May 2018 Minutes, Ratified June 9, 2018

  • 12 May 2018 9:12 AM
    Message # 6150314

    May 12 Minutes

    11 May 2018 9:52 PMJulie Tucker (Administrator)

    Meeting started at 9:03 am

    I. Call to Order 

    II. Welcome to All in attendance.

    1. Voting members present:
    • Julie Tucker, CMHC, President
    • Uma Dorn, Ph.D., Vice President, EXEC chair
    • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Secretary
    • Jason Wagner, CMHC, Treasurer
    • Paul Callister, CMHC, Past president
    • Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., Board member, ECG's chair
    • Kristine Erskine, Ed.D., CMHC, Board member, ECG's co-chair
    • Scott Carter, CMHC, Board member, LPPC chair
    • Jim Macedone, Proxy vote Julie as PRMM chair
    1. Voting members absent:
    • Gray Otis, CMHC, Past president,
    • Berta Rodriquez Diaz, Board member,

    III. Presentation of Secretary's Minutes of Last Meeting for Approval

    1. March- Ratified
    2. April- Ratified
    3. Paul motioned for the minutes to be read by voting members prior to the board meeting rather than read during. Scott seconded. The motion was put up to vote. All but Dennis agreed. The motion passed. 
    IV. Discussion on Administrative Organization of UMHCA and Instruction by Julie Tucker, President
    1. Bylaws
      1. Bylaws require 3 members for each committee in order for it to legally exist, regardless of repeating committee members.
      2. Cannot form new committees until standing committees are fully staffed with a Committee Chair and 3 committee members. 
      3. Roberts Rules
        1. Will be added to website as soon as possible.
        2. Used to govern "Order of Business".
        3. Order of Business is included in point V.
        4. Bylaws supersede Roberts Rules
        5. Order of Business is determined by President and Chairs with respect to authority of each committee.
          1. Discussion to change a committee name from PAPP to PPAC
        6. Chairs are nominated by the other Chairs. Only Chairs can nominate other chairs for committees.
        7. Chairs are responsible for accepting committee members.
        8. Chair's after meeting with their committee will bring points of business to the floor. Board either votes on the entire motion or sends it back to the committee. It is not the job of the board to "line item veto" Chairs motions. We can vote to send it back to the committee for review or to accept or reject as a whole.
        9. Once we are to 'order of business' each Chair has an opportunity to state opinion, make a motion.
        10. President must recognize motion.
          1. Motion
          2. Seconded
          3. President Restates Motion
          4. Open for Debate
          5. Each member of the board states argument or declines
          6. Vote is taken
          7. A motion to table can be made once during the session but must follow 1-4 in order to table.
          8. Chairs can ask for "judgement" called "out of order" when they believe another chair has redirected, began frivolous discussion, speaking out of turn, asked questions which are not relevant at which time president must immediately pass judgment on call of "out of order"
          9. President may speak for instructional purposes during debate but not to participate in the debate except for through the Vice President or the Secretary (designated voice.)
          10. At the end of the debate all members of board, including President, may vote, or abstain. Secretary records vote. President moves to next Order of Business. 
          11. If order of business is not addressed, then it becomes 1st order of business for the next Board Meeting. We cannot skip or table "Order of Business" matters in favor of moving onto the next item, must be voted on and then can move forward
      4. 501(c) 6 , benefits for the Board and inurements.
        1. Discussion of inurements or 'member benefits', what is appropriate and inappropriate
          1. training would be appropriate to then be shared in meetings 

    V.  Order of Business (In the future all of these items need to be voted upon)

    1. Governing Board Report & Votes - Julie Tucker
      1. Change in Bylaws
        1. PAPP changed to PPAC- Uma motioned. Scott seconded. Votes were unanimous.
      2. Submission of Nominations for PPAC
        1. Professional Partership & Associations Committee (PPAC); PPAC is tasked with maintaining professional associations with all licensed Clinical Mental Health Professionals as defined by Utah code which includes the LMFT, LCSW, CMHC, Psychologists, Psychiatrist, Doctors, Nurses Practitioners and any other helping profession or entity which may affect and are necessary in the administration of medication management of mental health clients. PPAC is charges with assisting any of the other helping professionals in causes which affect any mental health professional license as well as the Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors. It is the stance of UMHCA that all mental health and helping professionals need to unite together to be able to pursue a stronger therapeutic community and voice in the legislature, the house, the legal community and the medical community. PPAC may be chaired by one of the helping professions outside of Clinical Mental Health Counselor licensure to ensure UMHCA is aware of therapeutic issues, DOPL Rules, legislative Code, or any other issues that may concern helping professions.  PPAC is charge to help facilitate the voice of the Clinical Mental Health Professional with any governmental or legal entity. PPAC will help UMHCA achieve additional membership through the pursuit of Clinical Mental Health Professionals as defined by the Utah Rule of Clinical Mental Health Professionals R156-60,  and encourage all CMHP to join the membership of UMHCA and ensure the voice of the Clinical Mental Health Professional. PPAC will pursue professional partnerships in the community, with health care providers, insurance companies, legal professionals, government entity, to help all communities see the value of a unified Clinical Mental Health Professional community.
          1. Uma motioned to table the selection of chair till next meeting. Seconded by Scott. Discussion ensued. Votes were unanimous.
      3. Jason Wagner, Treasurer Report on Income and Expenses
        1. Balance of checking: $10,643.92
        2. Expenses: Conference Refunds $395.02, and approximately $180 in regular fees such as Apricot ($90), CYBERSRC, ($71.39) etc. 
        3. Report ratified by unanimous vote
      4. Budgets for Year End Needed by June meeting
        1. Scott discussed how specific budgets need to be. Julie responded budgets need to be specific as other committees could take it, thus backbone needs take priority.
        2. Deadline ratified by unanimous vote
      5. Volunteer Update
        1. Jenaveve - running undergraduate volunteer committee & possible drive
        2. Volunteers cannot be paid or benefited by UMHCA funds. If it were allowed now, then it would create the requirement for all past volunteers to also be paid. The payment would require at least minimum wage, which would bankrupt UMHCA.
        3. Jim addressed benefits of using the volunteers for the committees, and showed routes to their contact info. on the UMHCA website.
        4. Volunteer updates ratified by unanimous vote
      6. Set time for Training
        1. Need for training to use the website, laptop required, on 'how to use your committee tabs'. Proposed meeting time June 9th, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. Motion 
        2. Training ratified by unanimous vote
    2.  Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
      1. Scott Carter updated board regarding snags of what is billable for UMHCA interns. Ellen brought up CACREP sets standards. Scott motioned for committee to determine if UMHCA versus DOPL determines what is direct or indirect hours. Motion was unanimously approved.
      2. Scott addressed past permission granted to investigate a rule regarding supervisory changes, possibly  extending  ability to supervise six rather than three. Motion was unanimously approved.
      3. Scott revisited 'special master' pursuit, which had been previously ratified. Can the attorney friend join the committee? Yes, but on a non-paid basis. Scott put forth the motion. Unanimously approved. 
      4. Motion put forth by Dennis to extend the meeting by 15 minutes. Ellen seconded. Motion unanimously approved. 
    3.  Education, Conference, & Graduate Student Committee (ECGS)
      1. Ellen Behrens addressed conference occurring at Westminster College on September 21, 2018. The conference will be from 11:30 am to 5:00 pm. Speakers presented and their credentials validated by Ellen. Westminster approved the speakers. She motioned for approval of matters as now presented. Motion unanimously approved. 
      2. Ellen questioned about whether or not UMHCA could pay for honor cords in the future. Julie instructed.
      3. Ellen brought up Spring conference in 2019.
    4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
      1.  Jim Macedone to report on training and updates on Website.
      2. Jim motioned to table till next month. Seconded by Uma. Motion unanimously passed. 
    5. Executive Committee (EXEC)
      1. Uma Dorn  asked question for clarification about a bill being brought up for awareness and clarification. 
      2. Dennis brought motion to adjourn meeting at 11:15 am. Uma and Scott seconded. Voted Unanimously to adjourn. 
      3. Meeting adjourned at 11:16 am
    VI. Other Potential UMHCA Issues
    1. Paul Callister – Trish Barrus on Insurance Panels 
    2. Paul Callister - wants to discuss UMHCA purchase of 'honor cords'
    3. Any other issues not on the list:

    Last modified: 9 Jun 2018 9:26 AM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

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