UMHCA Board meeting 3/10/2018
In attendance: Paul Callister, Jason Wagner, Jim Macedone, Gray Otis, Julie Tucker, Scott Carter, Trevor Earl, Terri Goldstein, Katrina White, Dennis Tucker, Rebecca Brochtrup, Nic Siniscalchi, Ellen Behrens
Call meeting to order at 9:15 a.m.
Julie motioned to approve minutes. Jason approved.
Financial report.
The conference has helped the checking account with a balance of $8,543.35. Jason explained how the finances have looked in the past and how much progress this balance represents.
The group introduced themselves to each other.
Paul discussed an idea about a potential documentary with a filmmaker regarding Medicare deficiencies and potentially have a screening that involves political leaders to educate and put pressure on changing the law to includes CMHC’s and LMFT’s. UMHCA is considering contributing to this project financially.
Julie discussed changes with the bylaws. Changed “Chairman” to now be “Chair.” Also changed language for more inclusion for other licensed professionals from Clinical Mental Health Counselor to Clinical Mental Health Professional. Julie discussed the changes to the website in order to inform viewers about committees that have openings and welcome people to inquire about the opening.
Paul discussed the potential of having a fall conference and potentially have IPI as well as the DOPL board to present once again. Throwing out different ideas of where the future conferences could be held as far as hosting at Westminster and Argosy.
Fall conference Sept 21 or 28, 2018 at Westminster.
Annual conference looking at March 22 and 23, 2019 at Argosy.
Discussed how to break out the Graduate Student Committee and how the chair position will work. Ellen spoke about her desire of being the chair and there was a discussion on whether she could chair two committees. The group voted to separate to begin the process of separating out the the ECGS into 2 separate committees. Ellen and her committee to explore the option and present to the board the changes in the Bylaws and formation of the GSC, and best way to have run the committee, either as a subcomittee as the ECGS or a full standing committee.
Paul and Julie discussed the changes in the term of the President. Paul is set to complete his Presidency at the conference in March 2018. The discussion has been approving a two year Presidency term and at this point, that would result in Paul potentially serving for three years total. There have been discussions on the legal issues by retroactively moving back the time so Paul could fill the two year responsibility. Paul suggested moving forward with the plan of him completing his term and Julie being the first President to serve the two year term.
Paul suggested we send out a message to the DOPL list in order to fill our open vacancies prior to the fall conference. Terri brought up the point that she will be graduating over the summer and is interested in filling a board role and the concern is people join the board and put into positions but are not fully participating.
Paul Carver was not able to attend due to illness but shared his hope to have some good news to share with the group regarding the custody evaluations changes.
Legislative update:
Scott discussed a goal of having CMHC licensure mentioned specifically in legal language of laws moving forward. He has a friend, who is an attorney, and is willing to help with this change in legal language, as well as even present to our membership in the future.
Conference discussion
Terri has secured lunch from Apple Spice Junction. The price will be $10.50 per lunch.
Julie spoke about Department of Human Services wanting to have a table at the conference.
Adjourn meeting at 11:00 AM
Utah Mental Health Counselors Association is Utah's hub for enhancing the profession of mental health counselors. UMHCA is a 501(c)6 organization.Some internet services donated by XMission© 2025 UHMCA • Policies • Privacy • Site Map