Present: Ellen, Jim, Bryce, Carrie, Jordan, Sarah
Topic: March 27 Annual Conference
Have applied for DOPL mailing lists for cmhcs, lmfts, lcsws
Email Call for Presentations and conference registration by Nov 22?
Close Call for Presentation by Jan 3 (Friday).
Post full conference schedule end of January on website
Subcommittee: Sandi (Chair), Julie, Ellen, Terri. $250 per table (> if need power) Possible vedors are. Sensy, Best Notes, Denials Management. James Mason, RTCs, other EHRs,
Totes: $4.00 Bryce will take lead.
Catering update
Reviewed bid.
Decrease morning snacks & drinks too 100 servings
Add gluten free for lunch - 40 servings?
Need 20-28.
Each committee member will suggest 1-2 presenters to Ellen, by Nov 22, who will contact them. For es.,
Trevor - Jim will reach out Mara H - Bryce will reach out Bryce will present with?
Trevor - Jim will reach out
Mara H - Bryce will reach out
Bryce will present with?
Ellen will reach out to:
John Hall - Telos re TMS
Nancy Pratt, Kenn Roach, Kevin Knutson, Scott Carter, Ben Erwin, Amy Miner, Becky Pierce, Sandi Williams, Robin Tracy, Christy Montrone, Paul Callister, AND
Manazer, Ph.D., Mindy Smolka, Michelle Grossma, Jaime Klemz CMHC,, Mandy Quist and Cheryl Scholes - Integrated Care: A Panel Discussion
People who have expressed interest via email to Ellen:
Kristi Latimier - dual diagnosis of both a mental illness and an intellectual disability
EmilyAnn Hacket - nternational Association of Eating Disorder Professionals
Janelle Nimer, LCSW, Ph.D. to do a presentation on Canine Assisted Therapy?
-Key note, Jeremy Christensen of Utah DHHS (has accepted)
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