April 2018 Minutes - RATIFIED 5/12/18

  • 14 Apr 2018 5:07 PM
    Message # 6099426
    UMHCA _Administrator (Administrator)

    UMHCA Board Meeting—minutes

    Saturday 4/14/18

    Present: Julie Tucker, Dennis Tucker, Scott Carter, Jim Macedone, Gray Otis, Scott Carter, Berta Rodriguez Diaz, Uma Dorn, Paul Callister, Bryce Poorman (Westminster CMHC student), Caroline (Kari) Graham (Westminster CMHC student), Jessica Tucker, Jenaveve Tucker, and Jonah Tucker

    Called to order 9:10 am

    Julie said that at the beginning of each new president year, members of the executive committed is released, with the exception of the President and the Past-President, according to the bylaws. 

    Julie submitted a new list for executive committee positions:

    Gray Otis for Presidential Advisor—voted in

    Uma Dorm for Vice President for UMHCA—voted in

    Julie says that unity among the professions is one of her goals during her presidency.

    Dennis Tucker, LCSW for secretary

    He talked about his experiences. Been LCSW since 1994. History working with boys ranch. LDS family services. Ended up going into direction of sex offender, ISAT. Worked at the Utah State Prison with Marie Remington. Became substance abuse provider, with Julie, to deal with court-orders treatment services. Ended business in recession. Private practice in 2010. Working with those who are “not forced to come to private practice at gun point.” 

    His UMHCA vision—it is not a profession that was recognized by other professionals. I see my role as a supportive role. Willing to take minutes. See it as larger than that. When you are asked to do that you either rise up or you shrink.

    Julie’s vision for secretary. Part of the executive committee. Secretary and Treasurer are voting members of the executive committee. 

    Dennis—mentioned that we need to make sure everything, inducing qualification for participation on the board, in the membership, and Julie said we do or will have this documented

    Dennis—voted in

    Jason Wagner for Treasurer

    Jason talked about his vision for the association

    Jason—voted in

    Julie said we need a chair for the General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB)

    Right now there is no one in this position

    Julie said the members of this committee may be Licensed Mental Health Professions from the counseling or other fields

    Julie said the role of this person will be developed, including as person is selected and begins to function in this role

    Gray nominated Berta Rodriguez Diaz as the chair of the GBAB committee—voted in

    PAPP Committee—Julie says we need a chair for this committee, but we do not have a person in this position right now

    Gray motioned that we change bylaws language so that this chair may be a counselor or someone from another field. This motion was seconded and there was discussion. This change was approved by vote. The motion was the change the work “will” to “may.” 

    Gray said he can inquire of Sandi Williams whether she may be willing to chair for this committee

    Gray motioned to table this issue of finding a chair for this committee until this next meeting, and motion was approved. 

    Legislative committee update—Scott Carter

    We need to start to move soon if we are going to propose legislation changes for supervision requirements for counselors

    Issue of lawyers being the only type of professional who are currently filing the “special masters” position. Scott believes that those from other professions may also be well qualified. The special masters position fills a specialized role in court settings.

    Gray, Uma, Julie, Jason, and Paul want to be on the legislative committee

    Scott asked for permission to pursue the special master issue. This was motioned and approved. 

    Julie said in the future she thinks this process, which should happen every year, and that the chair should make nominate positions, regardless of who volunteers to serve. She also said that in future meetings each committee chair will be given 10 minutes to report on the committee progress and to submit proposals for approval by the board. That is being developed. She said she will also strive to help each committee and committee chair to develop their own direction and implementation of each committees plan. 

    Julie wants there to be separate meeting for all the chairs to be trained on the website. 

    Julie wants people to stop using the google group email list to communicate with members. She cited liability issues and said she can articulate these if anyone would like to understand the problems with group emails that are not following the rules of operations. 

    Julie said we need to start functioning under a budget for allocation of funds.

    Julie wants to start to have a volunteer committee of undergraduate students to create service opportunities for us. She said this could lead to experience gained for these students, letters of recommendation and also potential paid internships in the future. Jessica, Jenaveve, and Jonah will be our first volunteers in this capacity. 

    Meeting adjourned 11:03 am. 

    Last modified: 12 May 2018 9:34 AM | UMHCA _Administrator (Administrator)

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