October 13 2018 Minutes - Ratification Pending

  • 13 Oct 2018 9:24 AM
    Message # 6720604
    Deleted user

    October 13 2018 Minutes

    Start: 9:08 am
    End: 11:01 am

      I.          Call to Order by Secretary

    II.          Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary.

    1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
    2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
    Governing Officers
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
    • Uma Dorn, Ph.D., Vice President & EXEC Chair - (not present)
    • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Secretary & GBAB Chair
    • Empty, Treaurer
    Board Members
    • Ellen Behrens, Phd, ECGS Chair- (not present)
    • Trevor Earl, LCMHC PRMM Chair
    • Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair
    • Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor & PPAC Chair
    • Paul Callister, Past President
    List of Voting Members who are absent:
    • Uma Dorn, Ph.D., Vice President & EXEC Chair*
    • Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., ECGS Chair
    • Trevor Earl, LCMHC, GBAB Chair
    Do we have a Quorum, 4 voting members in attendance? YES

    III.          Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from September

    1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from September.
    2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
    IV.          Discussion on Administrative Organization of UMHCA and Instruction by Julie Tucker, President
    1. Business of governing Officers.
      1. President
        1. Jason Wagner has resigned as Treasurer, we would like to thank him for his service.
          1. We have been attempting to change over the bank accounts but ran into a few snags. As of today Jason is still on bank accounts. Dennis was named by Jason as Trustee.
          2. In need of a new Treasurer
        2. Kristin Erskine lost her job with Argosy. She now works for Valley Mental Health. She has resigned from UMHCA. We would like to thank her for her service.
        3. Committee Chairs to have a time they meet once a month to make progress (about 1-1 1/2, can be on site or via Gotomeeting). Ellen brought up concerns about overlapping committee Do the committee chairs have a time for their standing meeting?
          1.  Committee Chairs to begin using website for meetings, and notes and projects. Progress reviewed. 
          2. Mission statement for each Committee to be supplied to PRMM. This allows those who want to join the committee know what its about. Each chair to give it to Trevor by next board meeting. 
          3. PRMM to have Gotomeeting set up to run the meeting every month. 
        4. PRMM committee to meet with each committee to create landing page. (Strictly a working meeting)
        5. Board Retreat Update.
          1. Paul Callister - reviewed retreat date for November 10 in Orem UT. 
          2. Gray states that AMHCA has a meeting that conflicts with the proposed date. Discussion occurred regarding changing the retreat date, and having the meeting instead of the board meeting. The date for retreat will be pushed back till next year. 
      2. Vice President
        1. Uma and Julie met last month, she will be calling a meeting of the Executive to discuss the following issues:
          1. Coordination of the Committees
          2. Inurements for the Board Members
          3. Exploring a subscription format for Members in the board.
      3. Secretary
      4. Treasurer Report on Income and Expense (reviewed by Julie)
        1. Paypal progress & transaction fees.
          1. We used paypay for the conference
        2. Switching Banking
          1. Not yet accomplished
        3. Update on accounts.
          1. Paypal $3,367
          2. Income in September $4,000
          3. Reimbursements from Conference so far $600
          4. Zions @$11,270
          5. Total funds in all accounts @ $14,637
        4. Budgets to be placed in Quickbooks
          1. $2550 Approved for PPRM
          2. $3600 Budget Approved for ECGS
          3. $0 Budget Approved for LPPC.

    V. Order of Business to be Reported & Submitted for Vote

    1. Last Month's Unfinished Business
      1. No Unfinished business.
    2. Bylaw Updates
      1. No bylaws updates finished yet. Schedule for next months meeting.
      2. Presidential Advisor & Past President to be assigned this committee as part of their responsibilities and to be placed into the Bylaws.
      3. Changes to redefine responsibility of the committees according to most up to date information that are necessary to clarify committee responsibilities, committee chair responsibilities, or clarification for the Bylaws, etc.
      4. Paul Carver (Member of DOPL) to be a non-voting member of PPAC
    3. Submission of Nominations for Committee Chairs
      1. Sandi Williams motioned to be a board member. Discussion ensued. Gray reviewed her qualifications. She's an LMFT, Co-author of a book they've done together, adjunct professor at University of Utah, and trauma expert. She's our first LMFT member to be on the board. There's not a lot of support from national LMFT association. Proposed for PPAC committee. Vote occurred unanimously to support her as chair.  
    4. Board business 
      1. Dennis to be released as secretary. Julie motioned. Gray seconded. Vote was unanimous. 
      2. Julie presented for Terri Goldstein become secretary . Gray motioned. Discussion ensued. Vote was unanimous. 
      3. Julie presented Dennis Tucker for Treasurer. Gray motioned. Jim seconded. Discussion ensued. Vote was unanimous.
      4. Julie motioned Brice Poorman to be assistant to the treasurer. Seconded by Jim Macedonia. Discussion ensued. Vote was unanimous. 
    5. Volunteer Update
      1. Jenaveve Tucker - Conference report for volunteers. Need for a second card swiper was present. Need for a cash box as well. Need for more volunteers as ordered food was taken by those who did not pay. Better policing and set up to avoid potential concerns. Volunteers could send out emails, do blog posts. Send need list to Jenaveve. Use volunteers as administrative assistants. Minimum requirement is to be undergraduate students.
    6. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
      1. New Projects -  
        1. Scott scheduled next meeting. Getting back on track. 
        2. Julie stated that Paul Carver, stated that work on 4-903 progress failed due to having no proposed verbiage; therefore, need to put together appropriate wording. 
        3. Julie met with AMHCA last month. Their board meetings count as CE credit. UMHCA could do the similar thing. 
        4. Scott wondered if some progress could be made on increasing online distance CE credit from 10 to at least 15. 
      2. Update of progress - 
        1. Contacted a state senator to seek support. 
      3. Items for vote.
      4. Suggestions from Board.
    7.  Education, Conference, & Graduate Student Committee (ECGS)
      1. New Projects -
        1. Upcoming spring conference - 
          1. Annual Conference march 15-16 (pending confirmation from the U of U)
          2. Request authorization for up to $600 to do 2 mailings to CMHCs and LCSWs (1 mailing for Call for Papers; 1 mailing for Conference Reg).  We plan to do mailings to CMHCs first, in both cases.  If responses are low on one or both CMHC mailing, we would send to LCSWs.
          3. Ellen is revising the Call for Proposals to reflect a more standard, professional format.  
          4. Proposals will be due by January 15, 2019
          5. Fees:
            1. $155.  Members All Conference
            2. $100 Members 1/2 Conference
            3. $190 Non-Members All Conference
            4. $135 Non-Members 1/2 Conference
            5. $80 Students 
            6. Presenters Free
            7. Early Bird will be $30 less than each above noted fee and will expire 45 days prior to conference.
          6. We plan to ask Gray Otis and Uma Dorn to be Keynote speakers.  
          7. We would like some of the sessions (perhaps a keynote) to focus on counselor identity and issues/trends in the counseling profession.  But we do not want to identify a theme because we believe doing so would limit our proposal quality/quantity.  We are interested in cultivating a conference that is rich with ideas/issues/trends broadly relevant to clinical practice.  
          8. We intend to post our Call for Papers within 2 weeks
      2. Update of progress
        1. CMHC Ethics panel to expand to include LCSWs. Jason King did a professional comparison, finding 90% overlap. Julie proposed to make sure no divisive language to be included. 
      3. Items for vote.
        1. date, location, etc. to be voted on next meeting. 
      4. Suggestions from Board.
    1. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
      1. New Projects
        1. Survey of those who attended conference. Overall ratings were above average. Survey was through Survey monkey. Slido was used by panel Key comments deemed important: chairs too close, certain people monopolized the time by asking questions, location hard to find, 
        2. Survey of IPI presentation. not sure why they had a panel. Was advertised as a panel. No print outs were available. 
        3. PRMM needs two paragraph bio from each board members.
        4. Need five points of purpose from each committee. 
        5. Want to set up a premium membership for private practitioners. Substance could include aid with subpoenas. 
      2. Items for vote.
        1. $1 for first month to aid desires for subscription. Motion put forward. Seconded by Gray. Discussion ensured. Jim states the need to prove UMHCAs worth. 4 Emails to address "This is how we're relevant". Vote was unanimous. 
      3. Suggestions from Board.
      VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting.

      Last modified: 14 Oct 2018 10:21 AM | Deleted user

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