October 12 2019 - Ratified

  • 12 Oct 2019 10:47 AM
    Message # 7957197

    October 12th 2019 Minutes

    Start: 9:03 a.m.

    End: 10:53 a.m.

     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary.

    1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
    2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
        Governing Officers
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
    • Scott Carter, LCMHC, Vice President
    • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary 
    • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Treasurer 

        Board Members

    1. Ellen Behrens, Phd, EACC Chair
    2. Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Chair 
    3. Paul Callister, Past President
    4. Scott Carter, LCMHC, Vice President
    5. Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair
    6. Anna Lieber, Graduate Student Chair
    7. Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, EXEC Chair
    8. Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor
    9. Dennis Tucker, LCSW, GBAB Chair
    10. Julie Tucker, LCMHC, PRMM Chair
    11. Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair
       List of Voting Members who are Absent. 
      1. Paul Callister, Past President
      2. Scott Carter, LCMHC, Vice President
      3. Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair

    Do we have a Quorum, six (6) voting members in attendance? YES

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from October

    1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month.
    2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
    3. Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Unfinished Business from Last Month.

    1. None

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    Executive Committee (EXEC)
    1. Did not meet, no report.

    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress.
      1. Clinical Supervision Update 
        1. Rule 4-903 has been updated so that effective November 1, 2019 CMHCs are officially listed as professionals who can complete child custody evaluations.
        2. DOPL interested in exploring standardization of supervision rules/requirements.
        3. Gray Otis meeting with BHWW on October 28 to discuss changes to supervisor training requirements in preparation to create a proposal to eventually present to DOPL.
      2. Effective November 1, 2019 - training hour requirements for CMHC interns changing from 1,000 hours to 700 hours.
      3. BHWW Meeting on 10/11/19 – University of Utah MSW program, Utah State University’s MFT and MSW programs, and Westminster College’s CMHC program submitted proposals to the BHWW board for funding for increased faculty in programs and for student loan forgiveness programs in order to recruit more professionals from out of state and in order to retain them in state after graduation.  After a discussion of the proposals, the Workgroup voted to recommend to the Utah Substance Abuse and Mental Health Advisory Council (USAAV+) an omnibus package that includes the following student tuition subsidies and tax incentives:

        • $25,000 total per student in tuition subsidies (residents and nonresidents), dispersed across the semesters attended, for the number of students proposed by each college/university. Graduates are expected to work 3 years (full time) in Utah public or publicly contracted agency.  Students reimburse the state if they do not fulfill work requirement. 
        • $10,000 per year tax credits for 10 years beginning after the 3 years of service.  
    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
    3. Education & Conference Committee (EACC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress.    
    Met on 10/9/19. 
     Fall Conference   

    Oct 18, Friday, noon-5:00.  Roughly 145 attendees, registration closed.  Catered snacks/drinks.  Speakers (Dr. Wanlass and Anna Lieber) will submit slides for posting on website.  Jonah making evaluations for both sessions.  Ellen, Jordan, Carrie, Bryce, and Sarah will be present to support the event.  Jim making name tags.  CE certificates emailed two weeks after event.  UT-NASW (and UMHCA) approved for 4 CEs (2 suicide CEs and 2 ethics CEs). Parking in bottom 3 levels of structure; overflow at Sugarhouse Park. Parking instructions emailed to attendees. Total expenses:  $310 for Dopl Lists and approx.. $500 for food/drinks.                                    

    Annual Conference  

    Friday in March (8:30-5:30, with 8 CEs).  Plan one day conference because attendance was low on Saturdays. Reduces CEs by 2.  Proposed prices adjusted accordingly.

    Committee recommends changing to a conference venue, given prior issues with parking, registration space, technology.  After researching 6 venues, we recommend the following because of the cost and quality:

    Recommended Venue:


     1355 West 3100 South  (Prices based on 175 attendees)

    Large Hall for 250 & 4 break out rooms, free parking, wifi = $1560 with 20% nonprofit discount.  AV and linens = $1000 estimated.  Estimated total:  $2560

    (Note:  Other venues ranged from $3,300-6,200)

    Catering = $4500 estimated.  Provided by JK Indulgence (a preferred caterer at the Utah CCC and lowest cost) $19.00-22.00 pp lunch, full service; snacks/drinks approx $5.00 pp


    Venue + catering:  $7060  (20% deposit, due when reserving= $1312)

    DOPL Email lists $350  (Committee recommends purchasing DOPL lists for LCSWs, CMHCs, LMFTs.)

    Total Estimated Expenses:  $7410

    Proposed Conference Fees:

    $160 for Members  ($20 per CE hour)

    $200 for non-members ($20 per CE hour)

    $220 for non-members ($20 per CE hour + price of membership)

    $75 for Students ($20 less than last year, when adjusted for lower CEs)

    Estimated Registration Revenue:  $32,000 (10 students, 87 members, 87 non-members)

    (Note:  If registration is as low as 100 registration revenue is $18,000)

    Projected Net:  $24,590  (Adjusted based on vendor and sponsor revenue, below)


    New initiative
    Charge $250-300 per table?
    Perhaps that would generate $3000

    Sponsor funded items:

    Coloring Pencils $200

    Programs $200

    Other (e.g., badges) $200

    Lunch and/or snacks: ?

    3. Items for vote

    The Annual conference will be held at the UTAH CULTURAL CELEBRATION CENTER and food will be provided by one of their preferred caterers.  A 20% deposit is authorized.

    Vote conducted.  Unanimously passed.

    Motion to extend meeting by 15 minutes.  Vote conducted.  Motion passed.

    The Conference fees will be $160 for Members, $200 for non-members, $220 for non-members to attend and gain UMHCA membership, $75 for Students (includes lunch and beverages).

    Vote conducted.  Motion passed.

    DOPL lists will be purchased, costing approx. $350

    This cost has already been included in the ECC budget.

    4. Budget Changes

    5. Suggestions from Board

    4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
      1. PRMM transitioning from Xmission to Gmail.
    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board

    5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
      1. We are excited that the conference committee has included the Social Workers for the upcoming conference! We feel that the consistency of these invitations will for sure benefit us.
      2. Gray and Sandi made connection with the President of UAMFT, Dave Robinson.  He is also the chair of the MFT’s at Utah State so we are hoping to formalize a relationship there on both fronts. He has been very responsive.  Committee asks the board for "asks" for UAMFT President.

      3. AMHCA working to become aware of how to reduce overall costs.  Gray Otis is part of this committee.  AMHCA code of ethics is going through a major revision, which should be out within next 4-6 weeks.  AMHCA's new book, Clinical Mental Health Counseling Essentials, will be published soon. 

    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board

    6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB)

    • New Projects
      1. Continual recruitment email for peer consultation group, every three months. 
      2. Continual recruitment email for GBAB committee.
      3. Continual retention of members who have expressed interest in the committee.
      4. Need for one to two confederate volunteers to buffer the ranks and ease tension for new attendees.
    • Update of progress: 
      1. Peer consultation meeting.
        1. The group is fully up and running. The power point/ PDF sets the pace and grants focus to the group's efforts, including review of group parameters, expectations, set up of group agenda, and its proper pacing. Gotomeeting kinks have been worked out, with inclusion of 'the owl' and the large screen. 
        2. With the possible new job of Dennis Thursdays may be out of the question, though Friday or Saturday may be a consideration. Or a new group head. Or let the group go. Your thoughts?
    • Items for vote.
    • Budget Changes.
    • Suggestions from Board.
         7. Graduate Student Committee (GSC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
      1. New Projects - GSC agrees with including emerging professional into the bylaws and has a rough draft which will be submitted to the executive committee for review today. 
      2. Update of progress: Met with Westminster 1st year students, still scheduling for other Utah schools. GSC is ready to contact online schools and potential internship sites, however, we are waiting for umhca.org email address to begin this process. 
        1. New projects being explored: adding emerging professionals to this committee.  Anna will be emailing a draft of changes for UMHCA by-laws to executive committee.
        2. GSC working on connecting with local and online schools to introduce more students to UMHCA.  
        3. GSC visited Westminster College on October 3, 2019, resulting in the addition of 11 new student members.
        4. GSC requests PRMM committee add list of online schools offering CMHC programs to UMHCA's website.
        5. GSC intending to move forward in connecting to online schools once an official UMHCA email is acquired.
    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget changes
    5. Suggestions from Board

    Motion to extend meeting by 10 minutes.  Vote conducted.  Motion passed.

    VI. Business of Governing Officers.

    1. President
      1. Motion that all December board meetings from 2019 through eternity are canceled.  Vote conducted.  Motion passed.
    2. Vice President
    3. Secretary
      1. Email update
    4. Treasurer Report

    VII.  Changes done to By-laws.

    VIII. Nomination for Committee Chairs

    IX.  Volunteer Updates

    X. Other Potential UMHCA Issues

    1. Open to floor for discussion
    2. Any issues not already discussed above.
    XII. Secretary to Close the meeting.

    Last modified: 9 Nov 2019 9:14 AM | Deleted user

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