June 9th Minutes - Ratified July 14, 2018

  • 9 Jun 2018 9:03 AM
    Message # 6300478

    June 2018 Minutes

    09 June 2018  Dennis Tucker (Administrator)
    Start: 9:13 am
    End: 10:50 am

      I.          Call to Order 

    II.          Welcome to ALL in attendance.

    1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
      1. Voting members present:
      • Julie Tucker, CMHC, President
      • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Secretary
      • Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., Board member, ECG's chair
      • Gray Otis, CMHC, Past president,
      • Jim Macedone, Proxy vote Julie as PRMM chair
      • Jason Wagner, CMHC, Treasurer
      • Scott Carter, CMHC, Board member, LPPC chair
      1. Voting members absent:
      • Uma Dorn, Ph.D., Vice President, EXEC chair
      • Paul Callister, CMHC, Past president
      • Berta Rodriquez Diaz, Board member,
      • Kristine Erskine, Ed.D., CMHC, Board member, ECG's co-chair
    2. Discussion of legality of the meeting as 50% of quorum needs to be present. We will be keeping track of present /absent voting members to assure legality of meetings. 
    3. Discussion of who is to be invited to pending Gotomeetings
    4. Meeting to be from 9:00-10:30 as PRMM will be training at 10:30-12:30

    III.          Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from May

    1. Notes were read. Dennis motioned to ratify meeting notes from last meeting. Gray seconded. Unanimously approved.
    IV.          Discussion on Administrative Organization of UMHCA and Instruction by Julie Tucker, President
    1. 501(c) appropriate inurements.
      1. UMHCA board member advertising on website, use of gotomeeting
      2. UMHCA can't provide pay or promise of future pay to members.
      3. EXEC committee can discuss and bring to board meeting ideas of appropriate inurements. 
    2. Committee Size of Committees, 
    3. Qualifications for committees.
    4. Application for committees.

    V. Order of Business (In the future all of these items need to be voted upon)

    1. Governing Board Report & Votes - Julie Tucker
      1. Changes in Bylaws - no changes this month. No vote needed. 
      2. Submission of Nominations for PPAC (Professional Partnership & Associations Committee); 
        1. Sandi Williams, LMFT, not currently a member. Nominated by Jim, PRMM chair
        2. Motion to put to table the nomination till next month by Jason. Seconded by Gray. Vote was unanimous. 
      1. Chair nomination and discussion:  Who can nominate? Chair heads. Nominations must be legal, at least ACMHC
      1. Jason Wagner, Treasurer Report on Income and Expenses
        1. Jason put forth motion to switch merchant accounts to PayPal from Cybersource. Discussion ensued. Jason presented idea that  cost would be less monthly. PayPal would be per use (2.9% + $.30 per transaction) whereas Cybersource is a relatively large sum monthly ($70.88), thus currently guaranteeing a current monthly loss. Intuit was also discussed, but Intuit is not believed to be Wild Apricot friendly. Discussion ended. Seconded by Dennis. The vote was unanimous. 
      2. Budgets for Year End Needed by June meeting
        1. PRMM committee has a budget. Budget presented by Jim. $160 per mo. for website. Gotomeeting @$30 per mo. for online meeting presence. Survey Monkey @ $32 per mo. for online storage purposes. Projector, cables, adapters @ $1000. Discussion ensued. Concerns about the expense of the projector etc. was addressed. Ellen discussed the need for cables and adaptors. Jim motioned to approved. Seconded by Gray. Vote took place, which rejected the budget minus one member. 
      3. Volunteer Update

    2.  Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
      1. Scott stated that he has no need of money at this time for a budget. Scott motioned to have no budget. Dennis seconded. Discussion ensued. Terri stated possible need for the future. Scott countered and stated when that comes he will bring it up. Votes were unanimous. 
      2. In their committee meeting the Budget was reviewed. Also discussed was the hours required by interns to be approved. Direct time is defined by DOPL on their  link. UMHCA members were encouraged by Paul to attend the meetings. DOPL meetings are the second Wednesday of the month. Paul invited the DOPL meetings to be put on the UMHCA website. Jim assured that it is. 
    3.  Education, Conference, & Graduate Student Committee (ECGS)
      1. Ellen brought up idea of changing requirements for honors designation from two years to one year. Ellen motioned to decrease the required time from two to one year. Seconded by Jim. Discussion ensued. Vote was unanimous. 
      2. Gray motioned to extend the meeting by five minutes. Seconded by Scott. Vote approved. Paul Carver allowed to present his findings. Yes permission has been granted for CMHC's to do custody evaluations but substantively nothing his happening. Estimating another month to 60 days. UMHCA members can attend, but Paul didn't think it would help. 
    4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
      1. Will be training after the meeting at 10:30.
    5. Executive Committee (EXEC)
      1. Gray will be attending AHMCA. Gray Motioned to not pay anyone to attend the conference. Seconded Scott. Discussion ensued. Gray will attend on his own and report to the board. 
    VI.          Other Potential UMHCA Issues

    Paul Callister – Trish Barrus on Insurance Panels 

    Any other issues not on the list

    Last modified: 14 Jul 2018 9:17 AM | Dennis Alan Tucker

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