Agenda Topics

  • 7 Jan 2021 4:08 PM | Anne Farley (Administrator)

    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

    January 9, 2021

    Board Meeting





     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1.      Welcome to those in attendance through Webinar.

    2.      Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance

    Governing Officers

    ·         Anna Lieber, LCMHC, President

    ·         Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary

    ·         Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President

    Board Members PRESENT are underlined+ These should be in alphabetical order

    1.      Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., EACC Chair                                                                

    2.      Jordan Briggs, LCMHC, LPPC Chair      

    3.      Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair                                                

    4.      Terri Goldstein, LCMHC, EXEC Chair                                                          

    5.      Carrie Graham, ACMHC, GSEP Chair                                   

    6.      Jim Macedone, ACMHC, PRMM Dual Chair 

    7.      Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor

    8.      Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer

    9.      Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President 

    10.  Julie Tucker, PRMM Chair  

    11.  Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair 

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    Quorum Present

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Minutes

    1.      Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting Minutes from November 2020 –

    2.      Secretary to give the floor to the President.

    3.      Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Special Announcements by the President 

    • Acknowledgments 

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1.      Executive Committee (EXEC)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of Progress

    1. Executive Director JD is in final edit. Board members will be included in selection of ED. 

    2. The reimbursement process of UMHCA dues for student UMHCA member volunteers is complete. Students will complete an application on line and a committee chair will approve reimbursement. 

    1. Items for vote:
    2. Budget Changes:
    3. Suggestions from Board:

    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)

    1. New Projects
      1. SB 27 & 28 - Physician Assistants
      2. 2021 Legislative Session begins Jan 19 -
        1. Contact representatives
    2. Update of Progress
      1. Will re-group this month
      2. DOPL Board Mtg Wed Jan 13
    3. Items for vote:
    4. Budget Changes:
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    3  Education & Conference Committee (EACC) Update of progress  in board

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of Progress
    3. Items for vote:
    4. Budget Changes:
    5. Suggestions from Board:
    • 4. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)

      1.      New Projects: Business Partnership Plan

      Benefits of being a Business Partner

    • ·      Network with leaders of organizations who like you are interested and concerned with the mental health and wellness of our community
    • ·      Opportunities to join with others in advocating for mental health services
    • ·      Increase your brand visibility with a statewide audience leading to student and faculty recruitment
    • ·      Opportunity for alliance agreement—generally, to participate in each other’s initiatives –access for the business partner, and program enhancements for UMHCA
    • ·      Access benefits and professional development opportunities for your employees
    • ·      Promote your organization and share your latest news, job openings, and program sharing opportunities with a targeted network of peer organizations and interested individuals.
    • ·      Receive discounted registration at UMHCA events and conferences.

    2.      Update of Progress: University of Utah Huntsman Institute

    3.      Items for vote: none

    4.      Budget Changes: none

    5.      Suggestions from Board: Input desired on pay scale for)BPP.

    5. Public Relations, Membership and Marketing (PRMM)

    1.      New Projects

    2.      Update of Progress

    3.      Items for vote:

    4.      Budget Changes:

    5.      Suggestions from Board:

    6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) - HOLD

    7. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1.      New Projects

    2.      Update of Progress

    3.      Items for vote:

    4.      Budget Changes:

    5.      Suggestions from Board:


    8. Business of Governing Officers

    1.      President  -

    • Request for 1:1 meetings in Jan/Feb with Chairs & Co-Chairs to discuss Strategic Plan/goals and needs

    2.      Presidential Advisor Report – 

    3.      Vice President  -

    4.      Secretary –

    5.      Treasurer Report:

    Checking $19,702.14
    Savings $1,623.71
    PayPal $1,519.63 USD
    Total $21,325.85
    Money In $5,575.65
    Money Out $960.39
    Net $4,615.26

    VII. Other Issues

    1.      Open to floor for discussion

    2.      Any issues not already discussed above

    VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting:

  • 26 Oct 2020 1:07 PM | Anne Farley (Administrator)

    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

    November 14, 2020

    Board Meeting





     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1.      Welcome to those in attendance through Webinar.

    2.      Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance

    Governing Officers

    ·         Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President

    ·         Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary

    ·         Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President

    Board Members PRESENT are underlined+ These should be in alphabetical order

    1.      Ellen Behrens, LCMHC, EACC Chair                                                                

    2.      Jordan Briggs, LCMHC, LPPC Chair      

    3.      Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair                                                

    4.      Anna Lieber, President-Elect, Graduate Student Chair                             

    5.      Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, EXEC Chair                                                          

    6.      Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor

    7.      Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer

    8.      Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President   

    9.      Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President 

    10.  Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair 

    11. Jim Macedone, ACMHC, PRMM Chair

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    Quorum Present

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Minutes

    1.      Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting Minutes from October 2020: –

    2.      Secretary to give the floor to the President.

    3.      Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Special Announcements by the President  

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1.      Executive Committee (EXEC)

    1.     Presidential Adviser's Report

    1.     Benefits of joining UMHCA Gray has recommended that there be a tab on the UMHCA website outlining the benefits of joining UMHCA

    2.   Julie requested that we incorporate possible attorney services

    3.    Business partnerships:

    1.  UMHCA received a request from Wake Forest University to share information with our membership regarding a timely research study. The EXEC agreed that this request should be considered as sponsorship opportunities are structured. Anna will continue to communicate with Wake Forest on this issue.
    2. Upcoming stakeholder meetings were discussed including:
      1. AMHCA Leadership Conference Nov 18th and Fall Conference Nov 19th & 20th
      2. DOPL Meeting 11/04/2020 at 9:00AM
      3. BHWW Group – next meeting 10/22/20 10:30 via zoom
      4.  Loan forgiveness – More information is needed for discussion
    1. Update of Progress
      1. President Elect's Report

    1.     Kristal James, of Rocky Mtn University, a new UT counselor educator program, that now employs Kristal, and several University of Phoenix personnel reach out to ask about a partnership with UMHCA. Anna states she invited them to the next EXEC meeting.

    2.     The committee discussed that UMHCA needs to outline what in our view, it means to partner with UMHCA.

    3.     The committee brain-stormed some ideas UMHCA can offer such as: link on website, table at conferences, and student internship support.

    4.     The committee also discussed benefits UMHCA would appreciate such as involvement of program leadership with UMHCA board and introduction to students

    5.     Diversity & Inclusion Statement: The committee review the item added to the website at Terri reminded the EXEC that a thorough statement of inclusion, including procedure for harassment of any type was written and approved by the board. The document was shared with the committee.

    1.     The EXEC agreed to include the following tag line at the bottom of each UMHCA website page: “Differences are our greatest strength.”

    2.     The EXEC also agreed that the additional text posted by the PRM should be added to the existing board-approved statement, not stand alone.

    6.     Email management: There continue to be questions about email management for UMHCA.  

    1.     The email is now working. 

    2. Presidential Adviser's Report

    1.     Benefits of joining UMHCA Gray has recommended that there be a tab on the UMHCA website outlining the benefits of joining UMHCA. 

    2. Julie requested that we incorporate possible attorney services

    3. Business partnerships: PPAC will report.

    4. Other Business: Please EXEC minutes as the entry would have exceeded allowable limit.

    1. Items for vote: None
    2. Budget Changes: None
    3. Suggestions from Board:

    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)

    1. New Projects
      1. Multicultural CEU's
      2. Anna will be attending the AMHCA Leadership Conference where she will be able to meet with the Western state chapters. We would like to make connections and meet quarterly/on a regular schedule with state chapters from the states around us. 
    2. Update of Progress
      1. Letters to legislators are being put on hold until January due to the election and holidays. 
      2. Discussed strategic plan for LPP committee for the next year - lobbyist, more education and outreach on committee, community, and legislative levels, and connections with legislators.
      3. We are heading into the 2021 Legislative session in late January - please forward any information on bills relating to mental health counseling or client services to
      4. DOPL meeting update: The CMHC DOPL board is still attempting to sort out which states they will accept licensure by endorsement from.
      5. Updates on AMHCA PPL Committee - Gray?
    3. Items for vote:
      1. The LPP committee, with the support of the board, would like to approach DOPL at the January 2021 meeting about requiring 2 CEU's specific to multicultural/diversity training each renewal cycle for CMHC's. 
    4. Budget Changes: None.
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    3  Education & Conference Committee (EACC) Update of progress  in board

    1. New Projects.  The EACC met on 11/11/20 to discuss the spring Annual Conference.  We decided to offer an 8 hour online conference, due to COVID-19.  We intend to invite presenters whose proposals were accepted for last year's cancelled conference.  We are exploring online conference platforms such as HopIn, which allow for fluid networking and movement among "rooms".  We hope to subsequently post conference recordings on our website for 'on demand' CE credits.  To power that, we are exploring software/services that automate the administration of exam and CE certificates.  We will purchase a DOPL email list in January to promote the event. We would like to pay the person/s who administer the conference  (e.g. registration, certificates) and will build a budget for that by February.  
    2. Update of Progress
    3. Items for vote:
    4. Budget Changes:
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)

    1. New Projects
      1. Diversity is our Greatest Strength footer
      2. Benefits/Join page
    2. Update of Progress
      1. Partners tier
      2. Online forums
    3. Online forums
    4. Items for vote:
      1. In honor of Julie's last Board meeting as president, I propose that Julie and all past presidents be placed in the past presidents tier.
    5. Budget Changes:
    6. Suggestions from Board:

    5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)

    1.      New Projects

    2.      Update of Progress

    3.      Items for vote:

    4.      Budget Changes:

    5.      Suggestions from Board:

    6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) - HOLD

    7. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1.      New Projects

    2.      Update of Progress

    3.      Items for vote:

    4.      Budget Changes:

    5.      Suggestions from Board:


    8. Business of Governing Officers

    1.      President  -

    2.      President-elect – 

    3.      Vice President  -

    4.      Secretary –

    5.      Presidential Advisor’s Report:

    6.      Treasurer Report:

    Checking $15,182.79
    Savings $1,623.65
    PayPal $1,508.57
    Total $18,315.01
    Income $544.00
    Expense $443.98
    Net $100.02

    VII. Other Issues

    1.      Open to floor for discussion

    2.      Any issues not already discussed above

    VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting:


  • 15 Sep 2020 9:15 AM | Jim Macedone (Administrator)

    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

    October 10, 2020

    Board Meeting





     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1.      Welcome to those in attendance through Webinar.

    2.      Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance

    Governing Officers

    ·         Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President

    ·         Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President

    ·         Terri Goldstein, LCMHC, Secretary

    Board Members PRESENT are underlined+ These should be in alphabetical order

    1. Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., EACC Chair
    2. Jordan Briggs, CMHC, LPPC Chair
    3. Carrie Graham, ACMHC, GSEP Chair, EACC Co-Chair
    4. Jim Macedone, ACMHC, PRMM Chair
    5. Anna Lieber, President-Elect
    6. Terri Goldstein, LCHMC, EXEC Chair
    7. Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor
    8. Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer
    9. Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President
    10. Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President, PRMM Chair
    11. Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair 

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    Quorum Present

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Minutes

    1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting Minutes from September 2020–
    2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
    3. Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Special Announcements by the President 

    • 1.     

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1.      Executive Committee (EXEC) - Meeting not held.

    1. Business of Governing Officers
      1. President's Report: None
      2. President Elect's Report
      3. Vice Presidents: None
      4. Secretary's Report
      5. Treasurer's Report 
      6. Presidential Adviser's Report
        1. AMHCA Update: AMHCA Fall 2020 Virtual Summit, "Integrating Cultural Competency Skills Into Your Practice." It is scheduled for November 19 and 20. I believe it is free if you are registered for the June 2021 AMHCA conference in Las Vegas, $100 for AMHCA members not registered, and $150 for non members of AMHCA. A total of 10 CEs are available. More info at
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of Progress
    3. Items for vote:
    4. Budget Changes:
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of Progress 
      1. S. 785 - VA
      2. Medicaid
    3. Items for vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    3  Education & Conference Committee (EACC)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of Progress 
      1. 2020 Summer Series continues to bring in revenue, particularly as counselors prepared for license renewal this past month.
    3. Items for vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)

    1. New Projects
      1. Website changes
        1. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion statement (admin view only for now)
        2. Response to the Strategic Planning Meeting comments: Committees represented on the home page
    2. Update of Progress 
      1. Business partners proposal (not a voting item)
        1. One membership per entity (if I have more than one business, I don't get all of them for the price of one)
        2. No banners (its an outdated marketing practice)
        3. Logo on website; EXAMPLE:
        4. Discounted vendor table (or free if EACC approves)
        5. Discounted Conference tickets for their members
        6. $100 annual fee
        7. need initial guinea pigs (throwing a handful of coins into a brand-new water fountain): Key Core Beliefs, New Beginnings Counseling, Igniting Change, Paul Callister's private practice, etc)
      2. Analytics
        1. fun things to know about UMHCA's almost 600 clinicians website behaviors
        2. Spikes in website hits during and before conferences
        3. Passed the 500 mark
    3. Items for vote:
      1. Previously tabled: Motion to allow active, student UMHCA volunteers to lower their annual membership dues to $0.
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of Progress 
      1. UMHCA/NASW Supervisor Training- Defer to Ellen
      2. UNI
    3. Items for vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) - HOLD

    7. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of Progress
      1. Free training for students and emerging professionals on October 30, 2020: Getting the Most Out of Clinical Supervision with Marie Jackson, LCSW. Invitations sent out to directors of counseling and related programs throughout state.
    3. Items for vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    8. Business of Governing Officers

    1.      President  -

    2.      President-elect – 

    3.      Vice President  -

    4.      Secretary –

    5.      Treasurer Report:

    Income $1,524.00
    Expense $953.57
    Net $570.43
    Checking $15,099.84
    Savings $1,623.62
    PayPal $1,503.04
    Total $18,226.50

    VII. Other Issues

    1.      Open to floor for discussion

    2.      Any issues not already discussed above

    VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting:

  • 17 Aug 2020 10:20 AM | Anne Farley (Administrator)

    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

    September 12, 2020

    Board Meeting





     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1.      Welcome to those in attendance through Webinar.

    2.      Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance

    Governing Officers

    ·         Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President

    ·         Terri Goldstein, LCMHC, Secretary

    ·         Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President

    Board Members PRESENT are underlined+ These should be in alphabetical order

    1.      Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., EACC Chair                                                                

    2.      Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Chair      

    3.      Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair                                                

    4.      Anna Lieber, President-Elect, Graduate Student Chair   

    5.      Terri Goldstein, LCHMC, EXEC Chair                                                          

    6.      Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor

    7.      Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer

    8.      Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President   

    9.      Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President, PRMM Chair 

    10.  Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair 

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    Quorum Present

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Minutes

    1.      Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting Minutes from August 2020–

    2.      Secretary to give the floor to the President.

    3.      Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Special Announcements by the President 

    • 1.     

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1.      Executive Committee (EXEC)

    1. Business of Governing Officers
      1. President's Report: None
      2. President Elect's Report
        1. Strategic Planning: Planning Continues 
        2. Anna reported for the GSEP that Carrie Graham will be nominated to replace Anna as chair. Anna also recapped GSEP Committee activities previously reported. Additional ideas were discussed including supervision and test preparation.
      3. Vice Presidents: None
      4. Secretary's Report: UMHCA received an email to continue Staffing meetings, which needs to be addressed.
      5. Treasurer's Report 
      6. Presidential Adviser's Report
        1. Gray does not expect anything regarding Medicare until after the election.
    1. New Projects
      1. Internet marketing/Business sponsorship/partnership: Will be a focus of the UMHCA Strategic Planning Session
      2. One AMHCA: Pertains to changes is the membership structure between AMHCA and state affiliates. Bryce is participating on the One AMHCA committee. Consensus is that UMHCA would not want to be absent from the pilot group but more information is needed. Gray also mentioned a third idea that could also be an option, which he will take to AMHCA leadership.
        1. No complete update on Membership Management System, a shared database process between state affiliates and AMHCA.
        2. UMHCA much research how many UMHCA members are AMHCA members are members of UMHCA, or unified members.
        3. Gray states we must get a solid proposal from One AMCHA.
        4. One UMHCA will not be addressed at the Strategic Planning Meeting.
      3. Utah Mental Health Workforce Group and Report Committee: This is not the Behavioral Health Workforce Group. It is a venture done every few years that researches and reports on the status of mental health care in the community. The process includes evaluating the survey, gathering statistics, analysis and report. UMHCA has accepted the opportunity to service. Terri Goldstein will represent UMHCA on the committee.
      4. Gray discussed the importance of UMHCA board members participating in the various AMHCA committees.
      5. Gray also discussed needing someone to replace him on AMHCA over the next several years. Commitment is about two hours a week and representative must be a AMHCA member. It is about the desire to contribute, not the expertise. AMHCA is looking for other committee members.
      6. Discussed "hanging on to people" like Paul Callister for future leadership. Gray also discussed revisiting the two commitment of the president. This was tabled.
      7. The question of CACREP incorporated AMHCA Code of Ethics was discussed, and may be addressed in the future.
    2. Update of Progress
      1. DOPL Board has officially adopted the AMHCA Code of Ethics.
    3. Items for vote:
    4. Budget Changes:
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)

    1. New Projects
      1. PA's seeking CMHC licensure - discussion. Committee meeting Sept 15 at 1:00 pm. 
      2. Improving access to multicultural resources
    2. Update of Progress
      1. Template letter finalized and Sarah, Jordan, and Anne will begin reaching out to legislators in the coming weeks.
      2. DOPL update: SB 23 & State Licensure Portability - the CMHC DOPL board is looking over CMHC regulations in other states and determining what will be acceptable for people seeking licensure by endorsement. They made a list of requirements by state and will be reviewing each state's requirements and deciding on "red," "yellow," and "green" states during their next meeting. 
    3. Items for vote: None
    4. Budget Changes: None
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    3  Education & Conference Committee (EACC) Update of progress  in board

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of Progress    The Summer Series went well.  We had 151 registrants and 122 attended one or all sessions for a total of 81% attendance.  Engagement during sessions was good. There seems to be strong, continued interest in the online/on-demand sessions now available for CEs.  UMHCA  has earned $8,800 from the events, with ongoing earning expected to continue.  Thanks to Jim and Carrie for hosting and managing the events.  They worked hard and did a great job!

    Feedback was favorable, noting that the content was relevant, presenters were effective,  the low cost was compelling, and they liked the focus on ethics.  Concerns to sort out for future online sessions: 

    • emails with session links were sometimes "blocked" making it hard for some attendees to get access
    • tracking attendance is cumbersome given the platforms used
    • ideally there is a way we can show more faces (cameras on) during sessions, so presenters have a sense of their audience.  

    We now wonder about the possibility of doing quarterly sessions, live online (and subsequently available for on-demand viewing).  

    On a separate note, we have approved 14 CE seminar applications during 2020.

    1. Items for vote:
    2. Budget Changes:
    3. Suggestions from Board:

    4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)

    1. New Projects
      1. WispForms
    2. Update of Progress
      1. Training Page
    3. Items for vote:
    4. Budget Changes:
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)

    1.      New Projects

    2.      Update of Progress

    3.      Items for vote:

    4.      Budget Changes:

    5.      Suggestions from Board:

    6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) - HOLD

    7. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1.      New Projects

    2.      Update of Progress

    3.      Items for vote:

    4.      Budget Changes:

    5.      Suggestions from Board:


    8. Business of Governing Officers

    1.      President  -

    2.      President-elect – 

    3.      Vice President  -

    4.      Secretary –

    5.      Treasurer Report:

    1.      Zion's checking: 

    2.      Zion's money market: 

    3.      Zion's PayPal: 

    4.      Total:

    VII. Other Issues

    1.      Open to floor for discussion

    -*Jordan - Recording board meetings to post

    2.      Any issues not already discussed above

    VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting:


  • 7 Aug 2020 6:12 PM | Anne Farley (Administrator)

    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

    August 8, 2020

    Board Meeting Agenda




     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1.      Welcome to those in attendance through Webinar.

    2.      Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance

    Governing Officers

    ·         Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President

    ·         Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary

    ·         Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President

    Board Members PRESENT are underlined+ These should be in alphabetical order

    1.      Ellen Behrens, Ph.D., EACC Chair                                                                

    2.      Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Chair      

    3.      Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair                                                

    4.      Anna Lieber, President-Elect, Graduate Student Chair   

    5.      Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, EXEC Chair                                                          

    6.      Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presidential Advisor

    7.      Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer

    8.      Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President   

    9.      Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President, PRMM Chair 

    10.  Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair 

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    Quorum Present

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Minutes

    1.      Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting Minutes from July 2020 –

    2.      Secretary to give the floor to the President.

    3.      Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Special Announcements by the President 

    • 1.     

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1.      Executive Committee (EXEC)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of Progress
    3. Items for vote:
    4. Budget Changes:
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of Progress
      1. Anne created a template email to send out this month once it goes through the committee for editing.
      2. Website revisions ongoing
      3. S. 785 - Veterans Affairs bill
      4. HR 945 - Medicaid
    3. Items for vote:
    4. Budget Changes:
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    3  Education & Conference Committee (EACC) Update of progress  in board

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of Progress
    3. Items for vote:
    4. Budget Changes:
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of Progress
    3. Items for vote:
    4. Budget Changes:
    5. Suggestions from Board:

    5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)

    1.      New Projects

    2.      Update of Progress

    3.      Items for vote:

    4.      Budget Changes:

    5.      Suggestions from Board:

    6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) - HOLD

    7. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1.      New Projects

    2.      Update of Progress

    3.      Items for vote:

    4.      Budget Changes:

    5.      Suggestions from Board:


    8. Business of Governing Officers

    1.      President  -

    2.      President-elect – 

    3.      Vice President  -

    4.      Secretary –

    5.      Treasurer Report:

    Balances as of August 7, 2020
    Checking $17,614.70
    Savings $1,623.56
    PayPal $1,506.86
    Total $20,745.12
    Money in $5,854.00
    Money out $944.40
    Net $4,909.60
    Since Jan 1
    Money in $26,766.00
    Money out $28,097.94
    Net -$1,331.94

    4.      Total:

    VII. Other Issues

    1.      Open to floor for discussion

    2.      Any issues not already discussed above

    VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting:

  • 8 Jul 2020 9:29 AM | Anonymous
    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association
    JULY 11, 2020
     Board Meeting Agenda

     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
    2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
    Governing Officers
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
    • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Vice President
    • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary
    • Anna Lieber, LCMHC, President-elect
    • Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer

    Board Members

    1. Ellen Behrens, Phd, EACC Chair                                                                
    2. Jordan Briggs, LCMHC, LPPC Chair                                                        
    3. Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair                                                
    4. Anna Lieber, Graduate Student Chair                                                       
    5. Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, EXEC Chair                                                          
    6. Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor                                                  
    7. Dennis Tucker, LCSW, GBAB Chair                                                              
    8.  Julie Tucker, LCMHC, PRMM Chair                                                            
    9. Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair
    10. Bryce Poorman, ACMHC, Treasurer                                                                       

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    Do we have a Quorum, five (5) voting members in attendance?

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from January
    1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month
    2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
    3. Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Unfinished Business from Last Month                                                                                       

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1. Executive Committee (EXEC)

    1. New Projects
      1. Update from AMHCA 2020 conference - (Gray/Anna) 
    2. Update of progress - 
      1. Strategic Planning meeting Forum brainstorming and Doodle Poll are still open
      2. Currently best dates are end of July and towards the end of August on weekends. 
      3. With the current increase in COVID-19 - do we want to look at extending the date range? 
    3. Items for vote: 
      1. Continuing office space and Internet
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board

    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee (LPPC)

    1. New Projects
      1. DOPL update - DOPL met 7/8/2020 and discussed SB 68, SB 23, and Telehealth. 
        1. SB 68 - Clarified language: Vocational Rehabilitation is a "practice setting" not a license. The licenses are Rehabilitation Counseling and Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling. Both are able to seek licensure currently as a CMHC through SB 68, the board did not go into the exact differences between the two and noted CACREP notes few differences. DOPL will be collecting data and reporting on how many applicants apply through this bill, how many are approved, and recommended changes in the 2021 interim session. 
        2. SB 23 - Licensure Portability: Individuals from other states can obtain a CMHC license in Utah if they have had an equivalent license in another state for one year and are in good standing. The board is working on clarifying under what terms individuals from other states would be able to obtain CMHC licensure. Discussed supervision hours, testing, practice hours, and scope of practice in other states. No decisions were made and it will continue to be discussed. 
        3. Telehealth - Typically, upon a client moving to Utah, a clinician outside of the state has 10 days to notify DOPL that they are providing telehealth, and are able to provide telehealth for a 45 day period. Currently Utah is waiving requirements during the pandemic only while the 'state of emergency' is in effect, which means outside clinicians can do telehealth with people who have relocated to Utah until the state of emergency is over. Once it is over, they will either need to discontinue at that time or apply for licensure in Utah to continue telehealth.
    2. Update of progress
      1. LPPC webpage revised - mission statement adjusted; working on adding in current projects, operating procedures, meeting minutes, advocacy interest areas, DOPL updates, and easy to digest information on licensing and rules.
      2.  Jim will be sending out in an email blast - update from AMHCA - On June 30, the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a legislative hearing that included H.R. 945, which provides Medicare reimbursement to mental health counselors. This historic hearing was the first time that counselor Medicare legislation was evaluated as a stand-alone measure. All previous congressional action included our legislation as a piece of a broader health care package. We urge you to contact your Representative this week and ask him/her to include H.R. 945 in the House Energy and Commerce markup of mental health legislation. AMHCA has a template email prepared to contact representatives available at
      3. Anne is creating an email template to reach out to members of the Health and Human Services Committee in the House and the Senate. We will reach out to representatives on that committee that serve in Davis, Box Elder, Weber, and Salt Lake Counties. We will reach out to those we receive responses from and request their presence at a committee meeting, as well as build the relationship through exploring their interests in this area, providing resources, and determining where we can mutually benefit.
    3. Items for vote 
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
    3.  Education & Conference Committee (EACC) Update of progress
    1. New Projects  
    2. Update of progress  
    3. Items for vote 
    4. Budget Changes 
    5. Suggestions from Board
    4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
    1. New Projects
      1. Google Group will be migrated to the GSuite, names will be deleted who are not active members of UMHCA
      2. FYI: Google is changing their GSuite
    2. Update of progress
      1. Referral System, "suggested fee"
      2. Pivot tables instead of badges
      3. Board Page (bios and photos needed)
    3. Items for vote
      1. Proposal: Level change called "Committee" for students (or members) who are on committees of UMHCA to have their annual fee's waived.
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
    5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board

    6. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1. New Projects 
      1. Working on a new UMHCA flyer focusing on encouraging joining committees for students 
    2. Update of progress
      1. Next student webinar will be on clinical supervision and is at the end of Sept 2020 - currently reaching out to qualified supervisors to present. 
    3. Items for vote - None
    4. Budget Changes - None 
    5. Suggestions from Board

    8. New Projects or Concerns

    9. Business of Governing Officers

    1. President
    2. President-elect 
    3. Vice President
    4. Secretary
    5. Treasurer Report

    V. Issues

    1. Open to floor for discussion
    2. Any issues not already discussed above
    VI. Secretary to Close the meeting

  • 5 Jun 2020 1:05 PM | Terri Elise Goldstein
    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association
    JUNE 13, 2020
     Board Meeting Agenda

     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
    2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
    Governing Officers
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
    • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary
    • Anna Lieber, LCMHC, P
    • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Treasurer

    Board Members

    1. Ellen Behrens, Phd, EACC Chair                                                                
    2. Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Chair                                                        
    3. Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair                                                
    4. Anna Lieber, Graduate Student Chair                                                       
    5.  Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, EXEC Chair                                                          
    6. Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor                                                  
    7. Dennis Tucker, LCSW, GBAB Chair                                                              
    8.  Julie Tucker, LCMHC, PRMM Chair                                                            
    9. Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair                                                                       

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    Do we have a Quorum, five (5) voting members in attendance?

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from January
    1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month
    2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
    3. Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Unfinished Business from Last Month                                                                                       

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1. Executive Committee (EXEC)

    1. New Projects
      1. Update on president
      2. New Revenue Streams discussion (PRMM/PPAC)
      3. Paul Carver retiring
      4. Licensure Portability: DOPL sent out a generic letter explaining Utah’s attempt to increase license portability for those coming into Utah. It is not specific to Mental Health. Senate Bill 23.
    2. Update of progress
      1. Strategic Planning (Anna Lieber)
      2. Anne Farley, EXEC Assistant
      3. Medicare/COVID-19: The focus is on the Senate as it did not make it into the House Bill.

    3. Items for vote: Presidential Appointments
      1. Vice president: Dennis A. Tucker, LCSW
      2. Treasurer: Bryce Poorman
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board

    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee (LPPC)

    1. New Projects
      1. Anne put together a list of representatives in the state and we will begin to reach out to them and start to build relationships with key senate and house representatives.
      2. Content for emails - using UMHCA's newsletters to disseminate some legislative information.
      3. Revise LPPC webpage to help recruit new members and make it easier to access information. Update LPPC mission statement.
      4. Working with GSEP committee for recruitment.
    2. Update of progress
      1. We are on several email lists for legislative and mental health-related updates. If anyone receives newsletters that may be good to subscribe to please let us know. Also, if you receive legislative-related events, please forward them to
      2.  Medicare reimbursement did not go through in the House, but may be pushed through in the Senate. Individuals are encouraged to contact representatives to urge them to include this.
      3. Budget?
    3. Items for vote 
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
    3.  Education & Conference Committee (EACC) Update of progress
    1. New Projects  
    2. Update of progress  

      The Education and Conference Committee will offer a Summer Series of five weekly sessions, during the month of August (Mondays, noon-2:00 PM).  Each session will be initially delivered "live" online, with an online audience, via GotoPresentations   In addition, we will record each session to post online for "on demand" viewing.  We will have 3 sessions on Ethics (each 2 hours)  and 1 session on suicide intervention (2 hours).  Also, we will offer  1 free session on The Essentials of Clinical Mental Health Counseling to anyone who registers for a session in the Summer Series (2 hours) .  Attendees who successfully complete an online survey for a session will receive a CE certificate via email.  

      Presentations:  Janine Wanlass, Ph.D. on Ethics and Telehealth; Robin Tracey, CMHC on LGBTQIA+ and Ethics; Ken Roach, Ph.D. on The new 2020 AMHCA Ethics Code; Talysha Tingey, CMHC and Amber Willis, Ph.D. on Suicide and Teenagers; Gray Ottis, Ph.D. on The Essentials of Clinical Mental Health Counseling

      There are minimal costs associated with the Summer Series.  We will purchase GotoPresentations for 2 months, which costs $118.  We will market using the DOPL mail lists that we purchased for the March conference (DOPL has OKed that).  And, we can store the sessions free online. Many thanks to Jim for researching and setting up the technology for this!  

      Fees:  $120 Non-Member Series, $90 Member Series, $50 Student Series, $25 Non-Member Session, $20 Member Session, $10 Student Session.  

       Given that license renewal is in September, we anticipate that these topics will be in demand, especially if we advertise soon.  If we have the "ok" to proceed, I will confirm the presenters and we will begin marketing ASAP.  

    3. Items for vote 
    4. Budget Changes 
    5. Suggestions from Board
    4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
    1. New Projects
      1. Marketing to Partners (referral system, added value)
    2. Update of progress
      1. Membership stats
      2. Email statement hits
      3. Training page
    3. Items for vote
      1. We propose to create a referral system in which agencies can list their services (for no additional charge) on our website so long as they have an active member in their ranks. 
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
    5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board

    6. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1. New Projects
      1. Starting an educational series for students & EPs with quarterly training sessions focused on: supervision, ethics, applying for DOPL/networking, high risk situations
    2. Update of progress
        1. Focusing on continuing outreach to graduate schools in the fall and including other graduate disciplines in UT

    3. Items for vote 
    4. Budget Changes 
    5. Suggestions from Board

    8. New Projects or Concerns

    9. Business of Governing Officers

    1. President
    2. President-elect 
    3. Vice President
    4. Secretary
      1. Documentation
      2. Card
    5. Treasurer Report
      1. Quickbooks purchase approved
      2. Budgeting (aspirational)
      3. Reports (Unable to access Quickbooks - Will begin detailed reports next board meeting)
        1. Checking: $11,550.69
        2. Savings: $1,623.50
        3. PayPal: $3,242.80
        4. Total: $16,416.99

    V. Issues

    1. Open to floor for discussion
    2. Any issues not already discussed above
    VI. Secretary to Close the meeting

  • 6 May 2020 3:10 PM | Terri Elise Goldstein
    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association
    MAY 9, 2020
    Board Meeting Agenda

     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
    2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
    Governing Officers
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
    • Scott Carter, LCMHC, Vice President
    • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary
    • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Treasurer

    Board Members

    1. Ellen Behrens, Phd, EACC Chair                                                                
    2. Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Chair      
    3. Scott Carter, LCMHC, Vice President                                                     
    4. Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair                                                
    5. Anna Lieber, Graduate Student Chair                                                       
    6.  Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, EXEC Chair                                                          
    7. Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor                                                  
    8. Dennis Tucker, LCSW, GBAB Chair                                                              
    9.  Julie Tucker, LCMHC, PRMM Chair                                                            
    10. Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair                                                                       

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    Do we have a Quorum, six (5) voting members in attendance?

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from January
    1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month
    2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
    3. Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Unfinished Business from Last Month                                                                                       

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1. Executive Committee (EXEC)

    1. AMHCA has changed the June annual conference to a virtual event. Registrants will have the option to apply registrations fees to the virtual event, future on-site events and other fees. UMHCA board members who planned to attend will consider the options.
    2. Supervision Workshop being spearheaded by Ellen is currently on hold.
    3. Strategic Planning Meeting-Anna will address a new timeframe for the board's strategic planning committee meeting, which has been on hold due to COVID-19.
    4. Anna reported that UMHCA and DOPL will hold it's first licensing workshop for counseling students.
    5. UMHCA followed through with a nomination to the Counselor DOPL Board: Abby Crouse
    2. New Projects or Concerns
    1. Medicare Reimbursement effort for Senate and House Bills to me merged with next COVID-19 Relief Bill. Julie will send to PRMM/Jim to send email to members.
    2. Mental Health Tsunami- AMHCA is preparing for a mental health crisis and is preparing  public awareness materials. Gray will share an infographic currently being designed.
    3. Business of Governing Officers 
    1. EXEC members discussed the challenges and ethics related to insurance paneling and billing in the midst of clinical practice changes.
    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote 
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
    3  Education & Conference Committee (EACC) Update of progress
    1. New Projects  
    2. Update of progress  
    3. Items for vote 
    4. Budget Changes 
    5. Suggestions from Board
    4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
    5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board

    6. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
      1. Completed UMHCA orientation/education with UofU students in April 2020
      2. Online Webinar held on 4/30/20 with Paul Carver from DOPL presenting on applying for ACMHC, full licensure, and DOPL Q&A 
    3. Items for vote 
    4. Budget Changes 
    5. Suggestions from Board
    8. Business of Governing Officers
    1. President - Executive Committee Presidential Appointments
      1. Vice president
      2. Secretary
      3. Treasurer
      4. Presidential Advisor
    2. President-elect - Strategic Planning
    3. Vice President
    4. Secretary
    5. Treasurer Report        

    V. Issues

    1. Open to floor for discussion
    2. Any issues not already discussed above
    VI. Secretary to Close the meeting

  • 6 Mar 2020 6:19 PM | Terri Elise Goldstein
    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association
    March, 2020
    Board Meeting Agenda


     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
    2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
    Governing Officers
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
    • Scott Carter, LCMHC, Vice President
    • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary
    • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Treasurer

    Board Members

    1. Ellen Behrens, Phd, EACC Chair                                                                
    2. Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Chair      
    3. Scott Carter, LCMHC, Vice President                                                     
    4. Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair                                                
    5. Anna Lieber, Graduate Student Chair                                                       
    6.  Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, EXEC Chair                                                          
    7. Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor                                                  
    8. Dennis Tucker, LCSW, GBAB Chair                                                              
    9.  Julie Tucker, LCMHC, PRMM Chair                                                            
    10. Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair                                                                       

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    Do we have a Quorum,  five (5) voting members in attendance?

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from January
    1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month
    2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
    3. Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Special Announcements by the President 

    1. Upcoming Board Meetings
    2. Annual Conference

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1. Executive Committee (EXEC)
      1. New Projects
        1. Gray alert the EXEC about the Annual Report. Annual Report was submitted.
      2. Update of progress: 
        1. Revisited UMHCA representation at the AMHCA Annual meeting in June. Gray will contact AMHCA to request that they extend the early bird to  UMHCA.
        2. Revisit previous vote of 8/2019 to clarify:  UMHCA will sponsor the conference registration for members of the EXEC to attend the AMHCA Annual Meeting in June.
        3. Gray reported on the cross-disciplinary supervisor criteria, training, and potential certification. Also discussed offering such training in full at the Fall conference.
    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
    1. New Projects
      1. Email Sen Weiler to thank him for work on SB 68
      2. Getting in touch with other Legislative Committees through LMFT, LCSW's, etc.
      3. Committee sign up sheet for annual conference
    2. Update of progress
      1. SB 68 passed
      2. DOPL Meeting March 11 
    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
    3  Education & Conference Committee (EACC) Update of progress
    1. New Projects  None
    2. Update of progress 

       The March 27 Annual Conference was cancelled, due to COVID-19. We will refund all registration fees and vendor table fees and reschedule the Annual Conference to August 2020.  In the intervening months the committee will offer up to 4 hours of live streamed CEs (2 hour ethics, 2 hours suicide).

      As background:

      - The $890 spent on conference mailings will be the only expenses that we will not recoup.

      - We considered cancelling the in person conference and instead recording and posting sessions online.  However, I contacted DOPL to ask if they would consider recorded online sessions as "in person" CEs and they said no.  

      -We hope that live streamed webinars (1-2 hours each) will enable us to recoup our financial loss and will enable registrants to obtain their essential credits well in advance of license renewal in September.  

      -The rescheduled Annual conference will also occur before license renewal, so that participants can still earn all credits in time.  We will announce a rescheduled date ASAP so that registrants know they can still obtain credits in time.  

    3. We discussed the idea of live-streaming the conference on March 27, but agreed that we aren't equipped to live stream 4 concurrent sessions and would need to hire that out, which is likely quite expensive and not feasible at this late date.  

    4. Items for vote - None
    5. Budget Changes - None
    6. Suggestions from Board - Ellen and Jim will email registrants and post an announcement on the website today.  Sandi will contact vendors.
    4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
    5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board

    6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) - HOLD

    7. Graduate Student & Emerging Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress - Upcoming DOPL training for new graduates and emerging professional on April 16th - will move to online platform and contact Paul Carver to ensure he is still comfortable. 
    3. Items for vote - none 
    4. Budget Changes. - none 
    5. Suggestions from Board
    8. Business of Governing Officers
    1. President 
    2. President-elect
    3. Vice President
    4. Secretary
    5. Treasurer Report 
      1. Zion's checking: $32,338.84
      2. Zion's money market: $1,623.40
      3. PayPal: $3,226.21

    VII. Other Issues

    1. Open to floor for discussion
    2. Any issues not already discussed above
    VIII. Secretary to Close the meeting

  • 7 Feb 2020 7:36 PM | Terri Elise Goldstein
    Utah Mental Health Counselors Association
    February 8, 2020
    Board Meeting Agenda

     I.  Call to Order by Secretary

    II.  Welcome to ALL in attendance By Secretary

    1. Welcome those in attendance through Webinar.
    2. Recognition of ALL Board members in attendance
    Governing Officers
    • Julie Tucker, LCMHC, President
    • Scott Carter, LCMHC, Vice President
    • Terri Goldstein, ACMHC, Secretary
    • Dennis Tucker, LCSW, Treasurer

    Board Members

    1. Ellen Behrens, Phd, EACC Chair                                                                
    2. Jordan Briggs, ACMHC, LPPC Chair      
    3. Scott Carter, LCMHC, Vice President                                                     
    4. Carrie Graham, ACMHC, EACC Dual Chair                                                
    5. Anna Lieber, Graduate Student Chair                                                       
    6.  Terri Goldstein, ACHMC, EXEC Chair                                                          
    7. Gray Otis, LCMHC, Presdential Advisor                                                  
    8. Dennis Tucker, LCSW, GBAB Chair                                                              
    9.  Julie Tucker, LCMHC, PRMM Chair                                                            
    10. Sandi Williams, LMFT, PPAC Chair                                                                       

    List of Voting Members who are Absent

    Do we have a Quorum, six (5) voting members in attendance?

    III.  Secretary - Call to Ratify Notes from January
    1. Secretary to call for motion to ratify meeting notes from last month
    2. Secretary to give the floor to the President.
    3. Meeting Called to Order

    IV.  Unfinished Business from Last Month                                                                                       

    V. Committee Updates & Votes

    1. Executive Committee (EXEC)

    1. New Projects
      1. Executive Director- Julie proposed a budget, which will be sent for board vote. The motion is for a budget of $800-$1,000 per month with an annual contract that will be renewable. Up to 10 hours per week. Responsibilities will include those that contribute to UMHCA's business acumen, budgets, bylaws, licenses, etc., and support for the president.
      2. Action Needed: SB 68
    2. Update of progress
      1. Strategic Planning - To be held in August 2020
      2. Attorney subscription -Plan for fall roll out- ad hoc committee (Jim, Anna, Julie, Dennis)
      3. Attorney for UMHCA-Attorney Eric Johnson is interested in working with UMHCA. Motion to the board to allow for a $3,000 retain for his services.
      4. Behavioral Healthcare Workforce Work Group (BHWW)- Quiet
      5. DOPL's efforts to change ethical guidelines for counselors in UT- We will take the lead for attendees from Gray Otis. Researching CACREP's official stance on this matter. 
    3. Items for vote
      1. I motion that the UMHCA Board allocate up to $12,000 annually to employ an executive director through an annual contract of 5-10 hours per week.
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
    2. Legislative & Public Policy Committee. (LPPC)
    1. New Projects
      1. SB 68 - Substitution 2 changes
        1. Continue telling people to contact legislators, continue monitoring
        2. BHWW Meeting - Mon Feb 10, 2:30 - 4 pm 
        3. Communicating with Ken Roach, who is communicating with Senator Weiler and the UPA
      2. Tracking bills in the legislative session - HB 35 - Mental health treatment access amendments, HB 38 - Substance use and healthcare amendments, HB 219 - Mental health amendments, SB 89 - Mental health services amendments
      3. Finding local senators - each person on the committee find your local legislators and send a list to
      4. Meeting with Senators - May/June 2020?
    2. Update of progress
      1. Disseminating easy-to-digest information to the public, especially emerging professionals - haven't started, will be collaborating with GSEP committee
      2. Meetings - First Friday of each month at 5:30 pm - Next meeting is March 6, 2020. 
    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
    3  Education & Conference Committee (EACC) Update of progress
    1. New Projects  None
    2. Update of progress  All sessions have been selected and presenters have been confirmed.  Tentative Conference Schedule is posted on the website.  Early Bird will close Feb 27.  We will need 7 volunteers to staff the conference and Anna Lieber's committee will facilitate that.  Bryce is ordering bags, pens, paper for conference sway.
    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
    4. Public Relations, Marketing & Membership Committee (PRMM)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote
      1. $500 for a board room computer
      2. $1000 for mailer
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board
    5. Professional Partnership & Associate Partnership Committee (PPAC)
    1. New Projects
    2. Update of progress
    3. Items for vote
    4. Budget Changes
    5. Suggestions from Board

    6. General Board & Advisory Board Committee (GBAB) - HOLD

    7. Graduate Student & Emergin Professionals Committee (GSEP)

    1. New Projects
    1. Paul Carver (DOPL Board) will present a free educational event for all UMHCA members & students to attend on applying for licensure in April 2020. This will be online and live at the UMHCA office. Date pending. 
    2. Preparing flyer to be given at UMHCA conference on GSEP offerings. 
    3. Have 3 volunteers for UMHCA conference - working with EACC on coordination. Estimate need for 14 volunteers. 
    4. Student Poster session for UMHCA conference 
    1. Update of progress
    1. Contacted online schools with information about UMHCA for MH students in UT. Continue to work on reaching more schools. Please email with any online graduate school contacts. 
    2. Have started the UMHCA internship site list for graduate students and received confirmation from 2 MH agencies for inclusion on the list. 
    3. Next meeting February 19, 2020 @ 6:30pm
    1. Items for vote - none 
    2. Budget Changes. - none 
    3. Suggestions from Board
    8. Business of Governing Officers
    1. President 
    2. President-elect
    3. Vice President
    4. Secretary
    5. Treasurer Report - 
      1. Bank $26,532.67
        PayPal $4,149.79

    V. Issues

    1. Open to floor for discussion
    2. Any issues not already discussed above
    VI. Secretary to Close the meeting

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