revenue was just under $13,000 with a 4.7/5.0 rating.
2. Started working to secure the next location for the conference including the Sheraton and the Library.
3. Brown Bags will begin again for October and November.
3. Presidential Advisor Report
4. Vice President
5. Secretary
6. Treasurer Report
1. Account Balances:
1. Zions Checking: $41,998.03 2. Zions Money Market: $2,124.52 3. PayPal: $212.81 2. Statement of Financial Position 20220831 StatementofFinancialPosition.pdf 3. Statement of Activity Month End 08/31/2022 Final_20220831 StatementofActivityn(Committees).pdf 4. Statement of Activity: Fiscal Year to Date 08/31/2022 Final_20220831 StatementofActivity-FYTD (Committee).pdf 5. Statement of Activity Detail Showing first draft of for Committee reporting YELLOW CHANGES TO 20220831 StatementofActivityDetail.pdf
1. Zions Checking: $41,998.03
2. Zions Money Market: $2,124.52
3. PayPal: $212.81
2. Statement of Financial Position 20220831 StatementofFinancialPosition.pdf
3. Statement of Activity Month End 08/31/2022 Final_20220831 StatementofActivityn(Committees).pdf
4. Statement of Activity: Fiscal Year to Date 08/31/2022 Final_20220831 StatementofActivity-FYTD (Committee).pdf
5. Statement of Activity Detail Showing first draft of for Committee reporting YELLOW CHANGES TO 20220831 StatementofActivityDetail.pdf
6. Zions Update
1. We are going to ask to change the anniversary date. If they will not, then we will be looking to leave the bank.
2. Zions and QBOnline are still not talking.
1. Executive Committee (EXEC)
2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
3. Education & Conference Committee (EACC)
4. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC) (Hold)
5. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
6. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)
1. Liaison meeting has active representation from UVU, USU, Westminster, and RMU.
2. Cords came in.
7. Other Business and Items for Discussion
8. Adjournment
Motion called to end the meeting at 10:15am, motion passed.
Rosanne Farley, ACMHC
Utah Mental Health Counselors Association is Utah's hub for enhancing the profession of mental health counselors. UMHCA is a 501(c)6 organization.Some internet services donated by XMission© 2024 UHMCA • Policies • Privacy • Site Map