August 11 2018 Minutes RATIFICATION PENDING

  • 11 Aug 2018 9:05 AM
    Message # 6491209

    August 11 2018 Minutes

    Start: 9:04 am

      I.          Call to Order by Secretary

    II.          Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary.

    1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
    2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
    Governing Officers
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
    • Uma Dorn, Ph.D., Vice President & EXEC Chair
    • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Secretary & GBAB Chair
    • Jason Wagner, LCMHC, Treasurer -X
    Board Members
    • Kristin Erskine, ED.D., LCMHC, ECGS Co-Chair- X
    • Ellen Behrens, Phd, ECGS Chair
    • Trevor Earl, LCMHC PRMM Chair
    • Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair
    • Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor & PPAC Chair
    • Paul Callister, Past President
    List of Voting Members who are Absent.
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
    • Uma Dorn, Ph.D., Vice President & EXEC Chair* -X
    • Dennis Tucker, LCSW & GBAB Chair
    • Jason Wagner, LCMHC, Treasurer -X
    • Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor & PPAC Chair 
    • Paul Callister, Past President*
    • Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., ECGS Chair
    • Kristin Erskine, ED.D.,ECGS Co-Chair -X
    • Trevor Earl, LCMHC, GBAB Chair
    • Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair
    Do we have a Quorum, 6 voting members in attendence? YES/NO, 7 of 10

    III.          Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from July

    1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month. Scott motioned to ratify notes. Grey seconded. Unanimously approved. 
    2. Secretary gave the floor to the President.
    IV.          Discussion on Administrative Organization of UMHCA and Instruction
    1. Business of governing Officers.
      1. President
        1. Committee Chairs to have a time they meet once a month to make progress (about 1-1 1/2, can be on site or via Gotomeeting). Ellen brought up concerns about overlapping committee meetings. Discussion ensued. Could calendar be made for all to know the meeting times? Committees could pose a standing meeting time and all know about it. Motion by Dennis to have committee chairs to bring standing meeting times by next meeting. Seconded by Gray. Unanimously voted.  
        2.  Committee Chairs to begin using website for meetings, and notes and projects.
        3. Mission statement for each Committee to be supplied to PRMM. This allows those who want to join the committee know what its about. Each chair to give it to Trevor by next board meeting. 
        4. PRMM to have Gotomeeting set up to run the meeting every month. - not discussed. 
        5. Example of how to use Wild Apricot (Use PPAC) - not discussed. 
      2. Vice President
      3. Secretary
        1. Paypal progress & transaction fees.
        2. Switching Banking
        3. UPdate on accounts.
        4. Budgets to be placed in Quickbooks
          1. $2550 Approved for PPRM
          2. $3600 Budget Approved for ECGS
          3. $0 Budget Approved for LPPC.
      4. Treasurer Report on Income and Expense
        1. Paypal progress & transaction fees.
        2. Switching Banking
        3. UPdate on accounts.
        4. Budgets to be placed in Quickbooks
          1. $2550 Approved for PPRM
          2. $3600 Budget Approved for ECGS
          3. $0 Budget Approved for LPPC.

    V. Order of Business to be Reported & Submitted for Vote

    1. Last Month's Unfinished Business
      1. No unfinished business from last month.
    2. Bylaw Updates
      1.  No bylaws updates finished yet. Schedule for next months meeting.
      2. Presidential Advisor & Past President to be assigned this committee as part of their responsibilities and to be placed into the Bylaws.
      3. Changes to redefine responsibility of the committees according to most uptodate informtiond that are necessary to clarify committee responsibilities, committee chair responsibilities, or clarification for the Bylaws, etc.
      4. Paul Carver (Member of DOPL) to be a non-voting member of PPAC.
    3. Submission of Nominations for Committee Chairs
      1. Update regarding Sandy Williams, LCSW. She will be able to attend next time as has been freed from prior obligations. 
    4. Budgets Changes
      1. GBAB- 
      2. EXEC
      3. PPAC
    5. Volunteer Update
      1. Jenaveve Tucker to be discussed next month as Jenaveve is taking her AEMT test.
    6. Executive Committee (EXEC)
      1. New Projects or Concerns
        1. Committee did not meet this month will begin next month for meetings to discuss items such as inurments for board members etc.
        2. President is required to be an AMHCA member. The entire executive committee is required to be AMHCA members, according to Grey. Motion to be made by EXEC committee when they meet. 
      2. Update on Current Projects. 
        1. Referral ability on the UMHCA website, but not being used. Part of the registration process. 
        2. Executive retreat discussed. President appointed Paul Callister to take charge of that. Trevor has some ideas on it. The two are to discuss. Dates to be discussed. September is filled. October may be more open. 
      3. Items for Vote
      4. Suggested items from the Board
        1. Kristin stated it would be nice to have a list of resources we can begin collecting for our members.
    7. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
      1. New Projects. Sendng out email to coordinate meeting. 
      2. Update of progress.
        1. Supervision rule of CMHCs to supervise other CMHCs. Update of progress. Green light to go forward to find legislative sponsor. Seeking a senator or someone similar to sponsor. Uma may be looking for someone. DOPL also seeming to be having a say in CMHC's supervision. Update from
        2. Grey discussed Senator Orin Hatch is having a medicaid initiative. May be important to get more information about it. 'Beneficiaries Living with Chronic care concerns". 
        3.  Paul Carver regarding custody evaluations. Stuck in limbo. To vote on September 15. Paul is also on DOPL. Could Paul Carver be a representative? 
        4. DOPL meeting last Wednesday, issues of portability discussed. 
      3. Items for vote.
      4. Suggestions from Board.
    1.  Education, Conference, & Graduate Student Committee (ECGS)
      1. New Projects
      2. Update of progress: Need to change the date of the fall conference, on website. Date needed to change due to conflict with a panel member. New date: September 14, 2018. To be held at Westminster. Signs and lunch options will be present. Advertising cost to be coordinated through PRMM. Westminster received KCREP accreditation for eight years, largely due to Ellen's efforts. PRMM to receive info to blog on the new. 
      3. Need to plan for annual conference. PRMM can also be involved. Call for proposals can come from PRMM. 
      4. Items for vote.
      5. Suggestions from Board.
    2. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
      1. New Projects:
      2. Update of progress; Focus on market to increase membership from 56. Marketing head, 'Dan', shared ideas about need to 1) created abbreviated mission headline that all can remember. Dan is willing to continue to aid the committee. Website modifications needed. Front page more picture oriented. Organize an effort with systematic email outreach: Welcome email, and regular contact emails. Contacted others about why they weren't members. Answer was, 'There's no point to UMHCA'. 
      3. Items for vote. 
        1. Membership at $6 per month for monthly subscription, rather than or instead of $60 annual fee. Motion put forward by Trevor. Seconded by Scott. Discussion: Grey suggested $5. Scott said $1 is negligible. Paul Callister suggested united dues for UMHCA and AMHCA. Grey suggested various options, including 1) unified dues program, 2) join the state association, or 3) join state association on annual basis. Dennis asked why the difference between between annual and monthly. Scott said the appeal of smaller pay is better as it hurts less. Paul Callister discussed the need to hear something from UMHCA in order to maintain membership. Vote: Unanimous. Three options approved minus unified fees. 
        2. GBAB committed to send an article to PRMM. Thursday Aug 11, 2018. 
      4. Suggestions by the Board. 
        1. Ellen suggested using updates as filler for newsletters and contact info for UMHCA members. Julie discussed concerns with not being approved first by the board. 
        2. Paul Callister suggested using the DOPL list in order to contact. Trevor responded, 'yes, but first lets have something to offer'. Julie said 'we need to be consistent in regular contact first'. Paul found that short snippets would be useful. 
        3. Dennis suggested regular and consistent emails used to outreach other CMHCs.
    3. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)
      1. New Projects.
      2. Update of progress: 
        1. Trauma Awareness issues/group and UMHCA's stance with these issues;
        2. Dave Wilde/Chronic Pain, opiod crises and how UMHCA might integrate as a group with DOPL.
        3. DOPL board and DOPL board meetings
        4. Trisha Barras and Insurance panels dealing with Opiod panels and insurance companies
        5. NBFE and other partners of UMHCA, we have a conference coming up, do we want to have our partners participate for Forensics (We could also look at any other group we feel are adjuncts for Forensics ie AFCC & the group Candice is a part of)
        6. HIPPA Compliance
        7. Insurance Company panels
        8. Workforce Services Committee.
        9. Film Industry for educational video.
        10. Issues surrounding those in private practice.
        11. 1099 issues
        12. AMHCA suggests getting an executive director who gets reimbursed. Julie stated executive director has to be paid, and they can't volunteer their time. 
        13. Directors and officers insurance
        14. Bridging initiative with graduate students who then want to know the next step, having a point of contact or mentor. Julie suggest that would be something for ECGS committee. 
        15. Terri brought up AMHCA is not offered on graduate level. Julie stated that it was a matter for Ellen and Kristin's committee. 
      3. Suggestions from Board
        1. Dennis suggested the idea of a UMHCA and AMHCA drive
        2. Paul suggested to invite U of P faculty to participate. 
        3. Scott suggested the current foundation is good enough to present now. 
      4. Items for vote.
        1. Sandi Williams for PPAC co-chair?
      5. Items to be placed in PPAC.
    4. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB)
      1. New Projects
      2. become aware of hot topics or trending items that need to be addressed 
      3. involve other professionals - Psychiatrists, NPs, psychologists 
      4. Update other committees on items that may need to be addressed (I.e. new grads do not know that they can join UMHCA or what it is)
      5. Why you should join UMCHA for someone who doesn’t need to join UMHCA 
      6. Update of progress: 
      7. Items for vote
      8. Suggestions from Board.

    VI. Changes to be done to the Bylaws for vote for next month.

    VII. Other Potential UMHCA Issues

    1. Open to floor for discussion
    2. Any issues not already discussed above.
    VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting. 

    Last modified: 13 Oct 2018 9:14 AM | UMHCA _Administrator (Administrator)

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