UMHCA Board meeting minutes 11/11/2017
In attendance: Paul Callister, Paul Carver, Kristi Erskine, Terri Goldstein, Jim Macedone, Louise
Jordensen, Ellen Behrens, Trevor Earl, Scott Carter, Jason Wagner, Julie Tucker, Laura Mercer
Approved last month’s minutes
Did send out a letter inviting people to come to the site. There was very limited response with people clicking and even visiting our site. There may be a need to send emails directly related to the fact that the counselor is currently expired.
Discussed the conference fees and the value/risk of having an “early bird” offering. It was discussed whether one month
Financial report – Jason did not have any financial updates due to no longer having access to Zions. The account locked and nobody knows the answer to the security question. Still waiting for the state to approve the officer change and Jason will get the bank account situated.
Custody evaluations – Paul Carver has still not heard anything back from the subcommittee contact.
Discussing ideas of how involve more individuals to move this process. Scott offered a friend of his who is an attorney who is willing to help for free.
Legislative – There will be a meeting after this board meeting. Items to be discussed will be potentially modeling supervision requirements after Idaho. Concern about getting it into upcoming legislative session. Paul Carver brought up the idea of checking with DOPL and changing the rule instead of working to change the law. Julie will send the info to Paul Carver and he will get it to his DOPL team.
Paul Callister discussed the importance of Medicare passing. Explained how AMHCA was organizing a web “day on the hill” effort to organize counselors to encourage people to get in touch withrepresentatives to express the importance. Jason will forward an AMHCA email to all Utah counselors with senator’s emails and phone numbers. Discuss not only senior issues, but mental health, and opioid crisis. Also include link to find representative.
Bylaws discussion – Julie and Terry are looking into the bylaws and getting them updated. There may need to be another committee added. We currently do not have enough chair people to head up the committees. We do need to incorporate more people involved with the board, who can now pick their own people for their committees.
Julie motioned for anyone who has graduated be an official professional member. Gray seconded the motion. The discussion was positive and no dissenting opinions.
Julie also discussed how the President should have the ability pick people that he/she chooses and works best with in elected positions within the Executive Committee. This discussion was tabled for now.
Paul shared an update on 2018 Conference and that we are not fully staffed for speakers at this point.
We do have two keynote speakers. We have positive momentum at this point. We need to begin mapping out ideas for or other conferences for next year. Paul asked for volunteers to organize plans for the other conferences. Also moved the proposal deadline to January 12, 2018
Meeting adjourned at 10:08 a.m.
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