April 13 2019 Minutes Start: 9:15 a.m. End: 10:49 a.m. I. Call to order by Secretary II. Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance Governing Officers Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary & EXEC Chair Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Treasurer & GBAB Chair Board Members Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., Education & Conference Chair Paul Callister, LCHMC, Past President, Graduate Student Chair Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, EXEC Chair,* Secretary Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Adviser Dennis Tucker, LCSW, GBAB Chair, Treasurer Julie Tucker, LCMHC, PRMM Chair, President Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair List of Voting Members who are Absent. Paul Callister, LCHMC, Past President, Graduate Student Chair Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Adviser Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair Do we have a Quorum, 5 voting members in attendence? YES III. Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from March Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month. Secretary to give the floor to the President. Meeting called to order. IV. Unfinished Business from Last Month. None V. Committee Updates & Votes Executive Committee New projects or concerns Storage unit/Office space Comments made suggested that EXEC committee create an action plan for an office space to be voted upon at a later date. Update on current projects Anti-Policy: Revised and posted. Inurements Reimbursement to board members who renewed through AMHCA: The Executive Committee will present the following procedure for feedback at the board meeting: Board members will submit via Email a written request for reimbursement with the expiration date of their annual membership to the treasurer for reimbursement. Reimbursement will be paid at the end of the membership year Graduate Student Committee Bylaws Change (Tabled) Items for vote Reimbursement to board members who renewed through AMHCA. Budget changes Suggestions from Board Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC) New projects. None. Update of progress. None. Items for vote. None. Budget changes. None. Suggestions from Board. None. Education & Conference Committee (EACC) New projects. None. Update of progress. Data from Annual Conference March 15-16, 2019 Conference Sessions: 30 Presenters: 42 Maximum room capacity: 179 Goal registration: 150 Registered: 151 Attending: 135 (89%) Of attending: Members: 59 Non-members: 47 Students: 29 Conducted de-brief meetings after both conference days. Based on those meetings, Jim drafted a list of suggestions for next year's conference. CE Certificates emailed on 3/25/19 (by Jim) Presenter Feedback emailed on 4/12 (by Jim and Jonah) Many thanks to the Education and Conference Committee for all their time and efforts! It was a fabulous event. We have a great team! 3. Items for vote. None. 4. Budget changes. None. 5. Suggestions from Board. None. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM) New projects Update of progress Bryce: Analytics report Advertising for conference was highly successful. PRMM suggests increasing advertising for future conferences. Jonah: Survey report and marketing ideas for conferences Suggestion for future conferences to include host training meeting prior to conference. Jim: upcoming online training How to fill out the agenda How to set up an event and send out an email SurveyMonkey GotoMeeting Items for vote: Motion to purchase microphone system and web cam costing up to $1,200. Motion passed. Budget changes: Proposal for up to $1,200 budget for purchase of microphone system and web cam to facilitate online attendance to board meetings. Suggestions from Board Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC) New projects. None. Update of progress. None. Items for vote. None. Budget changes. None. Suggestions from Board. None. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) New projects New Welcome Letter – still to be discussed by committee (triage was committed) Online forums for CEUs to be discussed, considered, and developed. Peer Consultation groups to be made based on responses from interest profiles Update of progress Peer Consultation Group: Dennis will Update An interest profile was created by the committee and approved. The interest profile was taken to the EXEC committee and discussed. Also approved. A brief email and the interest profile was sent to PRMM committee. The interest profile was turned into a survey and, after approval from the GBAB chair was sent out. The peer consultation group(s) will start as the planned, with closed format but reserves the right to grow and expand as needed. Items for vote Motion to extend today's meeting to 10:45 a.m. Motion passed. Budget changes None currently, though treats for peer consultation groups may require budget concerns. Suggestions from Board. As peer consultation groups are formed, it is requested that GBAB keep the board informed as to the content and plans for the groups. Graduate Student Committee (GSC) New projects Update of progress Working on reaching out to schools. Now have contacts for three current MSMHC programs (Westminster, U of U, and U of Phoenix). Graduate Student Committee Bylaws Change (Tabled) Items for vote. None. Budget changes. None. Suggestions from Board. None. VI. Business of Governing Officers. President Vice President Secretary Using UMHCA G-Drive. Request for all board and committee members to move documents from personal drives to this shared UMHCA drive. Send any questions or information to Terri Goldstein. Treasurer Treasury now has access to everything for the treasury and QuickBooks is up to date. Budget can now be clearly monitored. Receipts for any expenses should be emailed to Dennis Tucker and/or Bryce Poorman. Clear budgets for each committee will soon be created. Changes done to by-laws Nomination for Committee Chairs Next week discuss options for president-elect. Volunteer updates. None. VII. Other Potential UMHCA Issues Open to floor for discussion Any issues not already discussed above VIII. Secretary to close the meeting.
April 13 2019 Minutes
II. Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary.
Board Members
Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., Education & Conference Chair Paul Callister, LCHMC, Past President, Graduate Student Chair Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, EXEC Chair,* Secretary Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Adviser Dennis Tucker, LCSW, GBAB Chair, Treasurer Julie Tucker, LCMHC, PRMM Chair, President Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair
List of Voting Members who are Absent.
Paul Callister, LCHMC, Past President, Graduate Student Chair Scott Carter, LCMHC, LPPC Chair Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Adviser Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair
III. Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from March
V. Committee Updates & Votes
Data from Annual Conference March 15-16, 2019
Conference Sessions: 30
Presenters: 42
Maximum room capacity: 179 Goal registration: 150 Registered: 151 Attending: 135 (89%) Of attending: Members: 59 Non-members: 47 Students: 29 Conducted de-brief meetings after both conference days. Based on those meetings, Jim drafted a list of suggestions for next year's conference. CE Certificates emailed on 3/25/19 (by Jim) Presenter Feedback emailed on 4/12 (by Jim and Jonah) Many thanks to the Education and Conference Committee for all their time and efforts! It was a fabulous event. We have a great team!
Maximum room capacity: 179
Goal registration: 150
Registered: 151
Attending: 135 (89%)
Of attending:
Members: 59
Non-members: 47
Students: 29 Conducted de-brief meetings after both conference days. Based on those meetings, Jim drafted a list of suggestions for next year's conference. CE Certificates emailed on 3/25/19 (by Jim) Presenter Feedback emailed on 4/12 (by Jim and Jonah) Many thanks to the Education and Conference Committee for all their time and efforts! It was a fabulous event. We have a great team!
Students: 29
Conducted de-brief meetings after both conference days. Based on those meetings, Jim drafted a list of suggestions for next year's conference.
CE Certificates emailed on 3/25/19 (by Jim)
Presenter Feedback emailed on 4/12 (by Jim and Jonah)
Many thanks to the Education and Conference Committee for all their time and efforts! It was a fabulous event. We have a great team!
3. Items for vote. None. 4. Budget changes. None. 5. Suggestions from Board. None.
3. Items for vote. None.
4. Budget changes. None.
5. Suggestions from Board. None.
The peer consultation group(s) will start as the planned, with closed format but reserves the right to grow and expand as needed.
VII. Other Potential UMHCA Issues
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