Utah Mental Health Counselors Association
June 13, 2020
Board Meeting
Start: 9:02 am
End: 10:30 am
I. Call to Order by Secretary
II. Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary
1. Welcome to those in attendance through Webinar.
2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
Governing Officers
· Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
· Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary
· Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Treasurer
Board Members PRESENT are underlined+ These should be in alphabetical order
1. Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., EACC Chair
2. Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Chair
3. Scott Carter, LCMHC, Vice President
4. Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair
5. Anna Lieber, Graduate Student Chair, president-elect
6. Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, EXEC Chair
7. Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor
8. Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President, PRMM Chair
9. Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair
10. Bryce had not yet been voted in
List of Voting Members who are Absent
Julie, Dennis
Quorum Present
III. Secretary - Call to Ratify Minutes
1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting Minutes from May 2020– Minutes were ratified
2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
3. Meeting Called to Order
IV. Special Announcements by the President
V. Committee Updates & Votes
1. Executive Committee (EXEC)
2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
1. New Projects
2. Update of progress
3. Items for vote: None
4. Budget Changes: None
5. Suggestions from Board: None.
3 Education & Conference Committee (EACC) Update of progress in board
1. The Education and Conference Committee will offer a Summer Series of five weekly sessions, during the month of August (Mondays, Noon-2:00 PM). Each session will be initially delivered "live" online, with an online audience, via GotoPresentations. In addition, we will record each session to post online for "on demand" viewing. The series will include three sessions on Ethics (each two hours) and 1 session on suicide intervention (two hours). Also, there will be one free session on The Essentials of Clinical Mental Health Counseling to anyone who registers for a session in the Summer Series (two hours). Attendees who successfully complete an online survey for a session will receive a CE certificate via email.
Presentations: Janine Wanlass, Ph.D. on Ethics and Telehealth; Robin Tracey, CMHC on LGBTQIA+ and Ethics; Ken Roach, Ph.D. on The new 2020 AMHCA Ethics Code; Talysha Tingey, CMHC and Amber Willis, Ph.D. on Suicide and Teenagers; Gray Otis, Ph.D. on The Essentials of Clinical Mental Health Counseling
2. The Summer Series will have minimal costs, including GotoPresentations for 2 months ($118)DOPL mail lists (already purchased) that we purchased for the March conference (DOPL has approved that). And, we can store the sessions free online. Many thanks to Jim for researching and setting up the technology for this!
Fees: $120 Non-Member Series, $90 Member Series, $50 Student Series, $25 Non-Member Session, $20 Member Session, $10 Student Session.
Given that license renewal is in September, we anticipate that these topics will be in demand, especially if we advertise soon. If we have the "ok" to proceed, Ellen will confirm the presenters and we will begin marketing ASAP.
4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
1. Marketing to Partners (referral system, added value)
2. Agency/Partner page shows organizations and what services are offered, do they accept internships, interpretations, client insured by Medicaid/Medicare info
1. suggest a donation option.
2. Is there a way to filter by insurance?
3. Level of care
4. Update information, 6 month
5. Suggested donation amounts (for-profit: $100/non-profit: $25-50)
1. Membership stats What info was given?
2. Email statement hits What info was given?
3. Training Page What info was given?
3. Items for vote:
1. We propose to create a referral system in which agencies can list their I thought there was a charge, see #5 above services (for no additional charge) on our website so long as they have an active member in our ranks. To be determined by PRMM.
1. Motion passed.
5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)
1. New Projects: None
2. Update of progress:
1. Thanks to Ellen, Anna, Jim for putting together the training package.
2. Send to NASW next week for their review.
3. AMHCA is looking for committee members
4. AMHCA Conference June 24-26(Online) ; Leadership June 23rd (Members of the Board suggested to attend)
6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) - HOLD
7. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)
1. Starting an educational series for students and emerging professionals with quarterly training sessions focused on: supervision, ethics, applying for DOPL/networking, high-risk situations.
1. Focusing on continuing outreach to graduate schools in the fall and including other graduate disciplines in UT.
8. Business of Governing Officers
1. President - No report
2. President-elect – Strategic Planning
3. Vice President - voted
4. Secretary –
5. Treasurer Report:
4. Zion's checking: $11550.69
5. Zion's money market: $1623.50
6. Zion's PayPal: $3242.80
7. Total: 16416.99
VII. Other Issues
1. Open to floor for discussion
2. Any issues not already discussed above
VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting: 10:30
Utah Mental Health Counselors Association is Utah's hub for enhancing the profession of mental health counselors. UMHCA is a 501(c)6 organization.Some internet services donated by XMission© 2025 UHMCA • Policies • Privacy • Site Map