Sept 2017 Board Meeting Minutes - RATIFIED 10/1/2017

  • 15 Sep 2017 12:02 PM
    Message # 5262641
    UMHCA _Administrator (Administrator)

    September 9, 2017


    Board meeting & retreat

    1. Welcome
      1. Called to order at 8:48am
      2. Attendees: Paul Callister, Gray Otis, Jason Wagner, Julie Tucker, Scott, & Meg Martinez
    2. financial report review
      1. via Jason 
      2. Document uploaded into Google Drive
      3. Refund from Paul’s attendance at the AMHCA Conference
      4. Needing a service through our new website that allows for credit card payments to be accepted. 
    3. custody evaluation update 
      1. via Paul Carver
      2. Send several emails to Adam Caldwell for an update on the ruling. No response at this time. 
    4. Website update
      1. via Paul and Jason 
      2. Website can go live soon; working on coordination between xmission and wildapricot so that email address
      3. Request from the community for the Board to publish/post job openings to our website once it is live. Jim has created a form for the community to complete in order to have a job posted. 
    5. Legislative committee report
      1. Supervision Standards compiled by Scott and Jim
      2. Gray presented AMHCA standards of practice for Supervision 
        1. Discussed continued education for Supervisors 
        2. Discussed UMHCA providing training for Supervisors and Test Preparation 
      3. Discussed drafting the changes and creating a proposal to be submitted to DOPL. 
        1. Paul and Gray will inquire at the next DOPL meeting as to how to change the rule. 
        2. Discussed the “backlash” that could result from the proposed change; including a grandfathered clause and a time period for current supervisors to complete the required training.
        3. The focus is on having LCMHCs have supervisor requirements and not necessarily changing who can supervise LACMHCs. 
        4. Gray may reach out to his Florida contacts to see how they implemented these new requirements. 
        5. Paul reached out to Idaho’s Board to discuss their requirements for Supervisors. 
        6. Train the Trainers: Discussed someone from the Board getting trained as an instructor for these courses; not a requirement. 
      4. Paul assigned the Legislative Committee with the task of drafting the proposal and submitting to the Board. 
        1. Connect with University of Phoenix as they may have lesson plans to review and implement. 
        2. Present findings from what is required by Florida, Idaho, and AMHCA and then recommending what Utah should be requiring. 
          1. AMHCA has suggested 24 hours as a standard of practice with 3 hours of continued education. 
        3. Discussed looking at the LCSWs supervision requirements. 
          1. The committee currently has copies of requirements from ACA and Florida; Florida recommends 12 hours. 
        4. Discussion around 12-16 hours up front with 1-2 hours of continued education each year. 
      5. UMHCA Certifying Training. 
        1. The need for a comprehensive database on what training we have provided to provide to DOPL if needed. 
        2. Option of providing Ethics, Suicide Prevention as well as the Supervision trainings. 
          1. Discussed in person trainings as well as webinars in the future. 
      6. Increasing structure will increase Board involvement. 
    6. president elect
      1. Need a President Elect for 1 year as part of our bylaws. 
      2. Ideally, there are 3 presidents who are part of the Board for consistency and continuity. 
      3. Discussion around the President serving a 2-year term. 
        1. Increasing a President’s commitment to a 6-year commitment. 
        2. Creating an Executive Director as well for administrative support. 
      4. Scott nominated Julie as the President Elect; Gray seconded.
        1. Julie agreed to serve pending personal situation that may cause a conflict. 
    7. September Mini-conference
      1. Paul and Colleen Sandor to introduce the conference and presenters. 
      2. Gray to moderate the DOPL Ethics Panel. 
      3. Discussed needs for Conference
        1. Name tags (Meg sends info to Jim to create)
        2. Cross-checking list of members with attendees (Jason)
        3. Creating a registration “check in” list (Meg)
        4. UMHCA Brochures (Meg to Gray to print)
        5. CEU Certificates (Meg) 
        6. Emails to attendees prior to Conference to contain address/map, parking pass, and request for questions for the DOPL Board. 
    8. 2018 Annual conference
      1. Discussion around changing the title; Gray motioned for an addition of a subtitle “Creating options for treating co-morbid disorders” Julie seconds. 
        1. Discussed Mike Dusoe as a Keynote 
        2. Discussed ______ as a second day Keynote 
      2. Created an Eventbrite for this conference and sent out a call for presenters to members. Proposals will go to
      3. Jason will get the DOPL list of CMHCs for future marketing. 
    9. Strategic Planning session
      1. Board voted on the below topics/goals for the next 1-2 years; priorities will be added and discussed at the October Board meeting.  
      2. Financial Strength 
      3. Marketing to the Profession
        1. Bringing in professionals that are strong in the field and the community
        2. “Bringing in key players” and Key Stake Holders
      4. Rules and Laws to Support Counseling in Utah
      5. Retaining Membership 
        1. Approximately 562 members on our list; 20-30 active paying members
        2. The need for managing our data and providing membership renewals 
      6. Providing Ethics Training through the State
        1. Idea from Idaho on how to provide these trainings
      7. Live Website
        1. Frequently Asked Questions
        2. The Latest News in the Profession 
      8. Information Brokerage (website) 
      9. 4 Conference Events throughout the Year
        1. Annual Conference 
        2. 3 half-day conferences at the U of U, Westminster, and U of P. 
      10. Strengthen the Board 
        1. Faculty members from the universities 
      11. Student Involvement 
      12. Public Affairs 
      13. Supervisor Requirements 
      14. UMHCA Newsletter
      15. Board Training Manual 
      16. Executive Director Role

    Last modified: 13 Apr 2018 3:42 PM | UMHCA _Administrator (Administrator)

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