Board Meeting Minutes - July 11, 2020

  • 7 Aug 2020 6:25 PM
    Message # 9151455
    Anne Farley (Administrator)

    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

    July 11, 2020

    Board Meeting Agenda

    Start: 9:02 am

    End: 10:42 am


     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1.      Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.

    2.      Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance

    Governing Officers

    ·         Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President

    ·         Anna Lieber, LCHMC, President Elect

    ·         Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President

    ·         Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary

    ·         Bryce Poorman, ACMHC Treasurer

    Board Members PRESENT is underlined+ I try to do these in alpha order

    1.      Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., EACC Chair                                                                

    2.      Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Chair, Sara [Proxy] 

    3.      Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President, GBAB Chair  

    4.      Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair                                                

    5.      Anna Lieber, LCMHC, President Elect, Graduate Student Chair

    6.      Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, EXEC Chair                                                          

    7.      Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor

    8.       Julie Tucker, LCMHC, PRMM Chair -  Jim Macedone

    9.      Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair 

    10.  Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    • 1.      Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
    • 2.      Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President
    • 3.      Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair
    • 4.      Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer 
    • 5.      Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair                                                

    Quorum Present

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from June

    1.      Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from June – Minutes were ratified

    2.      Changes made to June Minutes to include Anna and Jen, not Jim. (refer to the section and # that is being changed)

    3.      Secretary to give the floor to the President.

    4.      Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Special Announcements by the President 

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1.      Executive Committee (EXEC)

    1. New Projects: None
    2. Update of Progress: Doodle poll and strategic planning form are still open to continue to add and update the forum on the website. Best dates are end of July or in August on weekends. Do we want to extend the date range? Strategic planning should be done in person, but should we move to an online “virtual” platform. Ellen suggests a hybrid format where some attend and others call in. Anna will extend the dates on the doodle poll, leaning more towards the August dates.
    3. Items for vote: Should we meet in person for the Strategic Planning or online? I don’t think we voted on this
    4. Jim Macedone is presented for a vote to the board & as chair of the PRMM Committee – motion passed.   
    5. Budget Changes: None
    6. Suggestions from Board: None
    • 2.      Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
    1. New Projects
      1. DOPL update - DOPL met 7/8/2020 and discussed SB 68, SB 23, and Telehealth. 
        1. SB 68 - Clarified language: Vocational Rehabilitation is a "practice setting" not a license. The licenses are Rehabilitation Counseling and Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling. Both are able to seek licensure currently as a CMHC through SB 68, the board did not go into the exact differences between the two and noted CACREP notes few differences. DOPL will be collecting data and reporting on how many applicants apply through this bill, how many are approved, and recommended changes in the 2021 interim session.  
        2. SB 23 - Licensure Portability: Individuals from other states can obtain a CMHC license in Utah if they have had an equivalent license in another state for one year and are in good standing. The board is working on clarifying under what terms individuals from other states would be able to obtain CMHC licensure. Discussed supervision hours, testing, practice hours, and scope of practice in other states. No decisions were made and it will continue to be discussed. 
        3. Telehealth - Typically, upon a client moving to Utah, a clinician outside of the state has 10 days to notify DOPL that they are providing telehealth, and are able to provide telehealth for a 45 day period. Currently Utah is waiving requirements during the pandemic only while the 'state of emergency' is in effect, which means outside clinicians can do telehealth with people who have relocated to Utah until the state of emergency is over. Once it is over, they will either need to discontinue at that time or apply for licensure in Utah to continue telehealth. 
    2. Update of Progress
      1. LPPC webpage revised - mission statement adjusted; working on adding in current projects, operating procedures, meeting minutes, advocacy interest areas, DOPL updates, and easy to digest information on licensing and rules. 
      2. Jim will be sending out in an email blast - update from AMHCA - On June 30, the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a legislative hearing that included H.R. 945, which provides Medicare reimbursement to mental health counselors. This historic hearing was the first time that counselor Medicare legislation was evaluated as a stand-alone measure. All previous congressional action included our legislation as a piece of a broader health care package. We urge you to contact your Representative this week and ask him/her to include H.R. 945 in the House Energy and Commerce markup of mental health legislation. AMHCA has a template email prepared to contact representatives available. Board discussed the balance between being proactive and being (what was the word?)at 
      3. Anne is creating an email template to reach out to members of the Health and Human Services Committee in the House and the Senate. We will reach out to representatives on that committee that serve in Davis, Box Elder, Weber, and Salt Lake Counties. We will reach out to those we receive responses from and request their presence at a committee meeting, as well as build the relationship through exploring their interests in this area, providing resources, and determining where we can mutually benefit. 
    3. Items for vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board: Be clear and intentional with language in email regarding H.R. 945 to help counselors around why this is important to advocate for CMHC’s to be allowed to bill for Medicare. Suggestion made to check with AMHCA’s efforts in order to piggyback and gain momentum.

    3  Education & Conference Committee (EACC) Update of progress  in board

    1. New Projects:  None
    2. Update of Progress:
      1. Summer Series are ready to launch
        1. Mondays in August from 12 to 2 pm, hosted by Carrie.
        2. Bonus session with Gray Otis will be presenting his book. 
        3. Discount to attend all session $70, separately $80. 10 CEs/$70-$80
        4. Meets ethics (6) and suicide prevention & intervention credits (2)
      2. Jim will do an email blast, already has purchased list for those licensed in the state.
    3. Items for vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board: None

    4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)

    1. New Projects:
      1. Google Group will be migrated to the GSuite, names will be deleted who are not active members of UMHCA 
      2. FYI: Google is changing their GSuite 
    2. Update of Progress
      1. Referral System, "suggested fee" 
        1. Suggested another tier to membership, possibly an organization level tier which will allow organizations to place information on our site explaining their services.
      2. Pivot tables instead of badges 
      3. Board Page (bios and photos needed) 
    3. Items for vote:
      1. Proposal: Level change called "Committee" for students (or members) who are on committees of UMHCA to have their annual fee's waived. 
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board:
      1.  Discussion ensued about this item and the idea of building a Membership program. Jim suggests another tier to membership, Gray suggested this idea is worth exploring to have benefits to employees of organizations that are a part of UMHCA. Anna suggested stages and furthering discussion for tiered memberships. Ellen suggests Sandi as chair of PPAC to be involved. Terri discussed benefit of organizations and wanting to be involved in the process. Sarah suggested offering 1-2 free CE’s as a benefit to joining UMHCA.  
      2. Terri suggests looking at bylaws and forming a matrix of enurments.
        1. Vote to extend meeting to 10:45; motion passed.

    5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)

    1. New Projects: None
    2. Update of Progress:
      1. Supervision outline coordination with NASW who is reviewing the outline.
      2. DOPL possible change over to ACA code of Ethics, Ken Roach will keep UMHCA posted on this.
    3. Items for vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board: None
    • 2.      General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) – HOLD

    7. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1. New Projects
      1. Working on a new UMHCA flyer focusing on encouraging joining committees for students  
    2. Update of Progress
      1. Next student webinar will be on clinical supervision and is at the end of Sept 2020 - currently reaching out to qualified supervisors to present.  
    3. Items for vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board: None

    2.      Suggestions from Board: None

    8. Business of Governing Officers

    1.      President  - not present

    2.      President-elect – 

    1. Gray and Anna attended the AMHCA Conference. In the leadership meeting, asking state Chapters to participate in various AMHCA committees & portability task forces. Suggestions to have more growth and increase for collaboration between the state chapters. Gray: State chapters more inclusive with AMHCA, a task force that can help increase license portability. A new task force focused on race relations, which Gray is a part of. New leadership in AMHCA to address race relations. If anyone wants more information about the task forces, contact Anna or Gray.

    3.      Vice President  - not present

    4.      Secretary –

    1. We are at the time to re-sign the lease and the internet. The cost of the lease last year was around $3400, including the internet, it was just under $4000.00. Recommended to keep lease and internet. UMHCA office and internet is necessary to the organization. Any further questions contact Terri. Terri will ask Dennis to check into negotiating a possible deal around the lease and internet.

    Treasurer Report – no report

    VII. Other Issues

    1.      Open to floor for discussion

    1. If you are attending a conference and want CE’s, then UMHCA will provide a form where you can apply for CE certificates.
    2. Survey Monkey is not serving our needs, an alternative is needed.

    2.      Any issues not already discussed above

    1. Paul Carver – no opportunity to follow through with AMHCA awards to Paul. Gray and Terri had suggested an acknowledgement of his service, showing his  timeline of service; a letter of appreciation was also suggested.

    VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting  10:42 am.


    Last modified: 17 Aug 2020 10:04 AM | Anne Farley (Administrator)

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