Board Meeting Minutes - November 14, 2020

  • 15 Nov 2020 10:01 PM
    Message # 9367058
    Anne Farley (Administrator)

    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

    November 14, 2020

    Board Meeting


    Start: 9:04 am

    End: 10:30 am.


     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1.      Welcome to those in attendance through Webinar.

    2.      Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance

    Governing Officers

    ·         Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President

    ·         Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President

    ·         Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary

    ·         Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer

    Board Members PRESENT are underlined+ These should be in alphabetical order

    1.      Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., EACC Chair

    2.      Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Chair

    3.      Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair

    4.      Anna Lieber, LCMHC, President-Elect, Graduate Student Chair

    5.      Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, EXEC Chair 

    6.      Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor

    7.      Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer

    8.      Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President   

    9.      Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President, PRMM Chair 

    10.  Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair 

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    • ·         Julie Tucker, LCMHC
    • ·         Dennis Tucker, LCSW

    Quorum Present

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Minutes

    1.      Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting Minutes from October 10, 2020 – Motion passed. Terri inquired if everyone had a moment to review the minutes.

    2.      Secretary to give the floor to the President Elect.

    1. Anna welcomes everyone, acknowledges Julie is not here so Anna will be presiding. Anna discusses the importance of having things written down and encourages committees to use the agenda for items needing votes.
    2. Anna suggests ratifying the minutes first. Terri asks for the motion, Gray declares so moved, Bryce and others second, no discussion needed, and motion is carried.
    3. Anna states the next meeting will be held in January, no board meeting in December. Terri offers to give the update for the executive committee.

    3.      Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Special Announcements by the President: None

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    Executive Committee (EXEC) –

    • 1.      New Projects

    1.      Terri states the executive meeting has been changed to Friday, 11/20/2020. Terri gives floor to Gray for presidential adviser’s report.

    2.      Presidential Adviser's Report

    1.      Benefits of joining UMHCA

    1.      Gray is excited that Jim Mason has added a tab to the UMHCA website for join/benefits. Gray has been working to get AMHCA to add a benefits tab to their website. Leadership meeting and the 2-day Summit is coming up for AMHCA this week.

    2.      Business partnerships:

    1.      UMHCA received a request from Wake Forest University to share information with our membership regarding a timely research study. The EXEC agreed that this request should be considered as sponsorship opportunities are structured. Anna will continue to communicate with Wake Forest on this issue. We’re creating the structure, which you’ll hear about.

    3.      Upcoming stakeholder meetings were discussed including:

    1.      AMHCA Leadership Conference Nov 18th and Fall Conference Nov 19th & 20th

    2.      DOPL Meeting 11/04/2020 at 9:00AM

    3.      BHWW Group – next meeting 10/22/20 10:30 via zoom

    1.      Jordan states this meeting keeps being delayed.

    4.       Loan forgiveness – More information is needed for discussion

    1.      Gray explains details around loan forgiveness for CMHCs, wonders if we could post it on our website. Anna recommends we look at it in the Friday committee.

    2.      Update of Progress

    1.      Anna has been approached by Rocky Mountain University; Krystal James is coming to the November 20th Executive Committee meeting. Terri shares that the meeting with Sandi for PPAC included a discussion for a Diversity/Inclusion statement that UMHCA wanted to do. Anna reports that they emailed PRMM and made some suggestions, just want to make sure to include it with our existing language that has been approved.  Anna states that if any committee wants to bring anything to the board, please feel free to contact the executive committee. Anna adds that the executive committee is moving forward in hiring an executive director.

    2.      Items for vote: None

    3.      Budget Changes: None

    4.      Suggestions from Board: None


    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC) –

    1. New Projects:
      1. Laura De Silva is putting up a petition , the link with information for the petition is on the UMHCA website. Further discussion is needed and will also be referred to the Executive Committee. Terri asks Laura De Silva what the plan is to present this to various insurance companies. Laura states her plan is to also send it to the political representatives, not just the insurance companies.
      2. Proposing Multicultural CEUs, several other states have a requirement for Multicultural CEU’s for their biannual renewal, and with the current climate around diversity and multicultural issues, we think it would be positive to propose to DOPL to require that. The proposal would ask 2 Multicultural CEU’s be required for CMHC renewals.
      3. Anna will be going to the AMHCA leadership conference, we are attempting to make connections with the leaders of the Western Area Conference chapters to see them quarterly or yearly to improve communication with them.  
    2. Update of Progress
      1. Letters to Legislators have been put on hold until after January due to election and holidays, we’ve had little response.  
      2. Our strategic plan for our committee included looking into getting a lobbyist to make connections and sort through any issues that arise. We’d like to do more education and outreach to the community and legislators.
      3. As a reminder, January will be the next legislative session, if you hear anything, send it to the LPP Committee so that we can track items that come up..
      4. DOPL has not done too much with SB 23, they are trying to decide which states are green lights. They are still figuring out what their requirements are.
      5. Jordan states she was unable to attend the latest PPL committee meeting at AMHCA.
        1. Gray stated it was a review of what happened with the recent election results.
        2. AMHCA is looking at bringing together a series of infographics to make cases on certain things and how we can be supportive towards a better integrative health approach, and support President Elect Biden’s goals/approach towards Healthcare in the United States. Gray believes that integrative behavioral health with medical support and vice-a-versa, is the wave of the future.
    3. Items for vote:
      1. The LPPC committee, with the support of the board, would like to approach DOPL at the January 2021 meeting to require 2 CEU’s specific to multicultural/diversity training each renewal cycle for CMHC’s. 
      2. Terri seconds the motion, a discussion was opened.
        1. Requirements for CEU’s are across the board for LMFT’s, CMHC’s, and LCSW. Anna is wondering if we should also reach out to UTNASW and UAMFT, to get them on board as well.
      3. Terri withdraws her second, clarifying it needs to go the Executive Committee first.
      4. Gray also feels it should be brought up to BHWW and also get the executive committee to sign off on this.
      5. Conversation around why it needs to go to the executive committee, before going to the board takes place.
        1. Terri states the executive committee is the business arm of UMHCA, the structure that makes recommendations for the way funds are spent.. The task of going to DOPL and  requesting a change to the requirements for renewal is a much bigger picture item and should be brought to the executive committee ahead of time.
          1. It is suggested that more than just UMHCA should be involved with moving  it forward. We need to be able to think and approach from many perspectives and broader views. Suggestion to provide more information is made.
      6. Concern around reducing the LPPC to just an informational arm is mentioned.
        1. Terri believes it doesn’t reduce their power or purview, she feels the benefit of the executive team to weigh in and provide a broader view is important..
        2. Sara is wondering if bringing things to the board for vote is a way to get the inclusive view that the executive committee is seeking.
          1. Terri explains that part of the reason that the executive committee is a part of this is because it’s responsible for making sure that what UMHCA says it’s going to do, will be implemented, in an organized way
          2. Terri further explains that we want to avoid voting without having a way to accomplish the goal. If the board votes first, we might then have to reverse a board vote, there a lot of things that could happen.
            1. Anna shares it’s an interesting thing to think about what requires a vote and what does not, and so she is going to work to gain more education and training on this while she transitions from president elect to president.
            2. Anna wonders if it’s only an UMHCA proposal or if we need to come together with other organizations.
            3. Terri clarifies that if the motion were to be amended to: The LPPC would like the support of the board to go to DOPL to include 2 Multicultural CEU’s for the renewal.
              1. Terri feels it may not be necessary to vote on it and Anna agrees.
            4. Anna wonders if Gray has any thoughts on this.
              1. Gray states that all organizations have a way of governing; as UMHCA continues to mature, we’ll get an executive director and continue to grow in how we organize ourselves. This doesn’t have to impact autonomy or effectiveness of any committee. This is a more orderly, step-by-step action, to take time to work through things, which works to our advantage.
            5. Jordan states it sounds like we can bring this to the executive committee and then also reach out a little bit more and come back with something else.
            6. Terri states that she can consider this as bringing it to the executive committee, as they are holding their meeting next week.
      7. Budget Changes: None
      8. Suggestions from Board:

    3  Education & Conference Committee (EACC) Update of progress  in board – Meeting cancelled for October.

    1.      New Projects:

    1.      The committee met on November 11th to discuss the Spring Annual Conference. We decided to offer an online, one day, 8-hour conference, where people can opt in or out of sessions throughout the day or buy the complete package.  We intend to invite presenters whose proposals were already accepted for last year's cancelled conference, but didn’t get the opportunity to present.  We are hoping to offer 2-3 concurrent sessions. We are exploring online conference platforms such as HopIn, which allows for fluid networking and movement among "rooms". 

    2.      We hope to subsequently post conference recordings on our website for 'on demand' CE credits.  To power that, we are exploring software/services that automate the administration of an exam and CE certificates, so we need to automate that.  Carrie spent 25 hours just doing that, which is not sustainable going forward. We are looking to automate the whole online part. We would like to pay the person/s who administer the conference  (e.g. registration, certificates, exams) and so we would like to build a budget for people who power the conference. The actual delivery of the summer series took 65 to 70 hours, and this position needs to be paid, and Jim spent quite a few hours too. Ellen wonders if anyone has any thoughts, she checks in with Carrie to see if she has anything further to add. Carrie feels Ellen covered everything. Anna thinks this is great and is excited to hear more about it.

    3.      Jim points out that Carrie did a ton of work. We had 150+ attendees for the summer series, but Carrie handled over 230 certificates offline. The OnDemand CE option is off the scale. Jim agrees this is not sustainable and supports what Ellen is saying. Ellen shares that we more than doubled participation, but that we more than quadrupled the work needed to pull it off. Terri agrees with what has been said, we didn’t know it would take 65 hours, and now we know the process so that we can prepare for it

    2.       Update of Progress: None.

    3.      Items for vote: None

    4.      Budget Changes: None

    5.      Suggestions from Board: Continue to work on it and giving any updates as necessary.

    • 4.      Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)

    1.      New Projects

    1.      New additions to our website: at the bottom of every page is our diversity quote that “Diversity is our greatest strength.”

    2.      The font is intentional to look different because it grabs attention to the diversity quote. If you click on it, it goes to the policy page; Jim is waiting for the policy that will go in for that page when the executive committee approves the policy.

    1.      Terri states that the language needs to be strong enough to achieve what we are trying to do; it needs to be specific. Terri would want it to be stronger than just an anti-racist statement, it’s a non-discrimination policy. Terri is unsure who would be the best, or expert, to draft this policy for approval. She is not sure the executive committee was planning to write that.

        1. Jim states that he feels the executive committee needs to make an assignment to draft a policy. Terri asks if anyone feels passionate about drafting this statement. Sara states she feels passionate about it, and asks what peoples thoughts are to consult with the anti-racist group she belongs to? What would that look like to consult with them and if there is compensation needed. Sara wonders what peoples’ thoughts are? Jim loves the idea. Anna agrees that if Sara wants to take it on, to reach out to those she feels she needs to consult with. Sara said she reached out to them on Thursday and is waiting to hear back from them.  
      1. Join/Benefits UMHCA page is up, if anyone has any recommendations or wants to change anything, let Jim know and he will add it.
      2. Partner’s Tier is up on the website. It’s 100.00/year, there is no one in it at the moment. If we have people we want to put in this tier, it is an option. It was approved last month or the month before, let Jim know if needs to make any changes there.
      3. The executive committee tasked the PRMM committee to come up with a forum for other committees; in most committees pages, go down to projects, you now have a forum. Terri states we did do this previously, but we didn’t have enough storage on the site to keep using it that way. Jim states that if we keep the conversations on the forum and keep the files in the google drive, it should be fine for space. If this doesn’t meet the needs of the executive committee, reach out to Jim and he will address the request.
    1. Update of Progress:
    2. Items for vote:

    1.       I propose that Julie and all past presidents be placed in the past presidents tier.

      1. Jim suggests putting all past presidents to the Presidents Tier. It gives them free membership for the rest of their lives. Discussion around past limits was discussed. Anna states that this has been previously approved, so a vote is not needed, and Jim is able to add all past presidents to the tier.
    1. Budget Changes: None.
    2. Suggestions from Board: None.

    5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)

    1.      New Projects: None

    2.      Update of Progress:

    1.      Sandi states they held a meeting, they are putting up an initial structure, thinking tier based. Terri gave us a wonderful lists of what kind of benefits we could give to them for being our partner. We are not there yet for the partnership. Sandi wants a discussion with Jim concerning his knowledge about expanding their portion of the website. Or develop an entirely different website. Sandi asks if anyone has anything to add, she will reach out to Jim, and give an update in January. Anna gives the floor to Carrie, who is no longer at the meeting. Bryce will give the information for Carrie.

    3.      Items for vote: None

    4.      Budget Changes: None

    5.      Suggestions from Board: None

    6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) - HOLD

    7. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1.      New Projects: None

    2.      Update of Progress:

    1.      We did our presentation on getting the most out of supervision, next meeting is in January. The next presentation is entering the workforce and getting a job. Anna states the presentation was really good and a great turnout.

    1.       Ellen wonders if it is possible to record those so they can be posted online. Bryce states we can record for the future, but did not record this last presentation.

    3.      Items for vote: None

    4.      Budget Changes: None

    5.      Suggestions from Board: None


    8. Business of Governing Officers

    1.      President  - None.

    2.      President-elect – Anna reported the strategic plan is being finalized with everyone’s input. The beginning of next year, we might have another strategic planning mini meeting to get further suggestions. Motion to extend meeting for 10 minutes was called and approved..

    3.      Vice President  - None.

    4.      Secretary – None.

    5.      Presidential Advisor’s Report:

    1. None.

    6.      Treasurer Report:















    VII. Other Issues

    1.      Open to floor for discussion: None.

    2.      Any issues not already discussed above: Anna will get greater clarity on what requires a vote and will disseminate that information. Terri ends the meeting.

    VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting: 10:30 am.

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