July 14 2018 Minutes RATIFIED ON AUG. 11, 2018

  • 14 Jul 2018 9:08 AM
    Message # 6381140

    July 14 2018 Minutes

    Start: 9:10 am
    End: 10:56 am

      I.          Call to Order by Secretary

    II.          Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary.

    1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
    2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
    • Julie Tucker, CMHC, President
    • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Secretary
    • Gray Otis, Ph.d., CMHC, Presidential Advisor
    Board Members
    • Kristne Erskine, ED.D., CMHC, ECG's Chair
    • Jim Macedone, Proxy vote Julie as PRMM chair
    • Scott Carter, CMHC, Board member, LPPC chair
    • PPAC CHAIR, Empty
    3. List of Voting Members who are Absent.
    • Uma Dorn, Ph.D., Vice President, EXEC Chair*
    • Paul Callister, Past President*
    • Ellen Behrens, Ph.D. AND/OR 
    • Berta Rodriquez Diaz, GBAB Chair*

    III.          Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from June

    1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month.
    2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
    IV.          Discussion on Administrative Organization of UMHCA and Instruction by Julie Tucker, President
    1.   Kristin stated it would be useful to have a list of resources read and/or recommended. Scott stated something similar to 'psychology  today' would be nice. Apparently it already exists. Dues could also be collected on monthly basis versus annual basis, including subscription. Gray stated something like 'parade of homes' would be nice. Also, UMHCA are also supposed to be AMCHA members. Jim reminded that last month it was discussed that board members were to receive membership benefits for free.

    V. Order of Business (Roberts rules now in effect)

    1. Governing Board Report & Votes - Julie Tucker
      1. Changes in Bylaws - no changes this month.
      2. Submission of Nominations for PPAC (Professional Partnership & Associations Committee) Head; 
        1. Sandi Williams, LMFT was Nominated by Jim, PRMM chair
        2. If no chair this month, President will ask to assign a temporary Chair and committee members to begin the organization of the PPAC.
        3. Presidential Advisor & Past President to be assigned this committee as part of their responsibilities and to be placed into the Bylaws.
        4. Items currently falling under the PPAC;
          1. Trauma Awareness issues/group and UMHCA's stance with these issues;
          2. Dave Wilde/Chronic Pain, opiod crises and how UMHCA might integrate as a group with DOPL
          3. DOPL board and DOPL board meetings
          4. Trisha Barras and Insurance panels dealing with Opiod panels and insurance companies
          5. NBFE and other partners of UMHCA, we have a conference coming up, do we want to have our partners participate for Forensics (We could also look at any other group we feel are adjuncts for Forensics ie AFCC & the group Candice is a part of)
          6. HIPPA Compliance
          7. Insurance Company panels
          8. Workforce Services Committee.
          9. Film Industry for educational video.
          10. Issues surrounding those in private practice.
        5. Jim moved to put Gray in the placement as chair head of the . Seconded by Scott. Open for discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
        6. Julie presented to put Paul Callister as a member of PPAC/ Paul Carver as non-voting member of PPAC.  Gray motioned to approve. Jim seconded. Vote was nearly unanimous. Dennis abstained. 
    2. PRMM Committee Chair Replacement.
      1. Julie Tucker to step down as the PRMM, would like to ask if any of the chairs would be willing to endorse, Trevor Earl as the new PRMM Chair. Jim motioned to nominate Trevor. Scott seconded. Discussion ensued. Vote was unanimous. 
    3. Removal of Berta Rodriguez Diaz as GBAB
      1.  Berta has missed May & June meetings and reports she will not be able to be to the meetings for the next 3 months. Dennis motioned to remove her as head. Scott seconded. Discussion ensued. Gray invited her to stay as committee member. Kristen asked when would it be appropriate to discuss who else can be placed in. Vote was unanimous. 
      2. Call by Julie for someone present to step in as the GBAB head. Scott motioned to nominate Dennis. Jim seconded. Discussion ensued. Vote was unanimous. 
        1. Kristin invited to seek for co-chairs. 
      3. Bylaws/Roberts rules state that voting members must attend 80% of the meetings. Motion put forth by Kristin to remove all board members as GBAB members and to function as regular committee. Seconded by Jim. Discussion ensued. Vote was unanimous. 
    4. Jason Wagner, Treasurer Report on Income and Expenses
      1. Paypal progress & transaction fees. Not present
      2. Budgets for Year End Needed by June meeting
        1. PRMM committee to resubmit budget. (Web 160x12= $1920, gotomeeting 20x12=$360; survey monkey 32x12=$383; projector etc. $800 Total $2504). Same as last time Trevor motioned to approve. Seconded by Kristin. Discussed. Vote was unanimous.  
        2. ECGS budget presented by Kristin. Total: $3,670 for the year. $400 for per conference printing. Badges $25; DOPL list for advertising $$106; Facebook $400; special plaque $50; Swag $1700, $1200. $800. Discussion ensued. concerns about the cost of swag. Yet the committee is what brings in the biggest amount of money. Votes were 6 for and 1 against. Further discussion ensued. Dennis expressed that the swag seemed exuberant. Also building costs were discussed, as not included. Also Argosy University is closing.  Its rooms will not be available. President declared that the budget passed. Date for the fall conference is up in the air, therefore can't market for it. 
      3. Volunteer Update
        1. Jenaveve Tucker. Jenaveve discussed  willingness to have volunteers for committees. 
    5.  Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
      1. Update of progress. No meeting was held due to vacation. Green light to go forward to find legislative sponsor for supervisory rules. Seeking a senator or someone similar to sponsor. Uma may be looking for someone. Update from Paul Carver regarding custody evaluations. Stuck in limbo. To vote on September 15. DOPL meeting last Wednesday, issues of portability discussed. What do people call themselves in all 50 states? L for License, or C for certified. Scott discussed portability matters, time frame to complete requirements. Question posed by Julie to Gray: if CMHC license is regulated differently than psychologists? Rule change has to go through the supreme court. Not a legislature issue. 
    6.  Education, Conference, & Graduate Student Committee (ECGS)
      1. Update of progress. Trevor will be asking each committee chair to produce articles. August will be provided by GBAB. Scott has done this previously as also did it for his website. 
      2. Items for vote.
    7. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
      1. Update of progress
      2. Items for vote. No items for vote. 
    8. Executive Committee (EXEC)
      1. To begin monthly meetings.

    VI. Changes to be done to the Bylaws for vote for next month.

    1. Any changes determined by this meeting that are necessary to clarify committee responsibilities, committee chair responsibilities, or clarification for the Bylaws, etc.

    VII. Other Potential UMHCA Issues

    1. Open to floor for discussion. What should we focus on? Needs of the profession. 
    2. Any issues not already discussed above.
    VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting. (10:56 am)

    Last modified: 13 Oct 2018 4:40 PM | UMHCA _Administrator (Administrator)

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